Optional fee increase for local roads?

Next Thursday, April 27 the state Senate will vote on a bill that would allow towns to add $5 to annual car registrations to fund local transportation improvements.
Current state law already allows towns to charge an additional $5; this bill would increase the maximum optional fee to $10. Any fee increase would need to be approved through the local legislative process.
Bill supporters note that the optional fee was set in 1997 and has never increased.
“It is felt that allowing an increase from $5 to a maximum of $10 would be reasonable when compared to overall cost increases since 1997,” wrote Rep. Franklin Sterling.
Other supporters point to the poor condition of many of New Hampshire’s local roads and bridges.
Bill opponents argue that an optional fee increase of 100% is excessive.
Other opponents note that the legislature is considering a different bill to increase state grants to municipalities for local road and bridge projects.
Should towns be allowed to charge an additional $5 for transportation improvements? Share your opinion in the comments below.
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