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100 dollars plus mileage legislator pay

$100 Plus Mileage is a podcast about what’s going on in the New Hampshire Legislature that probably hasn’t made the news but still could impact you. Hosts Anna Brown and Mike Dunbar give you the unbiased facts, pros, and cons, and highlight opportunities for you to get involved and make your voice heard.

Citizens Count also offers guides on how to incorporate our podcast episodes into the social studies classroom. Click here to learn more.

$100 Plus Mileage is brought to you by Citizens Count and the Granite State News Collaborative.

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Bonus Episode: What's in a name?

Audio file

In this episode hosts Mike Dunbar and Anna Brown discuss the meaning behind the title, "$100 Plus Mileage."

Season 5

Should NH prohibit retailers from storing driver’s license data?

Should NH prohibit defamation lawsuits against those who report sexual misconduct?

Unpacking New Hampshire’s next budget

Should NH redesign its state flag?

Season 4

How to advocate for your cause through election season

Gone but not forgotten: these bills will probably come back in 2025

Should NH ban a credit card category for firearm purchases?

Should NH ban Chinese companies from buying land in the state?

Should NH license music therapists?

NH legislators take action on AI

Should NH regulate the batteries in electric scooters and E-bikes?

Do NH colleges and universities need a due process law?

2024's legislative graveyard: bills that have been killed this year

Should restaurants, bars face stiffer penalties for overserving alcohol?

Should NH remove the right to treasure hunt with a metal detector on school grounds?

Should state law require libraries to grant access to children’s records?

Should NH limit coyote hunting to coincide with pup season?

Should NH ban bots and regulate ticket resales?

Season 3

Putting a face to the name: New Hampshire proclaims new observances, names new bridges, and more

New law will allow EMTs to help K-9s

Should NH require rear-facing car seats for children under 2 years old?

Should NH mandate solid playground paths for wheelchairs?

Should NH lessen the penalty for driving without a driver’s license?

Should NH remove the requirement for schools to offer free period products in bathrooms?

Should NH make it a misdemeanor to intentionally make false reports of child abuse and neglect?

Should electric vehicle owners pay an annual fee to offset lost gas tax revenue?

Should NH allow students to test out of the requirement to attend high school?

Does NH need to license massage establishments?

Should NH exempt domestic abuse victims from wiretapping law?

Legislators call "Mulligan!" on bills from last year

Season 2

One vote can tip the scales in NH

How do I thoroughly research my candidates?

Should NH allow towns to borrow money to build broadband infrastructure anywhere, not just in "unserved" areas?

Top issues for Granite Staters heading into 2022 elections

Should NH law require police body cameras?

Should NH allow teens to work more hours during the school week?

A recent history of redistricting in NH

Should NH institute a “housing champion certification program” to incentivize municipalities to develop workforce housing?

Who should have the power to open roads to OHRVs: local officials or full town meetings?

Should NH allow scuba divers to catch lobsters?

Should NH repeal a law requiring embalming?

Should NH prohibit the sale of cosmetic products tested on animals?

Does NH need to do more to get lead out of school water?

Should NH crack down on roadside memorials?

Does NH need a law on game cameras to protect privacy, "fair chase" hunting?

Should NH prohibit discrimination against renters with housing vouchers?

Should NH create an easier process outside the courts for right-to-know complaints?

Should NH voters be allowed to wear political clothing at polling places?

Should NH bar employers from using credit history in employment decisions?

Should NH increase the fine for littering?

Should parents be allowed to teach driver education?

Should NH adopt ranked-choice voting?

A tale of "Crookies and Cream": Should NH allow raw milk ice cream?

Should NH ban cat declawing?

What would it look like if NH seceded?

NH House comes back with a bang: big bill votes in January

Season 1

Is it time to update the NH Constitution?

In NH, bills “by the people” are a reality

For some bills, the legislative session is just beginning

Is NH ready for the delivery robot revolution?

A holiday by any other name: from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to Columbus Day

NH futurists take note: weather experiments now require public input

Should NH give Granite Staters more time to file PFAS lawsuits?

Should law enforcement be prohibited from disseminating post-arrest photos except in limited circumstances?

Should NH add de-escalation and implicit bias training for police to state law?

Should NH allow patients to grow their own medical marijuana?

Should NH update its Fair Housing Law for federal funding?

Should NH freeze the tipped minimum wage if Congress raises the federal minimum wage?

Should NH ban landfills within 2 miles of state parks?

Should NH legalize historic horse racing?

Should NH add legal protections for “displaying” a firearm?

Do NH students need protection from school lunch debt policies?

Should private hunting preserves pay more taxes if they keep invasive species?

Should the state be prohibited from using facial recognition technology without a search warrant?

Should NH make “cyberflashing” a crime?

Should NH open the door for microblading at beauty salons?

Should NH require towns to allow tiny houses?

Should towns be allowed to process absentee ballots early?

Should NH allow hobby distilling of liquor?

northeast delta dental logo

Season 4 of $100 Plus Mileage was made possible by a generous donation from Northeast Delta Dental. Learn more at

NH Humanities logo

Season 2 of $100 Plus Mileage and accompanying classroom guides were made possible with support from New Hampshire Humanities, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Mellon Foundation. Learn more at

Thank you to our sponsors and donors