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We partner with the following organizations to increase citizen engagement in the Granite State. Click on an organization’s name to learn more about the organization and our partnership with them.

The entities included among our roster of partners are those whose work and values are in accord with our mission of facilitating citizen engagement in New Hampshire in a nonpartisan way. Each partner has their own unique approach to this mission and together complement our own efforts.

Constitutionally SpeakingConstitutionally Speaking
Constitutionally Speaking aims to inspire spirited, yet civil, dialogue among New Hampshire citizens about the Nation's founding document - and to promote the reintroduction of meaningful civics education in grades K-12 in schools throughout the state. The yearlong pilot project invites citizens young and old to join the discussion around its framing question: "How Does the Constitution Keep Up with the Times?"

Granite State News CollaborativeGranite State News Collaborative
The Granite State News Collaborative is a statewide multimedia news collaborative that draws on and amplifies the strengths of its members to expand and add missing dimensions to coverage of issues of concern to the NH public as a whole, as well as to particular communities. Citizens Count is proud to work with the collaborative by offering policy insights and analysis to inform their editorial process. We are also partnering with GSNC on an innovative civic engagement initiative aligned with their 2020 signature project.

NH Institute of PoliticsNH Institute of Politics
The New Hampshire Institute of Politics & Political Library was founded on the premise that an educated citizenry is vital for a healthy democracy. Since its doors opened in 2001, the Institute has provided a nonpartisan forum for discussion and debate on all aspects of the American political process. Its mission is to educate, engage and empower citizens to participate in the civic and political life of their local, national and global communities.

NH Listens
NH Listens is a civic engagement initiative of the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire. Since 2011, they have worked at the local and state level to support civil, public deliberation of complex issues affecting New Hampshire residents’ everyday lives. They work with local and state leaders to share resources on dialogue design, train facilitators, and help towns create their own Listens communities. They are committed to neutrality in all the work yhey carry out to meet their mission of creating and sustaining a fair process for public engagement and action.

New Hampshire Granite State Ambassadors
New Hampshire Granite State Ambassadors add value to state agencies, local businesses, and individuals through a training and service support network that sustains and enhances the New Hampshire experience. Over the past decade our Granite State Ambassadors have worked tirelessly to promote and protect our sense of place by valuing both built and natural environments, culture, aesthetics, heritage, and the well-being our residents and guests alike.