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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support the “Education Freedom Account” program, which gives students access to the per-pupil share of state school funding to spend on private school or home school expenses?

"At the very least, the program should be kept to budgeted amounts and there needs to be greater oversight of spending."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the first trimester (e.g. after 6 weeks gestation)?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the second trimester (e.g. after 15 weeks gestation)?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?

"We need to raise business taxes not keep cutting them. Many of our largest businesses are making record profits and need to pay their fair share."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?

"Reverse the phase out of interest and dividends tax which is a giveaway to the wealthiest people in the state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire government do more to address climate change?

"Join other states in suits against the oil companies for fraud and deception on the effects of burning fossil fuels. Establish an ambitious Climate Action Plan and aim for net zero by 2050."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?

Caplan marked both "For" and "Undecided" on this question.

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state do more to encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development?

"We need denser housing and more affordable housing. The lack of housing is a block to economic development as many employers cannot find workers. Yes, this will mean updating infrastructure in many of our towns and cities."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support legislation to expand the net energy metering system capacity cap from 1 MW to 5 MW for all residential and commercial customers in New Hampshire?

"We need to expand the uptake of renewables including residential, municipal, and utility scale solar, wind, and battery storage."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire guarantee the right to access abortion before 24 weeks?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state increase funding for child care providers?

"Increase funding for the Child Care Quality Program (GSQ) and the New Hampshire Child Care Scholarship Program (NHCCSP)."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?

"The state needs to honor its constitutional obligation to fund an adequate and equitable education for all NH children. State portion of education taxes should be kept for use by all towns to ensure adequacy. The state portion of pensions and benefits should be increased back to 30 percent."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by allowing home-growing and private use without sales?

"We need to legalize marijuana use to bring it out of the shadow of the illegal market."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by licensing growers and private retail locations?

"We need to legalize marijuana use to bring it out of the shadow of the illegal market."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by establishing state-run cannabis stores?

"We need to legalize marijuana use to bring it out of the shadow of the illegal market."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?

"Increasing the minimium wage is a necessary step to making New Hampshire an affordable place to live for working families who often are priced out of the housing market despite working full time jobs at unliveable wages."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add legal protections for residents of other states who travel here for health care related to abortion or gender transition?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire repeal the ban on abortion after 24 weeks gestation?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement?

"I can't stand up for local law enforcement not cooperating with federal law enforcement. Federal laws need to be enforced on immigration and any other matter. We either are a nation under the law or we are a patchwork quilt of illegality. Let's work it out, not live in a grey area, on immigration, marijuana, guns, etc."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?


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