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HB 10 (2025)

Establish a parent's bill of rights


Establishes a parental bill of rights. Some of the parental rights in this bill include:
"The right to direct the education and care of his or her minor child"
"The right to be physically present at any health care facility ... at which their minor child is receiving hospital care"
"The right to consent in writing before a biometric scan of his or her minor child is made, shared, or stored"

These are just a sample of the rights included in the bill. The bill also requires schools to adopt a policy to promote parental involvement in the public school system. School boards must also provide parents a written copy of a "Parents' Bill of Rights."

The bill then clarifies that parental consent is required before a health care provider treats a minor.

This bill establishes a misdemeanor penalty and a right to sue schools and health care providers that violate the law. Teachers and health care providers could also lose their licenses.

This bill is not identical to the "parental bill of rights" introduced in 2022 (HB 1431). That bill included some more controversial provisions, such as a requirement for schools to notify parents about many other issues, including a student's "gender expression or identity." The word "gender" does not appear anywhere in the 2025 bill as introduced.

Bill Sponsor:
Sherman Packard
Republican party logo
Public Hearing Date:
02/18/2025 01:00 pm
Public Hearing Location:
LOB Room 206-208
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