SB 503 (2024)
Require background check for fish and game guide license, allow some weapons over age 18, loosen parking requirements
Requires a criminal background check when applying for a fish and game guide license. The Senate also added this text to HB 1197.
The House amended the bill to add the text of two other bills. First, the House added the text of HB 1276, which amends the law against carrying or selling a blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles to only prohibit possession by and sales to those under age 18.
Second, the House added text from HB 1400 to prohibit zoning and planning regulations that set maximum residential parking spaces above one parking space per unit.
The Senate rejected these changes.
Bill Became Law?:
Status Detail:
Killed in the Senate
Public Hearing Date:
05/07/2024 10:45 am
Public Hearing Location:
LOB Room 307
House Voting Date:
Senate Voting Date: