Single payer health care in NH?

Many candidates running for Congress in New Hampshire support some form of single payer health care.
New Hampshire has considered but never passed a bill for single payer health care.
What is single payer health care?
Single payer health care is a system in which the government pays for health care for every citizen.
Right now in the United States private insurers, the government (through Medicare and Medicaid), and individuals all pay for health care.
The most popular proposal right now nationally would expand eligibility for Medicare, which is only available to residents over age 65 and people with disabilities. This proposal is often called “Medicare for All.”
What are the pros and cons of single payer health care?
If large numbers of people participate in a public health insurance program, it gives the government power to negotiate lower prices for health care and prescription drugs. Health care providers also don’t have to spend as much time on paperwork for multiple insurance companies.
However, opponents of single payer health care point out that countries with public health care often have long wait times and limited access to some treatments.
Can the state implement single payer health care?
Theoretically New Hampshire – or any other state – could choose to fund a public health insurance option for every citizen.
Other states, including Vermont, have come close to implementing programs.
The biggest barrier is always the start-up cost. While consumers and employers would no longer have to buy health insurance or pay premiums, the state would need to increase taxes to pay for the program. That big tax increase is unappealing to taxpayers and elected officials alike.
New Hampshire last considered single payer health care in 2015. The state House of Representatives killed the bill, due in large part to the cost.
New Hampshire does offer expanded eligibility for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
Click here to learn more about expanded Medicaid in New Hampshire
Other alternatives for health insurance reform include allowing health insurance to be sold across state lines.
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