Loaded long guns in vehicles?

HB 84 is the last of the gun rights bills to go before New Hampshire’s legislature this year.
While the laws on concealed & open carry for different types of guns vary from state to state, current NH law prohibits a loaded long gun in any vehicle.
HB 84 was originally written to allow a loaded a loaded rifle, shotgun, or crossbow in a motor vehicle, OHRV, snowmobile, aircraft, or boat. The House amended the bill to allow a loaded long gun in a motor home only. The Senate amended the bill to also allow a loaded long gun in the bed of a pick-up truck. A conference committee of Representatives and Senators is crafting a final version of the bill.
Supporters of the bill want to see the preservation of their 2nd amendment rights, and argue that changing the law will eliminate unnecessary tickets for minor infractions such as leaning a loaded gun against a truck.
Those opposing the bill worry about an increased risk of gun related accidents and point out that poaching, the illegal hunting of game off of land that is not one’s own, will become easier.
Do you think the rights of gun owners should be expanded to allow the carrying of loaded long guns in vehicles? Share your opinion in the comments below.
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