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Founding Members


The Founding Members are some of the individuals from around the state who helped to structure and support the LFDA. The Founding Members hail from all regions of NH and represent all political parties. The table below shows a list of the LFDA Founding Members:

Name Region Affiliation
Charlie Arlinghaus Merrimack Valley The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy
Tom & Virginia Chrisenton Monadnock Soil Conservation Service (retired)
Andy Crews Merrimack Valley AutoFair Manchester
Lew Feldstein Merrimack Valley NH Charitable Foundation
Gary Hirshberg Merrimack Valley Stonyfield Farms
Paul & Anna Grace Holloway Seacoast Holloway Automotive
Bruce Keough Monadnock Wheelabrator Technologies (retired)
Art Klemm Southern Former NH Senator
Michael Krak Mountains Krak Inspection Services (retired)
Bob Mallat Monadnock Former mayor of Keene
Russ & Marcy McCann Seacoast Actio Corporation
Paul & Sandra Montrone Lakes Latona Associates
Walter Peterson* Monadnock Former NH Governor
Bob Preston, Sr. Seacoast Preston Real Estate
Rick Samson North Woods NH Army National Guard (retired)
Fred & Donna Seigel Seacoast Beacon Capital Partners
Ron & Tom Severino Merrimack Valley Severino Paving Company
Donna Sytek Merrimack Valley Former Speaker of NH House of Rep.
Tom Thomson Sunapee Thomson Family Tree Farm
Mark Thurston Lakes Thurston Marina
Tom Tillotson North Woods Healthco
Jack & Brenda Tulley Merrimack Valley Tulley Buick-Pontiac
Michael Whitney Merrimack Valley Former President of Bank of America NH
Bob & Linda Winmill Merrimack Valley Winmill Equipment Co

