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Zulfiga Shaikh


Historical Details

Position on Issues

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

"Yes, especially in remote areas such as Berlin."

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

"I am an immigrant to the U.S. and have lived here for 19 years. I never had a desire to leave the state of New Hampshire because of the beauty of the state. I believe that all immigrants should come to our country legally. There should be no amnesty for illegal immigrants. If one chooses to become an American citizen, they should adopt to our culture and our language."

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

Opposes Common Core

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

Supports marijuana legalization

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

Opposes increasing the minimum wage

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

"Yes, in severe cases such as Mont Vernon (Kimberly Cates case)."

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

Opposes RGGI

Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2014

Supports Right-to-Work

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