William N. Murphy

Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?
"'military-style' firearms should not be in the home or personal possession, but restricted to use in approved firing ranges. Owners and organizations who support the possession of fire arms have a responsibility to maintain high levels for safety, and are responsible for the misuse of an owned weapon."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by giving states a fixed block grant for Medicaid?
"No one should be denied health care. I have a good health plan provided by my employer and Medicare. Congress provides its members with excellent health care. If health insurance is good for me and Congress, it should be provided for everyone. Many health care plans have been debated in the primaries. Let the sponsors go back to Congress, work out their differences, and I will sign into law the results."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the U.S. make illegal border crossings a civil rather than criminal offense?
"Decriminalize illegal border crossings that are attempts to get a job and better life in America. Continue to criminalize border crossing by those involved in illegal activities such as drug smuggling.."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should Congress create a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children?
"I support a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by eliminating the "essential health benefits" insurance plans must cover?
"No one should be denied health care. I have a good health plan provided by my employer and Medicare. Congress provides its members with excellent health care. If health insurance is good for me and Congress, it should be provided for everyone. Many health care plans have been debated in the primaries. Let the sponsors go back to Congress, work out their differences, and I will sign into law the results."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by increasing funding for research on climate issues?
"As President I will emphasize implementing Congress's laws. Climate Change exists and the means of combating the many problems is up to Congress. We must improve our world!"
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?
"I oppose federal funding for Planned Parenthood."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government raise the minimum wage?
"The American goal should be that every wage earner should have a livable wage."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to an abortion as decided in Roe v. Wade?
"I am opposed to state sponsored killing, whether it is the death penalty, doctor assisted suicide or abortion. I accept the Roe v. Wade decision, but until someone can convince me as to when life actually begins, I will oppose abortion. I am inconsistent in that I will accept abortion in the case of rape and incest."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for energy efficiency?
"As President I will emphasize implementing Congress's laws. Climate Change exists and the means of combating the many problems is up to Congress. We must improve our world!"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for renewable energy?
"As President I will emphasize implementing Congress's laws. Climate Change exists and the means of combating the many problems is up to Congress. We must improve our world!"
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government provide free tuition at public colleges and universities?
"The federal government should provide free tuition at public colleges and universities."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should higher income brackets pay more in federal taxes than they currently do?
"There should be a progressive graduated income tax with no deductions. Everyone should be assigned a percentage point of tax responsibility. The yearly cost of government should be ascertained and that cost be paid by citizens based on their percentage point. If the year's cost of government increases, the individual's percentage point will be increased to balance the budget, and perhaps reduce the debt. If the cost of government decreases, the individual's tax percentage point will also decrease. The budget will be balanced, and hopefully, the deficit reduced"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Do you generally support higher tariffs on imports from countries such as China, where we have a large trade deficit?
"I support mutually agreed upon trade policies that have been worked out with the cooperation of allies and trading partners."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government increase funding for transportation infrastructure, such as road repair and highway expansion?
"Our infrastructure is in poor shape and must be improved. User fees should be increased and supplemented with government funds"
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government increase private sector involvement in veterans' health care?
"The Veterans Administration should provide the highest level of health care so the private sector is not necessary."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?
"Make the possession of marijuana a violation and not a crime. I prefer to get high on life and not drugs."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?
"Social Security should be put on a firm financial footing. That may mean higher social security taxes while working. But as stated before, everyone will pay an income tax, regardless of age, and that income will include social security and any other financial income"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by automatically enrolling every citizen in Medicare, replacing most private insurance?
"No one should be denied health care. I have a good health plan provided by my employer and Medicare. Congress provides its members with excellent health care. If health insurance is good for me and Congress, it should be provided for everyone. Many health care plans have been debated in the primaries. Let the sponsors go back to Congress, work out their differences, and I will sign into law the results."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?
"No one should be denied health care. I have a good health plan provided by my employer and Medicare. Congress provides its members with excellent health care. If health insurance is good for me and Congress, it should be provided for everyone. Many health care plans have been debated in the primaries. Let the sponsors go back to Congress, work out their differences, and I will sign into law the results."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the U.S. build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S.?
"The U.S. should not build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government provide more funding to states to fight opioid addiction?
"The federal government should provide more funding to states to fight opioid addiction."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
According to a 2019 poll, two-thirds of U.S. adults say they have little or no confidence in federal government. What is your plan to restore confidence in the federal government?
"I plan to provide the best personal example of civic virtue possible. I plan to work with Congress to facilitate their deliberations. I plan to have meetings of my administration that are open to the press and public. I plan to keep a public score card of legislation and the Congressmen/women who should be working on making the government work. I do not threaten vetoes, but will let bills become laws without my signature if I disagree."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?
"Social Security should be put on a firm financial footing. That may mean higher social security taxes while working. But as stated before, everyone will pay an income tax, regardless of age, and that income will include social security and any other financial income"
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?
"Social Security should be put on a firm financial footing. That may mean higher social security taxes while working. But as stated before, everyone will pay an income tax, regardless of age, and that income will include social security and any other financial income"
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?
"Social Security should be put on a firm financial footing. That may mean higher social security taxes while working. But as stated before, everyone will pay an income tax, regardless of age, and that income will include social security and any other financial income"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by repealing the tax penalty for employers who do not offer health insurance?
"No one should be denied health care. I have a good health plan provided by my employer and Medicare. Congress provides its members with excellent health care. If health insurance is good for me and Congress, it should be provided for everyone. Many health care plans have been debated in the primaries. Let the sponsors go back to Congress, work out their differences, and I will sign into law the results."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the U.S. impose additional sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its aggressive action in Syria and the Ukraine?
"The United States in cooperation with its allies should seek the best possible alternative when dealing with Russian expansionism."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?
"Student loans should be abolished; they are a ball and chain on our most precious resource. Everyone should be educated at public expense to their highest level of competency. In return the student will serve the country one year for every two years of education beyond high school. This service may be in the military, Peace Corps, VISTA, Teach for America, or other similar organizations"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?
"As President I will emphasize implementing Congress's laws. Climate Change exists and the means of combating the many problems is up to Congress. We must improve our world!"
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019
Do you agree with President Trump on withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement?
"I disagree with President Trump on withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement."