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Position on Issues

Conway Daily Sun: Meet the Candidates, 2016

"'One of the areas that I think is of urgent need is the opioid crises the war on drugs has not worked,' she said. 'We need to take a new approach. Strong advocacy is needed to address both the underlying cause in the surge of heroin use as well as developing supports and treatment for those affected by the crises. The needs are multi-faceted. It affects families and children and whole communities. More babies are being born with addiction, yet money for Early Supports and Services has been cut instead of increased. There are very few rehab services and the ones we have continue to be difficult to access for many.'"

Voting Record, 2014

Voted against allowing physician assisted suicide (HB 1325)

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Was NH right to ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?

"The law should remain as it is now [prior to HB 1360]."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

Does not support an income and/or sales tax. Possible revenue sources: "marijuana tax"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

Does not support an income and/or sales tax. Possible revenue sources: "marijuana tax"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

I would support an appropriate bill which would allow casino gambling."


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?

"I support the state adopting the standards, but local boards should retain control of curriculum decisions. However, I do have issues with the Smarter Balanced Tests which are required by NH DOE. I sponsored HB1247 which would have required the state to cost share technology upgrade expenses associated with administering the test, but it did not pass the House. I also support delaying the test for a period of 2 years in order to give students and teachers time to adjust to the new standards."

Conway Daily Sun: Meet the Candidates, 2014

"Several years ago, in accordance with orders from the court, the state legislature worked long and hard to define an adequate education and devise a funding formula that was fair to all towns. It provided targeted aid in the formula based upon the needs of the students in each town (using indicators such as free and reduced lunch, special ed, etc.). N.H. has a long history of being one of the worst states for funding its educational needs. It is time to stop all the squabbling, step up to the plate, VALUE education as directed in the N.H. State Constitution and commit to finding the revenue stream which will provide a stable and reliable funding source. A state cannot have a strong economy and attract business without a well educated workforce."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?

"The possession of small quantities of marijuana should not be a crime."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?

"We need full disclosure of the individuals or entities financing all politically-related advertising."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH provide more funding for charter schools?

"Charter schools are public schools and should be funded. However, we currently do not have an adequate revenue source for adequately funding both charter & district public schools, and therein lies the problem. We need to find a way to fund them appropriately without draining money from the district schools."

Conway Daily Sun: Meet the Candidates, 2014

Biggest positive in NH politics: "That all politics are local. Everyone has the opportunity to become involved, and we have easy access to engage our law makers in discussion."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?

"I would support legisation expanding Medicaid, provided that private insurance is used whenever possible."

Conway Daily Sun: Meet the Candidates, 2016

"We need to increase the minimum wage. We are the lowest in New England. Raising the minimum will edge us closer to providing a living wage, which for many people living in this part of the state is only a dream, with many of the service/tourist jobs providing an average of $10 an hour."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Do employees in NH need more legal protections in the workplace?

Certain areas of our employment laws need to be changed to protect employees."


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH add restrictions on welfare recipients?

Regarding drug tests for welfare recipients: "I oppose such legislation."

Voting Record, 2014

Voted to repeal the death penalty (HB 1170)

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?

"I would support underground lines."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?

Does not support an income and/or sales tax. Possible revenue sources: "marijuana tax"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?

"I support NH's participation in RGGI as presently structured."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?

"I oppose legislation that would mandate insurance in order to register a vehicle."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require labels on some or all genetically modified foods?

I support such legislation."


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH pass right-to-work legislation?

"Right to Work legislation will result in lower income to the working person."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

State role in economic growth

"Yes, the state should do more. I would be open to looking at creative ways to provide incentives to bring new business into the state, as well as helping small businesses grow."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"I support legislation that would place some limits on the possession of assault weapons."

Conway Daily Sun: Meet the Candidates, 2014

"I am running because I believe I have something worthwhile to contribute. I have common sense and compassion, currently in short supply in Concord. I have seen the legislature try to implement an extreme agenda which is damaging to N.H. families and I just could not sit on the sidelines. I believe that if you are passionate about something, then you should become actively involved. During the last two years, the Republicans have submitted bills to dismantle public education. They cut the funding for the university system in half (the largest cut ever to any state system, which has resulted in severe cuts to student aid and increases in tuition and fees). They tried to get rid of the mandate of providing kindergarten, and tried to reduce the number of students in public schools by lowering the dropout age. One of our own local reps introduced a bill to forbid New Hampshire school districts from implementing the International Baccalaureate Program, which is highly regarded by the nation's top colleges. These are just a few of the many bills aimed at destroying the public schools in New Hampshire, and they will continue on their mission if they retain the majority in the House and Senate. I am also concerned with the attack on women that seems to be a top priority on the Republican agenda. During this past session, we saw bills in New Hampshire designed to take away a woman's right to make her own health-care decisions and limit her access to contraception and abortion. When did it become acceptable for one group of extremists to make decisions for all women? Where is the outrage? The Republican legislators are busy cutting aid to low-income mothers, yet they want to deny women access to birth control. Where is the common sense? It is time for all woman, regardless of party affiliation, to stand up for their rights. The Republican legislature has done nothing to lower the property taxes in local communities, but they have passed several bills that will ensure a downshifting of costs. Cutting services to the poor will result in more people seeking help from the towns' welfare offices. Offering vouchers for kids to go to private and religious schools will drain the adequacy aid resulting in higher taxes to fund our schools. Cutting essential services at the state level does not make the need go away. We need to look at revenue sensibly and honestly, just as we need to assess our needs as a state and determine how to fund them. In 2010, the Republicans ran on the promise of laser focus on jobs; instead we have seen a social and religiously based agenda that is ruining New Hampshire and taking away the rights of its citizens. I am running because we need more people in the legislature who care about their fellow citizens and their communities, and understand that there needs to be a balance between revenue and spending."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH restrict further wind power development?

"I support such a moratorium on commercial wind towers at the present time until the state studies the matter."

Voting Record

HB 1633 (2014)

Authorizes one casino in New Hampshire, regulated by the Gaming Commission.

HB 1360 (2014)

Forbids cell phone use while driving, unless hands-free.

SB 203 (2014)

Forbids the use of EBT cards or cash from EBT cards for alcohol, tobacco, lottery tickets, firearms, or adult entertainment.

HB 1508 (2014)

Terminates New Hampshire’s participation in the Common Core educational standards.

HB 1625 (2014)

Decriminalizes possession of one ounce or less of marijuana, with additional penalties for violators under age twenty-one.

SB 318 (2014)

Establishes the crime of domestic violence.

SB 413 (2014)

Expands Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible.

HB 1403 (2014)

Raises the minimum wage, starting at $9 per hour.

HB 1170 (2014)

Repeals the death penalty.

HB 1602 (2014)

Givies the Public Utilities Commission the power to force PSNH to sell its power plants. This bill also requires the state Site Evaluation Committee to address scenic impacts, sound impacts, fire protection plans, and more when evaluating wind farm proposals.

SB 207 (2014)

“Pay Equity Law,” a bill to combat pay discrimination based on gender, forbidding employers from restricting employees from discussing wages, and allowing a three year deadline to report pay discrimination to the state (current deadline is one year).

SB 319 (2014)

Authorizes "buffer zones" for protestors around reproductive health clinics.

HB 1503 (2014)

Originally written to include fetuses eight weeks and older as potential victims under first and second degree murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, and causing or aiding suicide.  The House amended the bill to instead increase penalties for for manslaughter or negligent homicide causing a miscarriage or stillbirth.

HB 1294 (2014)

Requires Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield to allow any health provider into their network for the purpose of participating in the online health insurance exchange.

HB 1411 (2014)

Sends some of last year's budget surplus to the Department of Health and Human Services.

HB 1486 (2014)

Decreases the fine for underage drinking from $300 to $100 on first offense and from $600 to $300 on a subsequent offense.

SB 367 (2014)

Increases the gas tax by four-cents per gallon and removes the toll at Exit 12 in Merrimack.

SB 3 (2014)

Removes all tolls in Merrimack.

HB 451 (2013)

Increases the length of time for which a license to carry a concealed firearm is valid, and repeals the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm.

HB 323 (2013)

Right-to-Work bill that prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.

SB 153 (2013)

Gives the legislature power to review collective bargaining agreements entered into by the state.

HB 1 (2013)

Final 2014-2015 state budget, including increased funding for higher education, increased funding for services for individuals with mental illness and/or other disabilities, no Medicaid expansion, and no gas tax increase.

HB 306 (2013)

Changes RGGI to dedicate some of the proceeds to ratepayer rebates, and lowering the cap on carbon emissions, which will raise the cost of carbon credits to utilities and utility bills to consumers.

HB 271 (2013)

Forbids NH from expanding Medicaid eligibility under the federal Affordable Care Act.

HB 573 (2013)

Allows medicinal use of marijuana, without allowing home growing.

HB 501 (2013)

Sets the state minimum wage at $7.25, in place of federal minimum wage.

HB 630 (2013)

Reallocates proceeds from RGGI to the low-income energy efficiency program.

HB 2 (2013)

Makes various appropriations related to the budget bill, and establishes commissions to study Medicaid expansion and casino regulations.

SB 1 (2013)

Increases the Research and Development tax credit.

SB 163 (2013)

Establishes a commission to recommend legislation to prepare for projected sea level rise and other coastal and coastal watershed hazards.

HB 135 (2013)

Limits the use of deadly force, repealing "Stand Your Ground" in favor of the "Castle Doctrine." Under this bill victims could use deadly force within their homes without retreating, but anywhere else they would have to attempt retreat before resorting to deadly force.

HB 370 (2013)

Repeals the education tax credit program, in which businesses receive tax breaks for contributing to a scholarship fund for low income students that wish to attend private school.

HB 595 (2013)

Revises 2011 voter ID law to delay requirement that poll workers photograph voters without ID; also allows student ID at polls.

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