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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?

"I oppose expanded commuter rail. So more people can work in Boston"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH limit terms for elected officials?

"I oppose term limits for NH elected officials."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?

"I support increased funding for heroin treatment programs. 30 day beds is not enough insurance coverage. Most addicts need intense treatment for 90 days+"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Was NH right to ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?

"Distracted driving is a slippery slope. No one takes the position that cell phone use while driving is safe, but everyone seems to do it. The newest cars and trucks are laden with all kinds of electronic screens that can be as distrcting as a cell phone in fact those screens sync with your smart phone. How are the police going to monitor cell use by peaking in your car as you drive down the highway? Isn't that distractive driving as well by the police?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"I am undecided on this issue. I pay Massachusetts state income tax. I wish I could pay the equivalent in NH to offset my taxes in Massachusetts."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"I oppose NH adding a broad-based sales tax."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

"I oppose casino gambling in New Hampshire. Gambling is worse than heroin addiction and alcoholism. Poor people throwing their money away. Too late to get started anyway."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?

"I oppose basing statewide assessments on Common Core standards."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?

"The possession of small quantities of marijuana should not be a crime."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?

"I support broader campaign finance disclosure laws."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH provide more funding for charter schools?

"We need to equitably fund public schools before siphoning off limited revenues to these special schools."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses?

"We should decriminalize and instead offer treatment to addicted. Pick up your drugs and needle and use it under supervised care."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?

"I support marijuana legalization. It has been estimated the state will save money in law enforcement and incarceration. And generate 30-75 million in taxes."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?

"I support NH's expanded Medicaid program. Its expansion will help drug treatment."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Do employees in NH need more legal protections in the workplace?

"NH lags behind in worker protection. One area of significant need is health insurance and how we can make it more afforable."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?

"I oppose increased state enforcement of federal immigration laws. Not an issue in NH. Local police need more training and education regarding their job. why spend time harassing folks."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH add restrictions on welfare recipients?

Regarding drug tests for welfare recipients: "I oppose such legislation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?

"I oppose the Northern Pass as currently proposed. We get nothing. There are no exit [illegible]. No energy for NH and it takes away the beauty of our state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?

"Putting the burden of taxes on Property Owners is unfair. Other revenue opportunities need to be found."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?

"I support NH's participation in RGGI as presently structured."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?

"I support legislation requiring auto insurance for all registered vehicles."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require labels on some or all genetically modified foods?

"I support such legislation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH pass right-to-work legislation?

"NH is a free market state with no income tax, limited business taxes, no sales tax. Right to Work Legislation will not provide any significant incentive for business that don't already exist."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

What is your opinion on the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood?

"I support the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood. Its none of the state's business, this is a personal issue between a woman and doctor. 90% of these funds go to women's health issues."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?

"I support NH continuing to administer statewide standards-based student assessments. Testing is the only way to know if our kids are getting educated. And testing prepares kids for future tests like SAT, Civil Service, etc."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"Stricter so then everyone gets mandatory training of 6 hours per year. Stricter so that folks with mental issues can't get them. Stricter so when a police officer stops someone they at least know that this person owns a gun."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry?

"Parents should not be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry. No evidence to support the anti-immunization folks. We should be afraid of epidemics if people don't immunize."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH restrict further wind power development?

"I oppose restrictions on further wind power development."