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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support the “Education Freedom Account” program, which gives students access to the per-pupil share of state school funding to spend on private school or home school expenses?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the first trimester (e.g. after 6 weeks gestation)?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the second trimester (e.g. after 15 weeks gestation)?


Voting Record, 2024

While the House did not address this issue directly, Rep. Durkin voted for HB 1419, a bill to ban various sex-related content in K-12 schools. Durkin also voted for HB 1312, a bill that would require school districts to notify parents two weeks before any curriculum related to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression.

Voting Record, 2024

Voted to keep the state law aimed at banning critical race theory in schools and state trainings (HB 1162).

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add a tax credit for businesses that contribute to student loan repayment for employees?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire government do more to address climate change?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?

"No ID no vote"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add a fee or mileage charge for electric vehicle owners to help pay for transportation and/or electric infrastructure?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state do more to encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support legislation to expand the net energy metering system capacity cap from 1 MW to 5 MW for all residential and commercial customers in New Hampshire?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire extend the renewable portfolio standard past 2025, requiring public utilities to obtain more than 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire guarantee the right to access abortion before 24 weeks?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state increase funding for child care providers?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by allowing home-growing and private use without sales?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by licensing growers and private retail locations?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by establishing state-run cannabis stores?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state permanently increase how much tax revenue it shares with towns and cities every year, beyond public school funding?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support the gradual phase-out of the Interests and Dividends tax?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add legal protections for residents of other states who travel here for health care related to abortion or gender transition?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire repeal the ban on abortion after 24 weeks gestation?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement?


Voting Record, 2024

Voted to consider a right-to-work bill (HB 1377)

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?


Voting Record

HB 1400 (2024)

Prohibits zoning and planning regulations that set maximum residential parking spaces above one parking space per unit.

HB 1283 (2024)

Establishes a procedure for an individual with terminal illness to receive medical assistance in dying through the self administration of medication (sometimes called physician-assisted suicide). The bill establishes criteria for the prescription of such medication and establishes reporting requirements and penalties for misuse or noncompliance.

HB 1248 (2024)

Changes the state limit on abortion after 24 weeks gestation to 15 days gestation.

HB 1649 (2024)

Restricts the use of per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in consumer products. For example, this bill bans the sale of cosmetics, food packing, carpets, and more products with added PFAS starting July 1, 2028. The House changed that date to January 1, 2027.

The Senate amended the bill to also state that settlement funds from PFAS lawsuits will be deposited in the drinking water and groundwater trust fund and used to fund public water systems impacted by PFAS.

CACR 23 (2024)

Constitutional amendment creating a right to abortion, including a ban on any restrictions on abortion prior to 24 weeks.

HB 1322 (2024)

Gradually increases the minimum wage to $17 per hour by 2029. This bill then allows future increases best on the Northeast Consumer Price Index. This bill also increases the tipped minimum wage from 45% to 50% of the regular minimum wage.

HB 1291 (2024)

Increases the number of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) allowed by right from one to two. This bill also increases the maximum square footage from 750 square feet to 1,000 square feet (and 850 square feet for a second unit). The bill then sets other regulations municipalities can and cannot require for ADUs. For example, the bill states that municipalities may require a property to have at least one half acre to have more than one ADU.

HB 1711 (2024)

Establishes a system to report to the firearm background check system if a person is found not guilty by reason of insanity, not competent to stand trial, or involuntarily committed to a mental health facility. This bill also allows the court to order a person to surrender their firearms in these circumstances. This bill also establishes a process for a person to have their record removed from the background check system after six months, if they are no longer a danger to themselves or others.

HB 1656 (2024)

Greatly increases the per-pupil state education funding for each student receiving special education services. The House amended the bill to establish three weighted categories for special education differentiated aid, with more funding going to students who need more services.

HB 1145 (2024)

Prohibits new solid waste landfill permits in the state for facilities owned by any person other than the state of New Hampshire or a political subdivision thereof.

HB 1419 (2024)

Prohibits K-12 schools from making "any material that is harmful to minors" available to students. The bill defines this material to include various content related to sex. This bill also requires school boards to adopt complaint resolution policies to address complaints regarding harmful material by parents or guardians.

HB 1377 (2024)

Right-to-work bill that prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.

HB 1665 (2024)

Raises the annual household income limit to qualify for the Education Freedom Account (EFA) program, from 350% to 500% of the federal poverty level (from about $100,000 to about $150,000 for a family of four).

The Senate rewrote the bill. The Senate version of the bill raises eligibility to just 400% of the federal poverty level, and extends the timeline for phase-out grants for public schools when students leave to use EFA program funds, from 2026 to 2029. These changes are similar to SB 442, a bill killed in the House.

HB 1633 (2024)

Legalizes and regulates recreational marijuana sales to adults over age twenty-one. As amended by the House, this bill would allow the state to license fifteen cannabis retail outlets. There would be a 10% tax on monthly total gross revenue derived from the sale of cannabis and cannabis products. Smoking in public and consuming marijuana while driving would be illegal. Towns could limit marijuana businesses.

HB 1205 (2024)

Prohibits anyone with the reproductive biology and genetics of a male at birth from participating on school sports teams designated for females. As introduced, this bill covered K-12 schools as well as the university and community college system. The House amended the bill so that it only applies to middle and high schools.

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