Scott Brown
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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In 2010 and 2011 opposed the DREAM Act, which would create a path to citizenship for some illegal/undocumented immigrants
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"Education is best managed at the local level and I don't believe Common Core does that."
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Opposes marijuana decriminalization
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Project Vote Smart Survey, 2014
Pro-choice: "While this decision should ultimately be made by the woman in consultation with her doctor, I believe we need to reduce the number of abortions in America. I believe government has the responsibility to regulate in this area and I support parental consent and notification requirements and I oppose partial birth abortion. I also believe there are people of good will on both sides of the issue and we ought to work together to support and promote adoption as an alternative to abortion."
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Introduced 2010 legislation which "requires that oil companies have a viable, peer-reviewed response plan to respond to a significant oil leak before any new offshore drilling lease can be issued."
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Project Vote Smart Survey, 2014
In 2008 voted in favor of Massachusetts joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, but in 2010 stated his opposition to cap and trade programs
Voting Record
S 3412 (2012)
Extends tax cuts from 2001 and 2003, except for certain high-income individuals
S 2343 (2012)
“Reid Bill,” which extends student loan interest rates
S Amdt 2310 (2012)
Requires labeling of genetically modified food (GMOs)
S 3240 (2012)
Continues farm subsidies and reforms SNAP (food stamps)
S 1925 (2012)
Reauthorizes the “Violence Against Women Act”S Amdt 2172 (2012)
Gets rid of bonuses to states for administering SNAP (food stamps)
S Amdt 2153 (2012)
“Lamar Bill,” which extends current student loan interest rates; also repeals the Prevention and Public Health Fund established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly known as “Obamacare”)
HR 3630 (2012)
Extends unemployment benefits, payroll tax cuts, and more
S Amdt 2174 (2012)
Limits eligibility for SNAP (food stamps)
HR 5949 (2012)
Reauthorizes electronic surveillance laws passed after 9/11
HR 1249 (2011)
Changes US patent issuance from "first to invent" to "first inventor to file"
HR 514 (2011)
Extends certain expiring provisions of the PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005
S 365 (2011)
Raising the debt ceiling and enacting budget cuts