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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?

"This is a talking point by the left. Most gun related shootings are by handguns. I will NEVER restrict the rights of LAW-ABIDING citizens right to protect themselves."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

"Undecided only because I can't say I know every single one of the 438 agencies and sub-agencies. If any can be combined or eliminated. I will do that. Unlike the other candidates, I won't pander to voters by promising to eliminate certain agencies because Congress has never nor will never allow that to happen. Besides each of the 15 agencies serves a purpose. The difference between me and all the other candidates is, I am the only one that is promising if elected, to only put people in charge of each department and agency that will be for us regular people, not for the corporations like EVERY past President in modern times has. I will, however, reduce the size of the Federal Government every year under my Economic Recovery Plan."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a constitutional amendment limiting terms for U.S. representatives and senators?

"The founders, I believe, never envisioned someone would spend their entire life in Congress."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by requiring budget cuts to match any new federal spending?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support mandatory competency tests for federal candidates over age 75?

"Again, unlike other candidates, I won't pander to voters on this issue either because according to the Constitution, it's not a requirement for running for President. If Congress wants to pass some kind of legislation for other Federal offices, I am fine with that as long as it's not un-Constitutional. The Constitution would have to be amended for the office of the Presidency."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

"People need to be educated on how tariffs actually work. Trump keeps falsely repeating that the tariffs he put on China were paid for by China and he also keeps falsely repeating that the 28 billion he gave to American farmers was paid for by China. The facts are, China didn't pay for the tariffs, the American import companies did. That price increase was passed on to us consumers. And the 28 billion Trump gave to the farmers (because Trump's tariffs devastated farm exports to China by almost half) was actually taxpayer money adding even more to the National Debt. I am the only candidate that has a simple common sense 4 step plan to fix the economy, budget mess, and the National debt al at the same time. It even starts to put money past Congresses took from the SS trust fund back every year."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. send military forces to Taiwan if China attacks the island?

"I will also correct Trump's mistake and join the TPP in order to combat China's rising threat in the region. This will not only help militarily, but also add billions yearly for U.S. farmers in increased trade."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

"As President, I will rescind ALL Federal government-imposed mandates of electric vehicles and green energy. I will also end ALL subsidies on electric vehicles and ALL green energy. Free markets and the consumers will decide what vehicles are bought and sold and what technology they want."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support ending China's Permanent Normal Trade Relations status?

"This is a must. I will then use the Defense Production Act to start producing all health-related items such as medicines, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, etc. so we aren't left unprepared for the next pandemic because of China's continued gain-of-function research. Also start moving other essential things out of China for the same reasons."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support revising Title IX to limit participation in female sports based on an individual's reproductive biology and genetics at birth?

"I will absolutely do this. Sticking to my philosophy of win/win, I purpose a solution. Starting an organization called Rainbow Olympics for Trans-genders. Just like we have the Special Olympics, and the Paralympics. Just another example why I am the best candidate for President. I don't see problems, only solutions."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government ban some abortions?

"Because the Supreme Court ruled the Constitution doesn't give the Federal Government any legal authority to restrict abortion, I wouldn't sign a bill knowing that. They ruled that it's a state's rights issue, but if somehow the Dems gain control of both houses and send me a bill codifying their radical position of NO restriction of any kind, I would definitely VETO it. My position on abortion is, you have to change people's hearts and minds by using science and trying to get them to see their babies ultra-sound, not with legislation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to choose abortion before fetal viability (generally 24 weeks gestation)?

"Only because the Supreme Court has already ruled that it's unconstitutional for the Federal Government to make laws restricting abortion. I believe in following the Constitution so it's a state's rights issue. My position on abortion is we must focus on changing people's hearts and minds by using science and trying to have people see their babies' ultra-sounds."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support increasing oil and natural gas leases on publicly owned land and water?

"We must become energy independent. The price of energy and excess government spending are the primary causes of inflation. I will fix both."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government limit certain firearm purchases to residents over age twenty-one?

"Age has nothing to do with maturity."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

"Absolutely not. It causes too much damage to society."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

"In order to save Social Security, we must make changes now. Let me be clear ABSOLUTLY NO CHANGES to current recipients or anyone nearing retirement. My first priority will be to start paying back the money both parties stole from the SS trust fund over the years as part of my Economic Recovery Plan. Most young people don't believe SS will even be around when they retire so any changes should be for people under the age of 35 or 40 depending what the majority of the public agrees on. Any means testing or cap raising, I will insist on some form of tax credits because people have paid into the system and shouldn't be penalized without some form of restitution. I will ALWAYS try to make my policies win/win. Some type of privatization should also be on the table."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S.?

"I will immediately put troops on the border to help secure the border and help finish building the wall and technology where a physical wall isn't practical. I will also increase the number of border agents Our troops are the best of the best."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support using military force against drug cartels inside Mexico?

"I will declare them as terrorists' organizations, and I will also declare the cartels and gangs operating in the U.S. as domestic terrorists and treat them the same. I will make it my mission as President to do something about all the unnecessary drug deaths including from Fentanyl and the human trafficking and other crime."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. government continue to provide military aid to Ukraine (without putting U.S. soldiers on the ground)?

"IF the war is still ongoing, I will sell them whatever weapons they need, but I will not continue to allow our National Debt to keep growing. Europe will have to take over the financial aid."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Would you pardon former president Donald Trump if he is convicted?

"Again, unlike other candidates, I won't pander to voters. Just think what the reaction from our Republican base and many independents would be if Democratic candidates said they would pardon Joe Biden before a conviction without knowing what he was convicted for? I will look at each case for a pardon the same way, individually and fairly AFTER a conviction for anyone seeking a pardon. I am the only candidate saying that we as Republicans need to stop being the party of hypocrites, panderers, and double standards. I demand that we raise the bar high again. Voters shouldn't have to settle for the lesser of two evils when voting for President. Our candidate should not only have the best ideas, but also should be of good character, high morals, and strong convictions. That's who I am and that's one of the reasons why I believe GOD called on me to run for President when I NEVER in my life thought about running for any political office. If you believe in GOD and he calls on you to do something, then you have to take a leap of faith and do it. I also happen to have the best plans."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support allowing the federal government to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs covered under Medicare?

"The Federal government always overpays for everything because it isn't their money. As President, I will end that."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

"In order to save Social Security, we must make changes now. Let me be clear ABSOLUTLY NO CHANGES to current recipients or anyone nearing retirement. My first priority will be to start paying back the money both parties stole from the SS trust fund over the years as part of my Economic Recovery Plan. Most young people don't believe SS will even be around when they retire so any changes should be for people under the age of 35 or 40 depending what the majority of the public agrees on. Any means testing or cap raising, I will insist on some form of tax credits because people have paid into the system and shouldn't be penalized without some form of restitution. I will ALWAYS try to make my policies win/win. Some type of privatization should also be on the table."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?

"In order to save Social Security, we must make changes now. Let me be clear ABSOLUTLY NO CHANGES to current recipients or anyone nearing retirement. My first priority will be to start paying back the money both parties stole from the SS trust fund over the years as part of my Economic Recovery Plan. Most young people don't believe SS will even be around when they retire so any changes should be for people under the age of 35 or 40 depending what the majority of the public agrees on. Any means testing or cap raising, I will insist on some form of tax credits because people have paid into the system and shouldn't be penalized without some form of restitution. I will ALWAYS try to make my policies win/win. Some type of privatization should also be on the table."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

"In order to save Social Security, we must make changes now. Let me be clear ABSOLUTLY NO CHANGES to current recipients or anyone nearing retirement. My first priority will be to start paying back the money both parties stole from the SS trust fund over the years as part of my Economic Recovery Plan. Most young people don't believe SS will even be around when they retire so any changes should be for people under the age of 35 or 40 depending what the majority of the public agrees on. Any means testing or cap raising, I will insist on some form of tax credits because people have paid into the system and shouldn't be penalized without some form of restitution. I will ALWAYS try to make my policies win/win. Some type of privatization should also be on the table."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by raising taxes to reduce the budget deficit?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?


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