Samuel Cheney

Historical Details
Position on Issues
Against| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"
Against| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"
For| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"
For| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to:
...3. Pass a Right to Work Law in New Hampshire"