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Position on Issues

Other, 2023

"The second amendment is really important for all of us to understand how important that is to our country, and what does that mean, and what's different about our country than most other countries. The fact that it was not just meant for us to have a gun to hunt. It was meant for us to actually have a gun to defend ourselves in our nation. It is one of the things that makes our nation one of the most protected in the world, not just our landmass and who we are."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a constitutional amendment limiting terms for U.S. representatives and senators?

Candidate's Website, 2023

"First, starting with nondefense discretionary spending, we need a two percent cut across the board. Our fiscal house is in disarray. We are not in a position to be paying for everything we want, instead we must focus on what we need."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support mandatory competency tests for federal candidates over age 75?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. send military forces to Taiwan if China attacks the island?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support ending China's Permanent Normal Trade Relations status?

Other, 2023

"I've got two daughters. If they want to compete in sports, I would ask the respect to be there, don't you think it would be fair for them to compete fairly according to their biological sex. This isn't to say I disrespect you, this doesn't say I hate you, this just, I'm calling for a different conversation."

WMUR, 2023

"On abortion, Binkley said the focus needs to be on building a national culture of life first, but he would be willing to enact national abortion restrictions as president.

"'I would sign something early on like that, yes,' he said."

WMUR, 2023

"On abortion, Binkley said the focus needs to be on building a national culture of life first, but he would be willing to enact national abortion restrictions as president.

"'I would sign something early on like that, yes,' he said."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to choose abortion before fetal viability (generally 24 weeks gestation)?

Candidate's Website, 2023

"God granted us this rich and bountiful land that already has everything we require to meet our energy needs.

"By investing in homegrown and produced energy, we will create family-supporting jobs, reduce energy costs for working Americans, and break the stranglehold that nations like Russia have on the world’s economy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government limit certain firearm purchases to residents over age twenty-one?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

Candidate's Website, 2023

"I will freeze Medicare and Medicaid spending, and then end the monopolies on insurance exchanges, health care providers, and Big Pharma. That will cut costs across the board and go a long way to bringing our entitlement spending under control.

"As I said, we need to cut the things that don’t work. One example is Obamacare. That program, through its regulations and subsidies, has ballooned Medicaid costs and provided benefits to people that Medicaid was never intended to cover. For all the billions spent, coverage is now more expensive, and health care choices have decreased. We can’t allow this to continue."

Candidate's Website, 2023

"My plan deploys physical barriers, tactical infrastructure, technology, and personnel along the border where it is most effective."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support using military force against drug cartels inside Mexico?

Other, 2023

When asked, "You would send more arms to Ukraine?" Binkley answered, "Well, for a period of time, but not indefinitely."

WMUR, 2023

"When it comes to former President Donald Trump's legal troubles, he's hoping to settle things and move on. Binkley was asked whether he would pardon Trump for any of the federal charges he's facing.

"'You know, it depends on which ones it was,; he said. 'Likely from what I've seen right now, likely so.'"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support allowing the federal government to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs covered under Medicare?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

Other, 2023

"Whenever (Trump) says ‘We’re going to protect your Social Security,’ I’m like ‘Who are you talking about, my parents, or me or my kids?’ because you can’t do all three,' Binkley said. 'We can fix it right away, but we’d need to either raise taxes or decrease the benefits … So, we have a real problem with the debt; I don’t know how to address it other than to start saving money, and I certainly don’t want to raise taxes.'"

Candidate's Website, 2023

Binkley posted the following plan for Social Security on his website:

"Social Security is projected to be insolvent by 2033. Social Security, technically, has two trust funds: the Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) trust fund for retirees and survivors, and the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) trust fund for disabled workers. Those trust funds on a combined basis will be exhausted in 10 years. If that happens, full benefits cannot be paid when they are due – it is estimated that will be a 20 percent cut. Politicians have been irresponsibly ignoring this issue for decades, but it can be ignored no longer. I won’t ignore it. I will peg Social Security to the growth in GDP over the next seven years; growth will be capped at two percent and in no instance will spending drop below zero. A new plan for legal immigration, adding more legally employed, and needed, taxpayers to pay into Social Security will also help shore up the system and the economy."

Candidate's Website, 2023

"The next President will see the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – passed under a Republican President, Republican House, and Republican Senate – expire in 2025. At a minimum, those tax reforms must be extended.

"But I won’t stop there. We need a flatter, fairer tax system to foster growth in the economy and allow taxpayers the opportunity to save and invest for the future. I will reform the tax code like Ronald Reagan did."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?
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