Robert Lombardo
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should there be a path to citizenship for some illegal/undocumented immigrants?
"There should be a path to RESIDENCY, not citizenship."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government expand background checks for firearms sales?
"The federal government should abolish background checks for firearms sales."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Generally speaking, should the federal government give states more control over welfare/entitlement spending through block grants?
"The federal government should ABOLISH entitlement programs after a strategic and gradual privatization process to wean the public off of government dependency."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the government do more to combat climate change, for example by restricting emissions, taxing carbon, or providing incentives to develop clean energy?
"The government should not interfere with the private sector to combat climate change."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government institute a flat income tax for all income brackets while eliminating many deductions?
"The federal government should repeal the 16th Amendment and abolish direct taxation on the people."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?
"I oppose federal funding for Planned Parenthood."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the government enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized marijuana?
"The government should not enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized marijuana."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government raise the minimum wage?
"The federal government should ABOLISH the minimum wage."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should higher income brackets pay more in federal taxes than they currently do?
"Higher income brackets should not pay more in federal taxes."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
How should the U.S. combat the Islamic State?
"The US should remove itself from international conflicts and allow the American people to freely arm and defend themselves."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government increase spending on defense?
"The federal government should not increase spending on defense."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government increase support for scientific research and development?
"The federal government should not increase support for scientific research and development."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government increase funding for transportation infrastructure, such as road repair and highway expansion?
"The federal government should not increase funding for infrastructure."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government lower the corporate tax rate?
"The federal government should ABOLISH the corporate tax."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?
"I oppose means testing for Social Security."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government provide health care and/or insurance to every citizen?
"The federal government should not offer universal health care or insurance."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?
"I support the privatization of Social Security."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?
"I oppose raising the retirement age."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government repeal the Affordable Care Act/”Obamacare” entirely and start again?
"The federal government should repeal all of the Affordable Care Act/'Obamacare."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?
"The federal government has no Constitutional authority to loan taxpayer money. Debt holdings should be immediately sold, preferably to US-based charities willing to repudiate or restructure debt based on the needs of the debtors."