Robert Huxley

Historical Details
Position on Issues
Voting Record
HB 330 (2011)
Repeals the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed firearm.
HB 648 (2012)
Forbids the use of eminent domain for regional electricity projects when costs and benefits cannot be shared across the ISO - New England network.
SB 27 (2011)
Raises the speed limit in some areas of Lake Winnipesaukee.
SB 88 (2011)
Expands the use of deadly force, adding "Stand Your Ground" to the "Castle Doctrine." Under this bill victims could use deadly force without retreating, anywhere the victim has the right to be.
HB 218 (2011)
Repeals the New Hampshire Rail Transit Auhority (NHRTA).
HR 9 (2011)
Resolution expressing support for earmarks for law enforcement.
HCR 23 (2011)
Urges congressional earmarks for the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
HB 569 (2011)
Establishes "domestic unions" as an alternative to marriage.
HB 109 (2011)
Prohibits local planning boards from requiring sprinklers as a condition for a local permit.
HB 133 (2011)
Ties the New Hampshire minimum wage to the federal minimum wage.
HB 113 (2011)
Prohibits the use of state funds for New Hampshire Public Television (NHPTV).
SB 57 (2011)
Makes various revisions to title loan regulations.
HB 631 (2011)
Repeals the requirement that school districts offer public kindergarten.
HB 329 (2011)
Requires parental notification prior to a minor's abortion.
SB 52 (2011)
Repeals early release programs for inmates convicted of violent crimes.
SB 1 (2011)
Eliminates "evergreen clauses" in public contracts.
HB 519 (2011)
Repeals the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), New Hampshire's cap-and-trade program.
SB 3 (2011)
Makes various changes to the state retirement system, such as raising retirement ages and increasing member contributions.
HB 474 (2011)
Right-to-Work bill that prohibits collective bargaining agreements that require employees to join or contribute to a labor union.
HB 340 (2011)
Exempts parents from the education property tax if their children are not enrolled in public school.
HB 176 (2011)
Changes the definition of "domicile" for voting purposes so that out-of-state students can not claim domicile in New Hampshire.
HB 370 (2011)
Reverses the expanded definition of bullying in the Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention Act.