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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH abolish partisan primaries and adopt the "Top 2" primary system?

"In my opinion, a top 2 system is a facet that allows candidates to obfuscate their true political positions. None of the present primary systems are very good, but why make them even worse?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH allow binding referendums?

Supports amending the NH constitution to permit citizens to vote on statewide issues in a referendum

Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014

"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"

Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014

"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

Supports the expansion of gambling

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH pass a constitutional amendment giving the Legislature more control over the distribution of school funding?

Opposes adopting a constitutional amendment that reduces the role of the courts in the school funding challenge: "Having the courts order, mandate or otherwise direct 'how' or 'what' the legislature will do is a violation of the intended separation of powers for supposed co-equal branches of government."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?

"I am not well-settled on this issue. First, I believe Government should not make laws to protect people from themselves. On the other hand, society accepts smoking and alcohol consumption, and are then forced to pay health costs most associated with alcohol and smoking related illnesses. In other words, responsible people can choose to use a substance, but to accept that means we also accept the likelihood that we are going to pay for their health costs. That I have a problem with."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should LLCs be subject to the interest and dividends tax?

Opposes LLC tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH increase the interest and dividends tax?

Opposes an increase in the I & D tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH increase tolls and/or add new toll booths?

Opposes adding tolls on I-93 (Mass. Border)

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH continue to allow medicinal marijuana?

Supports legalizing medicinal marijuana

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?

Opposes leaving immigration laws to federal government: "Based on funding spent to deal with people here in the country illegally, the federal government has shown itself to be an abysmal manager of immigration. Senate Bill 1070 in Arizona was born out of serious issues that the National government refuses to acknowledge."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH keep the death penalty?

"The death penalty properly represents the totality and proportionality of heinous capital crimes. To repeal the death penalty would be to create an inequity in society, weighing the value of one human life over another. In 1975 Cleo Roy killed Manchester Police Officer Ralph Miller. He was sentenced to life in Prison. In recent years, he has aligned himself with prison gangs and has killed another inmate. The fact that he still has his life and is able to kill again is an inequity."

Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014

"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH repeal same-sex marriage?

"Government does not belong in the religious mandate business. In my religious view, Marriage is between one man and one woman and like so many others, changing the law does not change that view. Gay marriage is inequitable in law because like traditional married couples the law affords the same rights and privileges to same sex couples, but leaves people who cohabitate outside of marriage out of the loop. What would be fairer is to reshape the laws allowing any person, regardless of sex, to legally contract with any other person for rights and privileges presently exercised by married people."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?

Opposes mandatory car insurance: "Such mandates have never increased numbers of insured people. Moreover, such mandates have created more burden on government in efforts to enforce insurance laws. In such a litigious environment, one has to be unwise to be without insurance. However, creating a legal mandate for insurance only penalizes those who do get insurance. No-fault Insurance usually follows and losses are rarely fully remunerated because subrogation of rights go hand in hand with insurance mandates."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH require motorcycle helmets?

Opposes mandatory helmet law for motorcycle riders

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH require seat belts?

Opposes mandatory seat belt law for adults

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH revise the meals and rooms tax?

Opposes local meals and rooms tax

Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014

"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to:
...3. Pass a Right to Work Law in New Hampshire"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH government switch from a pension system to a 401(k)-style retirement plan?

"Yes. Monies paid into these funds should be properly invested with a minimum of risk with the goal in mind that returns are to be used to properly pay those who have paid into the funds from day one. The funds should be properly and responsibly grown with retirement being the end product, not just another cash cow to play parlor tricks with."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2010

Should NH restrict further wind power development?

Opposes restricting the use of windmills and windfarms for power generation based on aesthetics and environmental impact. Supports restriction based on amount of subsidies.

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