Rich Burke
Historical Details
Position on Issues
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?
"I support expanded commuter rail."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH limit terms for elected officials?
"I believe this is a question best answered by a ballot question put forth to Granite State citiEns. Yes on a federal level."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?
"I am undecided on this issue."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH add an income tax on earned income?
"There ar other ways to seek relief for New Hampshire's need for a sustained revenue stream."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?
"NH has a revenue problem. Although I do not support this avenue for revenue, it can be part of a discussion to seek a sustained revenue stream."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH authorize one or more casinos?
"NH has a revenue problem that HAS to be addressed. Casinos should be part of a larger discussion."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?
"There should be a minimum standard for teaching so that students that are transient are capable of continued learning, wherever they go."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?
"Qualified yes. If all candidate contributors list donors (federal and state), AND if state party officials and chairs list their salaries + contributions, I will support full disclosure."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH increase law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses?
"There is a need to differentiate between user + dealer offenses. Addicts need recovery assistance and dealers need mandatory long term sentences."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?
"This girl s not an issue that should be legislated. The NH citizens should address this once and for all on a ballot question. If passed, all proceeds should be in a locked fund to pay for public education and healthcare assistance."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?
"Yes. I also believe that the expansion should be made permanent."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?
"I am undecided on this issue."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?
"I support the Northern Pass project if it can be buried safely and ecologically soundly."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
What is your opinion on the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood?
"I support the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?
"I don't support teaching to the test. I support teaching for the development of the individual students. Socio-Economic conditions cannot be addressed or scaled in a standardized test"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?
"Every citizen has the right to have guns. However, enforce the existing laws and close the loopholes. Guns should not be allowed within 500 feet of a public K-12 school."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry?
"I am undecided on this issue."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH restrict further wind power development?
"Any development away from fossil fuel based dependency should be implemented as long as it can be done in an ecologically sound way."