Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire ban abortion after 24 weeks gestation, with exceptions for cases of rape/incest and health complications?
"This, too, is not an issue for government. We do not need their advice. We certainly don't need 'advice' from them at gunpoint. The people running the government are idiots. They should look to that ... Our experiences with the insane 'War on Drugs' indicate to me that if the government starts a war on Abortion, men will be having abortions within the first decade."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH add an income tax on earned income?
"You should not rob me when I work Why not earn cash yourself, you Jerk! I will not pay your tax today I wish you would just go away!"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?
"#TaxationIsTheft The government is a burden we cannot bear, during the panic and economic deviation which it created with it's massive over-reaction to the COVID virus."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?
"All taxes should be cut. We have been robbed of our right to make a living by the overbearing state. Stealing less from us would not make us whole, but it would add less insult to the injury we have endured."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?
"When we invest we take much risk. And cautious folk just say 'tisk tisk' While government is in the way, Everything is harder ... every day!"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase the tax on cigarettes?
"You should not tax me when I smoke, to ruin the lives of those who toke! You should leave us all alone, as to annoyance, we are prone When everything we say or do means the same damn thing to YOU. That you can rob us one more time, and waste the money ... every dime!"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire add restrictions to the governor's powers during a state of emergency?
"The governor should have no such unilateral powers. The legislature has failed in it's duty to defend the people from this overreaching bureaucratic nonsense. With apologies to Mark Twain, I have to say, 'Most governors is mostly rapscallions'."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire extend the renewable portfolio standard past 2025, requiring public utilities to obtain more than 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources?
"The government should use less energy by doing less. Every government program is spending money like a drunken sailor. The next generation will suffer for our sins."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase public access to reports of police misconduct?
"If elected, I will stop at nothing to eliminate police corruption and violence. We have a right to know about ever single bit of police misconduct. The government should not be covering up for corrupt cops. It should be executing them. Just last year, I was arrested for the *non-crime* of being a felon in possession of a gardening tool (a machete). I was clear that I had not broken the law, but that did not stop the prosecutor from trying to throw me in prison. Because they don't care if you are guilty of anything. They just want a 'win'. And now the state is threatening to put me in jail for not paying for my 'public defender'. I didn't need a lawyer until a corrupt cop and a corrupt prosecutor wrongfully arrested and prosecuted me for a non-crime. So if they ever haul me into court over it, I'll just tell them to throw me in jail until they are sick of it. I would rather have the state harm me, than to give it money that it will use to harm others."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?
"I would rather see voting done on a blockchain, so that we can actually know that the votes are being counted, and counted properly. But the politicians will never let that happen. They like the extra flexibility that occasional election fraud gives them. Of course their favorite piece of election fruad is the one where the Democratic and Republican parties cooperated to disenfranchise all those who are neither Democrat nor Republican. Call it the 'just us' system. By the way, when do those of us who have suffered taxation without representation as a result get our refunds?"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?
"I have promised that if elected, I will pardon every victimless crime in New Hampshire History. This includes drug crimes. For no apparent reason, about 100 years ago, the US government went insane and started two wars with it's own people. The first was Prohibition, and the second was the War on Drugs. Each was a disaster. The are on drugs is a crime against humanity. The government does not exist to prevent you from making bad choices. It exits to defend your rights. And the war on drugs does no such thing. It, and the police violence and mass incarceration that result from it, is probably the best current argument for violent revolution. Apart from taxation. And the wars. And over regulation ... and .. [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind. June 2, 1784"
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Candidate's Website, 2020
"If elected as Governor, I will pardon every single New Hampshire victim of the War on Drugs.
"The War on Drugs is a human rights nightmare. It was created by the Nixon administration for the purpose of suppressing two cultures that Nixon considered to be enemies: hippies, and blacks."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?
"If you think that people should have better opportunities, you are absolutely right. But minimum wage laws price newcomers and the less skilled out of the market. Whenever the price of a thing rises, people buy less of that thing. And when they buy less labor, people become unemployed, which leaves them making even less money. But that's not the worst of it. Unemployed people are not improving their ability to produce."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase the size of solar panel installations that may participate in net energy metering?
"The government should not be involved. Let people make their own choices."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase subsidies and tax credits for business investment?
"No. They should leave the damn market alone. If a business loses its money, it should be declared bankrupt, and it's assets auctioned. Giving the damn bankers a mulligan after the housing crisis, and trillions in handouts in this new manufactured crisis, makes it VERY clear whom it is that the government 'Protects and Serves'. As George Carlin said, it's a great big club, but you and I will never be in it."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase the base amount of per-pupil funding it provides to local school districts?
"Just get out of the education business. Government schools have been a disaster. Humans are barely able to think anymore. This makes it easy for the master class, because incompetent people don't ask for much, but it is a disaster for their victims."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Do you support Gov. Sununu's proposal to allow employers and employees to opt-in to a private, paid family and medical leave insurance plan, based on a pool of state employees, excluding coverage for personal illness?
"Employers and employees already have the right to do this if they want to. There is no reason for the government to be involved. The reality is, people don't give up the money to have better insurance because they would rather have the money than the insurance. Each person has is own, unique, set of values and circumstances. Nobody can make their decisions better than they can, and Nobody deserves the power to force his decisions on others."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?
"Nope. Just let it go. Mankind is a part of nature. Maybe we are changing the planet. We are not the first species that has. Perhaps the world should be different in the future. Maybe there is another species coming one day. Just let the world be."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire create a road usage fee?
"You should not tax me in my car, you should not tax me near or far. I earn my earnings, sir, not you, so what do you think you are due? You should do honest work! A stripper can get paid to twerk! And though you give us only pain, you could always find another lane!"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire create a statewide family and medical leave program, paid for with a percentage of employee wages, with no opt-out?
"Government should not interfere with this either. Some people would prefer a smaller salary and family leave. Others would prefer a larger salary without it. There is no 'one-size-fits-all' solution. Work is worth what it is worth. The government cannot change the value of it, except by destroying jobs. But we don't need a destroyer of jobs. We need creators of jobs."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?
"I have promised that if elected, I will pardon every victimless crime in New Hampshire History. This includes gun crimes. Of course, this does not apply to 'gun crimes' like murder or robbery using a firearm. In those cases, the perp did violate somebody's rights. All gun laws are unconstitutional. They violate our inalienable right to defend ourselves, when threatened, with deadly force. It was to preserve our ability to fight back against the government, should it get out of hand. And now it is out of hand."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire provide student loan debt repayment programs for workers in industries with labor shortages?
"The government should not have started that program in the first place. It has left a trail of human suffering in its wake, as most government programs have. My father was able to earn a PHD working in the college cafeteria. But then the government decided to offer everybody an arbitrarily large education loans. So the schools did what any good businessman would do: the raised their prices. The government will do nothing but wreak havoc until it learns to stop using it's power and money to enrich it's cronies, while impoverishing everyone else!"
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire add tax incentives for affordable housing development?
"The government should stay out of this, except to divest itself of as much land as possible, and return our right to homestead. Without the right for newcomers to homestead property, the entire private property system becomes unfair. But this happens because of government excesses. Just stop."
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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire allocate tax revenues for private and home schooling costs?
"Just get out of the way. You don't have to pay for it. You don't have to regulate it, you don't have to control it. You have built an indoctrination system which crushes the love of learning out of most of it's victims. Go home, government, you're drunk!"