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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?

"The federal government should increase funding for mental health care, which would incorporate treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, including addiction to heroin.

"As a Social Security and veterans disability attorney for over 33 years, I have seen firsthand how pain and mental illness have led to alcohol and drug addiction, which in turn, has exacerbated the underlying mental impairment and made it more difficult for the individual to engage in substantial gainful activity.

"Not only do we have a moral duty to increase funding for treatment programs, but it also would have a positive financial benefit for the economy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should there be a path to citizenship for some illegal/undocumented immigrants?

"Many undocumented immigrants work 'under the table' and do not pay Social Security or income taxes. Most are law-abiding, except for the fact that they are illegally residing in the United States. Some illegally cross the border, while others entered legally, but stayed longer than they were entitled.

"First and foremost we must secure our borders. It appears that we have made progress, but improvements can be made. We also need to keep better track of persons who enter the United States legally, but overstay.

"With respect to persons who have resided in the United States illegally, many of whom have raised families and have worked here for years, It would not be feasible to try to remove or deport all of these people, nor would it be moral to deport persons who were brought here at a young age, who know no other country.

"Currently, Asylees from Cuba can have an order of deportation without being deported. There is a mechanism for suspending the order of deportation and placing these persons on supervision. Therefore, there is a precedent for the following.

"I would propose giving undocumented or illegal immigrants a window of time to report to Homeland Security, consent to an order of deportation, with the order being suspended, the person placed on supervision, and given a work permit. The condition of supervision is that the person would pay Social Security and income taxes on all work they performed, they would not commit a felony, and they would continuously inform the Department of Homeland Security of their whereabouts. Any violation could result in deportation.

"In addition, The undocumented or illegal immigrant would not be eligible for an earned income tax credit nor would he or she be credited with the Social Security taxes paid into the Social Security trust fund.

"The above would not be 'amnesty'. The undocumented or illegal immigrants would pay a stiff penalty in the form of financial contributions to the US treasury and Social Security trust fund. However, it would allow them to come out of the shadows.

"If the undocumented or illegal immigrant successfully complied with the order of supervision for seven years, the person would be eligible for permanent residency and to apply for citizenship.

"I believe the above incentive would generate tens of billions of dollars in revenues for the Social Security trust fund. The majority of illegal or undocumented immigrants would participate. The ones that did not participate would face deportation. The number of those people facing deportation would be manageable by the Department of Homeland Security and other law-enforcement."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the government compel corporations to pay more in federal taxes, for example by closing “loopholes?”

"The current corporate tax rate is about what it should be. however, certain tax incentives, also known as 'loopholes' are outdated and antiquated and need to be removed. By removing these incentives, some corporations will pay more in federal taxes, resulting in increased revenues to the federal government."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?


Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the federal government expand background checks for firearms sales?

"I believe that gun sales, registration, and licensing laws should primarily be the responsibility of the individual states and not the federal government. The federal government should be involved with collecting and providing information about potential purchasers to reduce the number of firearms that make their way into the hands of persons who are not legally eligible to possess them.

"Notwithstanding the above, the federal government should maintain laws preventing certain types of weapons from being able to be purchased and owned by individuals, except under limited circumstances.

"The federal government should not exempt gun manufacturers from liability in the event a gun manufactured by a company results in death or injury to a person."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the government do more to combat climate change, for example by restricting emissions, taxing carbon, or providing incentives to develop clean energy?

"Yes. The federal government already has in place regulations to combat climate change. There are emission standards and tax incentives to manufacturers of devices which produce renewable energy. The United States should be a leader in the effort to reduce human impact on climate change."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the federal government institute a flat income tax for all income brackets while eliminating many deductions?

"No. A flat income tax for all income brackets would be unfair.

"Besides income taxes, there are many other types of taxes including sales tax, gas tax, utility tax, property tax, etc. Lower income people pay a higher percentage of their income for these types of taxes. A progressive income tax is a fairer tax and is better for the overall economy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the government enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized marijuana?

"I believe the federal government should be involved with enforcing laws pertaining to the importation and exportation of marijuana across the country's borders, as well as between states. I do not believe the federal government should enforce federal marijuana laws for marijuana grown and sold within the borders of a state or territory, which has legalized marijuana for recreational or therapeutic use."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

How should the U.S. combat the Islamic State?

"There are no good options. ISIS is an extremist Islamic organization which engages in barbaric terrorist activities. They oppose the regime of Asad who has also engaged in barbaric actions against the Syrian population. There are ordinary citizens of Syria, that are caught in the crossfire. There are also other factions fighting for control of regions including Al Qaeda like factions.

"Many 'moderate rebels' are not really moderate or pro west. The enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend. Arming a faction that opposes ISIS or Asad, may backfire in the future. Iran is getting increasingly stronger and has terror networks worldwide. They supply Hezbollah with tens of thousands of rockets. They are also an extremist Islam entity and pose an extensional threat to Israel, a long time and loyal ally of the United States.

"The only way to defeat ISIS is with a coalition of US, European and Russian troops. We cannot rely on Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other predominantly Sunni Muslim countries to defeat ISIS. The American people do not have the desire or will to put troops on the ground in Syria and we should not arm our potentially future enemies. Therefore, I would reluctantly propose that the United States stay out of the Syrian conflict and only respond to attacks against the United States in a measured fashion to deter future attacks."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the federal government increase private sector involvement in veterans' health care?

"The veterans choice act should be improved, so that veterans who live a long distance from a VA medical facility or have to wait an inordinate length of time to see a VA medical provider has reasonable and prompt access to appropriate medical care."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should NH limit access to abortion?

"I am pro-choice."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should NH keep the death penalty?

"I do not support the death penalty. However, if you asked me a 'Michael Dukakis' question such as would I support it if someone killed a member of my family, I would say that I could not be objective at that point and I would support the death penalty in that case."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the NSA continue its bulk data collection programs for U.S. citizens?

"The National Security Agency's authority to collect phone record data was said to be an important tool in stopping terrorist attacks and arresting perpetrators.

"There are those who would say that the program amounts to intrusive government overreach with no security benefit.

"I am hopeful the US Freedom Act which limits the NSA's authority to bulk collect smart phone, online and other electronic metadata will strike a reasonable balance between Americans' rights to privacy and the need of law-enforcement to have the tools necessary to fight terrorism."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

"The truthful answer is not a popular answer. Social Security is facing a midterm and long-range solvency problem. There needs to be a multifaceted approach. First we have to increase the income subject to Social Security tax. Secondly, we have to reduce the percentage of a person's average income that someone receives, if their average income exceeds $118,500. Third, the trust fund can be increased by issuing work permits to illegal or undocumented persons. And lastly, although unpopular, we must increase the retirement age gradually for persons who are currently under 50 years old. There should be no changes for persons who are currently over 50."

Candidate's Website, 2015

"The affordable care act should not be repealed, but improved.

"These improvements would include allowing all Americans to purchase Medicare at a fair market price, offer federal funds to counties within states that did not expand Medicaid, which provide Medicaid equivalent benefits to its residents, and eliminate the two-year waiting period to qualify for Medicare for persons eligible for disability insurance benefits."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?

"The federal government should reduce student loan interest rates, if the debtor can establish that he or she would be unable to repay the debt at the current interest rate without an undue hardship. The federal government should increase tuition assistance to persons attending a public university or junior college, as well as vocational schools. However, this assistance should be needs-based and not across the board."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2015

How should the U.S. approach Iran?

"I was disappointed with the recent Iranian nuclear deal, as it failed to close every pathway to develop a nuclear weapon. However, the deal is in place and will be implemented. The United States must now be vigilant to ensure Iranian compliance and be ready to move quickly against any violations of the deal.

"We must continue to put pressure on Iran to discontinue sponsoring terrorist organizations including Hezbollah and Hamas and recognizing Israel's right to exist."

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