Michael Balog

Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Valley News, 2014
Opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and/or when the mother's life is in danger
Against| Read My Position
Valley News, 2016
"Balog said he is concerned about the state's finances and would not support any new taxes or fees."
Against| Read My Position
Valley News, 2016
"Balog said he is concerned about the state's finances and would not support any new taxes or fees."
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Balog answered "Yes" to the question, "Will you support repeal of your state's participation in Common Core?"
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Balog answered "Yes" to the question, "Will you support efforts to nullify or block implementation of ObamaCare, including repealing the expansion of Medicaid?"
For| Read My Position
Valley News, 2014
Opposes abortion except in cases of rape, incest, and/or when the mother's life is in danger
For| Read My Position
Valley News, 2014
"Balog said he is concerned about the state's finances and would not support any new taxes or fees."
Against| Read My Position
Balog answered "Yes" to the question, "Will you support a 'Constitutional Carry' bill that would allow any law-abiding citizen to carry a firearm concealed without a permit?"