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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?

"No. People control should supplant gun control. AR-15s on their own are harmless. It's ill-will that makes them an offensive weapon, and the best solution we have is community awareness of others' possibly-evil proclivities. 'If you see something, say something' is worthy, including seeing malevolent facebook posts, or private emails. The AR-15 is both offensive AND defensive. On behalf of the imperiled homeowner, who might be dead without extra rounds that can be quickly fired, we should side with the defense. Please note that the U.S. Constitution gives us no choice. The government should ban NO firearm that can be used in defense of oneself or defense of the country from tyranny. Literally, if a person reasonably fears an invasion by his own government, he should be able to possess a surface-to-air missile, or an anti-tank weapon."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

"Yes. Commerce, Education, Energy, HHS, HUD, and Transportation have little to no constitutional purposes. And most of their policies damage our well-being."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a constitutional amendment limiting terms for U.S. representatives and senators?

"We HAVE term limits! Every two years, we have the power to show every House member the door. Yes, their incumbancy gives them advantages, but with thoughtfullness and good media that report on how they vote, we, the people can keep or jettison everyone. Now, I WOULD like to see term limits on JUDGES. 'on good behavior' is not a good standard"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by giving states a fixed block grant for Medicaid?

"No tweaks of Medicare or Obamacare will be satisfactory. We will reduce costs with the Free Market in medicine. We get these by unraveling these layers of co-payments, cost-codes, and networks, as soon as possible. The Free Market gives us great choice and low prices in clothing, amazing choice in our groceries, and better and better electronic devices every few years. Health care is more important than clothing or computers - for the sake of the best choices and lowest prices in health care, we should remove all government restrictions."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the U.S. make illegal border crossings a civil rather than criminal offense?

"I am undecided on this issue."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by requiring budget cuts to match any new federal spending?

1) the federal government should NEVER be controlling private business' pricing. 2) my 'Undecided' on 'raising taxes' is best answered situationally. We reduce the deficit by SPENDING LESS. But what Congress decides to spend should be repaid THAT VERY YEAR. Short of a national emergency (last seen in the two-front war of 1945) we should never foit our expenditures on future generations. It's slovenly and immoral. 3) Inflation will decrease if the president allows drilling and pipelines and better barge traffic. Also, stop paying people who don't want to work. With gas prices lowered and the labor market back to normalcy, we will see prices fall."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?

1) the federal government should NEVER be controlling private business' pricing. 2) my 'Undecided' on 'raising taxes' is best answered situationally. We reduce the deficit by SPENDING LESS. But what Congress decides to spend should be repaid THAT VERY YEAR. Short of a national emergency (last seen in the two-front war of 1945) we should never foit our expenditures on future generations. It's slovenly and immoral. 3) Inflation will decrease if the president allows drilling and pipelines and better barge traffic. Also, stop paying people who don't want to work. With gas prices lowered and the labor market back to normalcy, we will see prices fall."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should Congress create a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children?

"I oppose a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support mandatory competency tests for federal candidates over age 75?

"Though President Biden is now over 80, his age has no relevance to my opposition. Tom Sowell, age 91, is sharp as a tack -- if we had him in the Oval Office for a few years, we'd be in great shape. For ANY federal condidate, competency and policy matter; age should not be a factor."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

1) the federal government should NEVER be controlling private business' pricing. 2) my 'Undecided' on 'raising taxes' is best answered situationally. We reduce the deficit by SPENDING LESS. But what Congress decides to spend should be repaid THAT VERY YEAR. Short of a national emergency (last seen in the two-front war of 1945) we should never foit our expenditures on future generations. It's slovenly and immoral. 3) Inflation will decrease if the president allows drilling and pipelines and better barge traffic. Also, stop paying people who don't want to work. With gas prices lowered and the labor market back to normalcy, we will see prices fall."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. send military forces to Taiwan if China attacks the island?

"With two exceptions, i do not comment on Foreign military policy. 1) No presidential candidate knows our enemy capabilities, our allies' capabilities and even our OWN capabilities. No candidate CAN know these secrets. 2) Even a highly alert and engaged president (Biden and Trump both fall short), if he knows all such capabilities should stay reticent on foreign military policy. He would either have to lie, or his candor would endanger American troops. 3) Finally Americans are routinely surprised by their presidents' foreign policies; their statements as candidates were NOT helpful. Eisenhower, LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Clinton all made very surprising moves in foreign policies. Thus, with only two exceptions, both of which say more about AMERICA than about the country we may be defending abroad, I will not speak about foreign military policy other than in broad generalities."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

"Any environmental mandates on automakers are both unwise and un-Constitutional. UnConstitutional because Congress was never given power to regulate the auto industry or regulate the environment. I happen to believe the Federal government is at this time a better protector of our individual rights in clear air and clean water. We as individuals are nearly powerless to do the science and take big polluters to court. So while i'd LIKE the feds to have environmental powers, we need a Constitutional Amendment for this. Unwise, because electric cars cause MORE environmental damage. The largest creator of electricity in the U.S. is COAL. Thus charging one's Tesla is saving on gas while likely causing high mining and burning of coal. Additionally, the batteries that electric vehicles need run on cobalt, lithium, and/or zirconium. These are highly damaging, and their extraction is largely done in Asia and Africa by children laboring under what we typically term 'nearly-slave labor'."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by eliminating the "essential health benefits" insurance plans must cover?

"No tweaks of Medicare or Obamacare will be satisfactory. We will reduce costs with the Free Market in medicine. We get these by unraveling these layers of co-payments, cost-codes, and networks, as soon as possible. The Free Market gives us great choice and low prices in clothing, amazing choice in our groceries, and better and better electronic devices every few years. Health care is more important than clothing or computers - for the sake of the best choices and lowest prices in health care, we should remove all government restrictions."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support ending China's Permanent Normal Trade Relations status?

"Generally, I support free trade, free exchage of ideas, free travel , and free exchange of cultures. We are likely to stay at peace when all these exchanges are enhanced. The big concern is Chinese students in our graduate programs which have high-tech and high military research uses. I would consider allowing them ONLY with their agreement to be HIGHLY monitored, which they would have to pay for."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support revising Title IX to limit participation in female sports based on an individual's reproductive biology and genetics at birth?

"It's NOT a revision! One's sex is immutable. Title IX simply needs to be FOLLOWED. It gives equal opportunity for females. As soon as a boy-who-thinks-today-he-might-be-female is allowed to compete in events limited to females, he is transgressing the girls' Title IX privileges. We encourage women to participate in sports BY creeating competitions FOR THEM. To include males is as ludicrous as to allow 19 year old to compete in 'Under 12' competitions. Sorry, localities should not let the confused and the narcissistic be using women's sports for political agitation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government ban some abortions?

"Please see my video 'Higher Law' at"

Project Vote Smart Survey, 2000

"Taxing wealth and spending is more moral than taxing income. Accordingly I would press Congress to replace income taxes on individuals with a federal sales tax and a property tax. 3% of sales, 3% of real property and 3% of vehicles should approximate $1.4 trillion. Corporate, estate, and income taxes on non-citizens who don't own property could take in another $.3 trillion."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by increasing funding for research on climate issues?

"The reason becing my undecidedness is the Constitutionality of Federal environmental action. The Consitution does not permit it, other than as an adjunct to military policy. I'd LIKE to see more Federal activity to spur people to become better environmental stewards. It's the one Constitutional Amendment I favor."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

"I oppose federal funding for Planned Parenthood."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government raise the minimum wage?

"The Constitution does not empower the Federal Government to interfere in labor relations. States have the power, but they should NOT use it to set minimum wages. Free market yield the best result. High minimum wages have caused restaurants to close in Seattle. High minimum wages in Los Angeles have speeded the transition to automated restaurant servers. Ask THE DISPLACED worker, especially the one wanting to get on the ladder of success and has its lower rungs cut by government 'would you rather see $3 an hour more and lose your job entireley, or have a job and take your current wage?'. The progressives who clamor for high minimum wages hurt the most vulnerable people. What of NO minimum wage? The result is beautiful -- businesses can afford some little niceties, staffed by people who otherwise are on the dole (that we pay for). Switzerland has a VERY HIGH average wage (about $26/hr) and has no minimum. Hong Kong until recently had no minimum and was the second most prosperous place in Asia. Most prosperous: Singapore, with still no minimum wage."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to an abortion as decided in Roe v. Wade?

"I'm a 'Conserva-tarian'. That means conservtive in my personal live and 'liberty-minded' when it comes to civics. Thus i feel that scraping unborn babies from a uterus is immoral, but I don't think towns should arrest women who do this. Whether they arrest DOCTORS, who should know better, I am ambivalent. Roe was judges MAKING law, not interpreting law. Abotrion should be decided on a state-by-state, or even better, a town-by-town decision. A few towns will ban clinics from their midst; others will encourage them to be set up. The Federal government should stay out. even if it had the authority, there is no consensus."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to choose abortion before fetal viability (generally 24 weeks gestation)?

"Please see my video 'Higher Law' at"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for energy efficiency?

"The reason becing my undecidedness is the Constitutionality of Federal environmental action. The Consitution does not permit it, other than as an adjunct to military policy. I'd LIKE to see more Federal activity to spur people to become better environmental stewards. It's the one Constitutional Amendment I favor."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government do more to combat climate change by providing subsidies for renewable energy?

"The reason becing my undecidedness is the Constitutionality of Federal environmental action. The Consitution does not permit it, other than as an adjunct to military policy. I'd LIKE to see more Federal activity to spur people to become better environmental stewards. It's the one Constitutional Amendment I favor."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government provide free tuition at public colleges and universities?

"The federal government should not provide free tuition at public colleges and universities."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should higher income brackets pay more in federal taxes than they currently do?

"We should eliminate personal income taxes entirely. If revenue is truly needed to cover the essential federal functions (courts, defense, and the few other areas permitted by Article I Section 8), then let them come from use fees or at WORST a low tax on real property. Taxing wealth and spending is more moral than taxing income. Accordingly I would press Congress to replace income taxes on individuals with a federal sales tax and a property tax. 3% of sales, 3% of real property and 3% of vehicles should approximate $1.4 trillion. Corporate, estate, and income taxes on non-citizens who don't own property could take in another $.3 trillion. We can defend ourselves and our allies for Half that $1.7 trillion; the other half can go to paying down the debt. If we're not willing to dramatically slim spending to Constitutional levels, we should default RIGHT NOW. Yes, we'll be screwing debtholders, but they made rational risk-based decisions. We won't be foisting our debt on toddlers and children unborn, who don't even have a chance to escape the indebtedness we are putting on them."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Do you generally support higher tariffs on imports from countries such as China, where we have a large trade deficit?

"I oppose higher tariffs on imports from countries such as China, where we have a large trade deficit."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government increase funding for transportation infrastructure, such as road repair and highway expansion?

"Only for military transport. States and private entities can build and maintain roads better than the US Government."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support increasing oil and natural gas leases on publicly owned land and water?

"Nobody has shown fracking to be inherently harmful. It CAN be, if done badly. So let LOCAL scrutiny and perhaps local regulations take hold. Note that 'publicly owned land and water' is perverse. Aside from camps for military uses and a few government buildings, the federal government should be selling off lands and using the proceeds to repay our debt."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government increase private sector involvement in veterans' health care?

"The federal government should increase private sector involvement in veterans' health care."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government limit certain firearm purchases to residents over age twenty-one?

"No. There should be NO federal limitation on arms used in defense of oneself, one's neighbors, or one's property. No limitation on device, or trigger mechanism, or on age of user. I was a good and responsible marksman at age 7. If a protective adult is absent, we should trust a well-trained 10 year old with a firearm. In some situations, that 10 year old with a gun may be the best protector against a thug trying to kidnap a schoolmate, or trying to knife another child at a playground. Local governments MIGHT choose to have age restrictions on gun use, but they should do so with EXTREME deference to our rights to defend ourselves."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

"Yes. Marijuana was made a Schedule I narcotic by the Nixon administration for political, and possibly 'racist' reasons. Wanting to appeal to the conservative majority for 'law-and-order' against 'undesirable' counter-culture people, President Richard Nixon put marijuana AND PEYOTE on the same Schedule I. Peyote is a harmless weed that is traditionally smoked by southwestern Native Americans. Peyote and marijuana had become popular among the counter-culture. The U.S. Constitution gives the federal government ZERO power to control commerce in any items, whether for health or entertainment, profit-seeking distribution or simple religious rite. (See my analysis of Article I Section 8 at Adults should be able to decide what to ingest. Laws protecting minors from drug use are worthy, but these should be LOCAL laws, not federal and not even state."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

"Social Security should be optional. Compelling Social Security is un-Constitutional and, in this day when there are soooo many choices for lay-people to invest for retirement, it is unnecessary. People who WANT a government investment and payout under a government scheme can continue to do so. For the rest of us, give back a portion of what's coming to us, keep the rest, and let us OUT of a system that is, by any normal definition, bankrupt."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by automatically enrolling every citizen in Medicare, replacing most private insurance?

"No tweaks of Medicare or Obamacare will be satisfactory. We will reduce costs with the Free Market in medicine. We get these by unraveling these layers of co-payments, cost-codes, and networks, as soon as possible. The Free Market gives us great choice and low prices in clothing, amazing choice in our groceries, and better and better electronic devices every few years. Health care is more important than clothing or computers - for the sake of the best choices and lowest prices in health care, we should remove all government restrictions."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?

"No tweaks of Medicare or Obamacare will be satisfactory. We will reduce costs with the Free Market in medicine. We get these by unraveling these layers of co-payments, cost-codes, and networks, as soon as possible. The Free Market gives us great choice and low prices in clothing, amazing choice in our groceries, and better and better electronic devices every few years. Health care is more important than clothing or computers - for the sake of the best choices and lowest prices in health care, we should remove all government restrictions."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S.?

"'WILL, not WALL'. We need the willpower to deport undesirables who lodge themselves in the U.S., and the willpower to deter them from coming in the first place. Deterrence comes with clear pronouncements that the border is NO LONGER open. Deterrence also comes with guns. We need to be willing to fire at transgressors. In the same way that a person gets shot if trying to breach a nuclear facility, or even shot if trying to invade one's home, the border-crossers need to know that will be treated as 'invaders' and face gunfire. 'Undesirable' is a different question, and in other places at '' i discuss this candidly. The vast majority of immigrants ARE desirable. I put it at over 80% of the illegal ones, and 100% of the legal ones. Indeed, even among the illegals, most carry American values already. Our immigration problem almost evaporates when we a) end government welfare, b) legalize drugs at the federal level, and c) re-establish the American creed, so that all immigrants are seeking to join a true American culture. Now, we are equally porous to entry by students overstaying visas, travelers overstaying their time spans, and workers overstaying their permits. The undesirables among THEM deserve to be followed, deported, and never let in again."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support using military force against drug cartels inside Mexico?

"No. We wouldn't want another nation's forces acting militarily within our borders. Equally important -- the drug problem is solely OUR problem. If our adults lack the control to 'just say no', it's not Mexico's fault. I believe in legalizing all or almost all substances for adult consumption ('adult' for me is a high bar, where one shows a tribunal personal responsibility; until then s/he is a minor and deserving more government protections). While I feel for people who have taken apparently harmless drugs laced with fentanyl, they shouldn't be buying ingestable shit from street vendors in the first place. And...though grueling and requiring hard-to-stick fortitude, I don't believe anyone is a permanent addict. Strong will power overcomes addictions. Recognizing one's community loves you, and perhaps that God loves you is a good spur to shaking off a bad habit. The human mind can overcome chemicals."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. government continue to provide military aid to Ukraine (without putting U.S. soldiers on the ground)?

"Again, i don't comment on foreign military policy. Please recognize that while Putin seems like the 'bad guy', there's culpability on the Ukraine side too: 1) the Zelensky government is corrupt 2) Ukraine has separatist groups that prefer Russian governance and represses these people 3) Ukraine is NOT an ally"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government provide more funding to states to fight opioid addiction?

"I would fund federal programs the put God into the equation. We're afraid to invoke God, or a higher purpose. So addicts who don't see a good higher purpose will relapse."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Would you pardon former president Donald Trump if he is convicted?

"Depends on what. Thus far, it appears his prosecutions are politically motivated. If prosecutors really cared about the Trump transgressions, they should be OBLIGATED to prosecute all similar crimes. The fact that they don't shows the Trump accusations are political. MAYBE there's something really bad that no other former politician has done; until i see it, he gets pardoned. P.S. -- I will pardon every person convicted of drug-sale charges if those are the only charges against them."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

According to a 2019 poll, two-thirds of U.S. adults say they have little or no confidence in federal government. What is your plan to restore confidence in the federal government?

"The federal government is too big to do the majority of its duties well. Furthermore, there's such disagreement about what its duties are, that the less government we have, the happier we will be. Even where there IS agreement, government officials, who are tempted by campaign contributions, and possibly outright bribery, can't be counted on to do the people's will."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support allowing the federal government to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs covered under Medicare?

"Medicare should be optional. Compelling Medicare is un-Constitutional and, in this day when there are soooo many private insurance choices, it is unnecessary. Medicare is BANKRUPT (Adding Part D) in early 2000 sealed it fate. End it so we can each use the funds to privately insure."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

"Social Security should be optional. Compelling Social Security is un-Constitutional and, in this day when there are soooo many choices for lay-people to invest for retirement, it is unnecessary. People who WANT a government investment and payout under a government scheme can continue to do so. For the rest of us, give back a portion of what's coming to us, keep the rest, and let us OUT of a system that is, by any normal definition, bankrupt."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?

"Social Security should be optional. Compelling Social Security is un-Constitutional and, in this day when there are soooo many choices for lay-people to invest for retirement, it is unnecessary. People who WANT a government investment and payout under a government scheme can continue to do so. For the rest of us, give back a portion of what's coming to us, keep the rest, and let us OUT of a system that is, by any normal definition, bankrupt."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

"Social Security should be optional. Compelling Social Security is un-Constitutional and, in this day when there are soooo many choices for lay-people to invest for retirement, it is unnecessary. People who WANT a government investment and payout under a government scheme can continue to do so. For the rest of us, give back a portion of what's coming to us, keep the rest, and let us OUT of a system that is, by any normal definition, bankrupt."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by raising taxes to reduce the budget deficit?

1) the federal government should NEVER be controlling private business' pricing. 2) my 'Undecided' on 'raising taxes' is best answered situationally. We reduce the deficit by SPENDING LESS. But what Congress decides to spend should be repaid THAT VERY YEAR. Short of a national emergency (last seen in the two-front war of 1945) we should never foit our expenditures on future generations. It's slovenly and immoral. 3) Inflation will decrease if the president allows drilling and pipelines and better barge traffic. Also, stop paying people who don't want to work. With gas prices lowered and the labor market back to normalcy, we will see prices fall."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by repealing the tax penalty for employers who do not offer health insurance?

"No tweaks of Medicare or Obamacare will be satisfactory. We will reduce costs with the Free Market in medicine. We get these by unraveling these layers of co-payments, cost-codes, and networks, as soon as possible. The Free Market gives us great choice and low prices in clothing, amazing choice in our groceries, and better and better electronic devices every few years. Health care is more important than clothing or computers - for the sake of the best choices and lowest prices in health care, we should remove all government restrictions."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

1) the federal government should NEVER be controlling private business' pricing. 2) my 'Undecided' on 'raising taxes' is best answered situationally. We reduce the deficit by SPENDING LESS. But what Congress decides to spend should be repaid THAT VERY YEAR. Short of a national emergency (last seen in the two-front war of 1945) we should never foit our expenditures on future generations. It's slovenly and immoral. 3) Inflation will decrease if the president allows drilling and pipelines and better barge traffic. Also, stop paying people who don't want to work. With gas prices lowered and the labor market back to normalcy, we will see prices fall."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the U.S. impose additional sanctions on Russia in retaliation for its aggressive action in Syria and the Ukraine?

"With two exceptions, I don't comment on Foreign policy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government allow student loan payments to be reduced based on income?

"Student loans are contracts. Normally, the Federal government should stay out of private contracts. But here I'm sympathetic to a generation of students who accumulated high debt priot to 2015. Thus I could be in favor of some loan forgivenemss because: 1) they signed contracts when they were 17 or at most 18 years old. 2) unltil the 2008 recession hit, they were sold a lie that debt could always be paid off easily. 3) Their contracts, almost as intricate as mortgages, were never explained well to them. Now, the Obama method for easing loan debt is very unfair -- there are college grads who get complete loan forgiveness if they choose to stay poor. I know of two young women who choose to work very little so as to stay under the threshhold. That's perverse."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?

1) the federal government should NEVER be controlling private business' pricing. 2) my 'Undecided' on 'raising taxes' is best answered situationally. We reduce the deficit by SPENDING LESS. But what Congress decides to spend should be repaid THAT VERY YEAR. Short of a national emergency (last seen in the two-front war of 1945) we should never foit our expenditures on future generations. It's slovenly and immoral. 3) Inflation will decrease if the president allows drilling and pipelines and better barge traffic. Also, stop paying people who don't want to work. With gas prices lowered and the labor market back to normalcy, we will see prices fall."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?

"The reason becing my undecidedness is the Constitutionality of Federal environmental action. The Consitution does not permit it, other than as an adjunct to military policy. I'd LIKE to see more Federal activity to spur people to become better environmental stewards. It's the one Constitutional Amendment I favor."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2019

Do you agree with President Trump on withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement?

"The Accords locked Brazil. China, and India, the largest polluters, into their high-polluting positions. Plus Paris has no teeth. We should sign compacts with heft. Aspirations are not worthy of treaties."

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