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Position on Issues

Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012

"I cannot emphasize enough how strongly I am against expanded gambling. The carrot that is always presented is expanded State revenue. The social costs and the loss of quality of life far outweigh this perceived benefit. We don't need more money flowing to Concord. It will only expand government and we need less government, not more. We citizens of New Hampshire can make our own way without Concord interfering by throwing good money after bad and injecting itself into our lives."

Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012

"I would restore funds to the disabled - the most vulnerable in our society. This does not include the able-bodied young man in Peterborough who attempted to buy cigarettes with his EBT card. We need to thoroughly examine why and to whom we give welfare money. Personal experience tells me there are far too many employable people who expect those who work to fund their lives. It makes voters rightly cynical. This cynicism and indifferent management make it difficult to get money to those who truly need it. The latter is the result of an encroaching entitlement mentality that is fostered currently at the federal and state levels."

Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012

"I am not in favor of repeal. It's a simple matter of fairness. Gay couples want to have stable family commitments with full rights and benefits. This is a civil issue, as marriage in this country is a civil contract. Individual religious groups can decide within their own tenets and set their own requirements for membership. Separation of church and state."

Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012

"I am in favor of Right-to -Work legislation. It does have to contain a proviso that even if you opt out, you must pay a fee for the cost the unions incur for negotiations. It is simply immoral to require membership in a group that actively works against ideals in which you believe. Union moneys are routinely used to support a candidate for election that many members do not themselves support. It's their money being used against them."

Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012

"Yes, women should control their reproductive rights, and, equally, the constitutional right of gun ownership should be respected."

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