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Concord Monitor Candidate Profile, 2024

"Goodlander agreed with Van Ostern, saying the Second Amendment doesn’t prohibit commonsense solutions. She said she’ll fight to ban assault weapons and bump stocks, enact universal background checks and close loopholes to make sure guns don’t get into the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. In addition, Goodlander vowed she’d take on the National Rifle Association and the gun industry, which she said have gone “unchecked” for too long, and she’ll take a proactive stance by investing in more mental health services."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency and redistributing its duties?

WMUR, 2024

Goodlander has not specifically addressed congressional term limits, but she supports term limits for the U.S. Supreme Court.

In a WMUR interview she said, "Another really important [reform] is an 18-year term limit. You know, constitutional lawyers and scholars from across the ideological spectrum agree that 18-year term limit is a good idea. ... No one should be in a job on the Supreme Court for as long as I've been alive, and right now that's what we have."

WMUR, 2024

"We need smart fiscal policy that invests in our country without restricting future generations. Maggie’s experience in all three branches of government allows her to hit the ground running as we build a federal budget that works for Granite Staters."

Candidate's Website, 2024

Goodlander has not specifically addressed price caps, but her website states, "As a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Justice Department, Maggie was on the frontlines of the fight against corporate monopolies that are making life harder for hardworking Granite Staters by jacking up the prices of housing, healthcare, prescription drugs, groceries, and airline tickets. Maggie is ready to bring that fight to Congress to restore competition across the American economy and to protect consumers, workers, small businesses, and family farmers across New Hampshire."

Candidate's Website, 2024

Goodlander has not addressed specific action she would take on asylum-seekers, but her website states, "As a senior advisor in the United States Senate, Maggie was proud to help craft the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed the Senate in 2012 and continues to be the framework for legislation to deliver a fairer immigration system that provides a path to citizenship for those already here, secures our borders, and curbs the flow of fentanyl across our border."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

Other, 2024

In an August candidate forum Goodlander said, "I learned everything that I know today that matters on the sports fields... This is a place -- sports, fields, athletics -- where people come together in a real way in this country. And the assaults on this defy common sense, defy our constitution -- we have the constitution on our side, we have common sense on our side."

Candidate's Website, 2024

Goodlander has not specifically addressed the Child Tax Credit, but her website states, "Maggie believes deeply that Congress can and must be on the frontlines of the fight for ensuring a fair deal for all Granite Staters. ... It means expanding access to affordable healthcare and prescription drugs, and making childcare, elder care, and housing more affordable."

Other, 2024

"'The Trump tax cuts are a disaster; they have to be repealed. We have to find a way to raise revenue,' Goodlander said."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"In Congress, Maggie will fight like hell to defend access to the full range of reproductive healthcare, including abortion, contraceptives, and IVF."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"I will champion a federal right to an abortion through the Women’s Health Protection Act, and preserve access to medication abortion through telehealth. I support repealing the Hyde Amendment to ensure that abortion care is covered through public health insurance programs – the right to an abortion should not depend on whether you have the financial resources to access it."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support increasing military aid to Taiwan?

Candidate's Website, 2024

"The fight for a fair deal also means combating climate change, standing up to Big Oil, and working to make America the world’s clean energy superpower. Maggie believes deeply in advancing environmental justice and was proud to help to launch the Justice Department’s first-ever Office of Environmental Justice dedicated to protecting overburdened and underserved communities across America from the harm caused by pollution, environmental crimes, and the climate crisis. In Congress, Maggie will be on the frontlines of the fight against our climate crisis and work to close the tax loopholes that have allowed Big Oil to make record profits while hardworking people are facing record prices at the pumps."

WMUR, 2024

At a WMUR debate Goodlander said, "We have a memorandum of understanding that was negotiated during the Obama administration that governs our defense relationship with Israel. That is the memorandum of understanding that I believe we should continue."

Candidate's Website, 2024

"Maggie believes deeply that Congress can and must be on the frontlines of the fight for ensuring a fair deal for all Granite Staters. The fight for a fair deal ... means legalizing marijuana at the federal level and delivering meaningful and much-needed criminal justice reforms."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

Candidate's Website, 2024

Goodlander has not specifically addressed Medicare for All, but her website states, "Maggie believes that healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and that mental healthcare is healthcare. Period. In Congress, Maggie will fight to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for all Americans, including by taking on big health insurers and Big Pharma."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the U.S. government continue to provide military aid to Ukraine (without putting U.S. soldiers on the ground)?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support increasing federal enforcement of organized retail crime?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support presidential action to bar asylum-seekers from staying in the United States before their court date?

Other, 2024

"I want to start by saying I’m going to do everything in my power to defend the social security act because what we’ve seen comes back to the supreme court and the realities of our supreme court today. Weve seen current justices on the supreme court suggest casually in law review articles that the social security act itself is unconstitutional. Which maybe 20 years ago we would have looked at that and said, 'well that’s just a law review article, we cant really take that seriously- we don’t have to worry about the social security act.' But we’ve seen time and time again every year the supreme court takes a radical idea from a law review article and makes it the law of the land. So, I want to be on the part of making sure we defend social security. And it goes back to Jack and what you asked before, 'how do we really get serious about the debt?' It’s the same thing, we’ve got to find…I think we’ve got to win and take back the people’s House in order to really take a hard look at how we make social security sustainable for all of time for the American people."

Other, 2024

At a debate at New England College Goodlander said, "There are a lot of questions of public policy that don't have clear and easy solutions. This one actually does have a clear and easy solution and it's pretty simple -- the wealthy should pay their fair share into Social Security so we can ensure it's solvency into the future."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

WMUR, 2024

"In Congress, Maggie will advocate for a tax system that ensures the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share, targeting loopholes and unfair practices that benefit the wealthiest at the expense of the middle class and working families. Maggie believes in tax reform that supports economic growth, reduces inequalities, and funds critical public investments. Maggie opposes any efforts to raise taxes on middle-class families."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

Candidate's Website, 2024

Goodlander has not specifically addressed Section 230, but her website states, "American companies are the most innovative in the world. Advancements in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology carry enormous promise. Artificial intelligence could help us meet some of our country’s biggest challenges – from the climate crisis to deadly diseases like cancer. Blockchain technologies and their applications could help empower Americans to be the true owners of our own data and be true stakeholders in the digital economy. But like most Granite Staters, Maggie is deeply concerned about the ways in which some in the tech industry have exploited sensitive personal data, put our children, consumers, and workers at risk, violated civil rights, and tilted the playing field to undermine competition and crush small businesses. We need to modernize our laws and regulations to empower the innovation that America needs to remain the global leader in the development of these important technologies – not countries like China or Russia."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?

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