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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2018

"New Hampshire has the second lowest rate of spending on substance use treatment and prevention, so it doesn't provide enough resources for those addicted to opioids to recover, including access to Narcan and needle exchange programs. Additionally the above average rate of prescribing high-dose opiods and extended release opiods is a contributing factor in this crisis. Primary care doctors, emergency care doctors, and specialty care doctors should all be educated in pain management guidelines and trained in addiction treatment as well as be allowed to administer medication to help treat the addiction."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2020

"No, I do not support instituting a broad based income tax in NH."

Candidate's Website, 2018

"We need to consider 2-4 year colleges as continuing education for our students and we need to be sure we are finding ways to offset the costs of that education in order to retain the best and brightest."

Candidate's Website, 2020

"According to the NH DOE, the State's adequacy funding and all other state aid to education comprised about 32.5% of the total funding for K-12 education in 2016 - 2017. The average amount of state funding including targeted allocations, per pupil in 2016 - 2017 was $4,476, but the average actual annual per pupil cost was about $15,310. The percentage of the cost of K-12 education provided by the state government in New Hampshire is among the five lowest in the country.

"Local funding, almost exclusively through property taxes made up 60.1% of all school funding in the 2016-2017 year. This means that property taxpayers are bearing an increasing and disproportionate burden of what is constitutionally the State's responsibility. Additionally property poor school districts often tax their residents at above average rates but generate limited revenue keeping their per pupil spending below average, even with state aid. This leads to cutting teachers and programs.

"We must ensure that we are funding quality education for all of NH students according to the NH Constitution and at uniform rates throughout New Hampshire. Education is essential to self-government, 'Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.' ~ Thomas Jefferson"

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