Keith Simpson
Historical Details
Position on Issues
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Was NH right to ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?
"I support the new cell phone law."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH add an income tax on earned income?
"I will not take any tax pledges, nor will I rule out any sources. I prefer progressive taxation now because of the widening income inequality gap in the entire country."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?
"I will not take any tax pledges, nor will I rule out any sources. I prefer progressive taxation now because of the widening income inequality gap in the entire country."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH authorize one or more casinos?
"My gut opposes casino gambling. If I felt there were a great many constituents that like to gamble and I could be convinced that the number of people for whom it brought misery into their lives was negligible, then I might support it. I don't think that either of these criteria are met in my district, or the state. I do not consider the jobs or revenue worth the trouble."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?
"I do not have a position yet on Common Core. Measuring student progress may be better done more and more subjectively, once again, as the progress through their education. I would want to learn more about the motivation behind Common Core before I made any decisions on its efficacy."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?
"The possession of small quantities of marijuana should not be a crime."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH provide more funding for charter schools?
"I am willing to learn more about charter schools, but at this time I am not in favor of state funding. I don't believe the concept of education and competition are basically incompatible. Measuring outcomes becomes more and more problematic as students progress through school. Our focus should remain on our public schools which must accomodate a wide range of student capability and interest."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Do employees in NH need more legal protections in the workplace?
"In the spirit of my primary political focus, I believe that employers have over the last few decades gained power in the workplace due to disproportionate gains in bought governmental influence. I believe laws can be strengthened to help middle and low wage workers. An increase in minimum wage would be a good start."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH add restrictions on welfare recipients?
Regarding drug tests for welfare recipients: "I oppose drug testing. Statistics show very low occurances of drug use among welfare applicants. The cost of such a program may be greater than the savings. Furthermore it is demeaning to people who are already in distress and just plain mean spirited."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?
"I have not seen that the Northern Pass Project offers anything to New Hampshire other than a few paltry jobs."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?
"I will not take any tax pledges, nor will I rule out any sources. I prefer progressive taxation now because of the widening income inequality gap in the entire country."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?
"I support RGGI."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?
"I would support requiring liability insurance for all registered vehicles."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH require labels on some or all genetically modified foods?
"I support almost all forms of disclosure, and this is no exception."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH pass right-to-work legislation?
"I oppose right to work laws. I support unions because they are democratic institutions. American workers have lost much power in the workplace as union membership has dropped over the last 30 years."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
State role in economic growth
"I do believe the public sector can and should play a more active role in insulating workers from market fluctuations. The time for governments to invest is during downturns, and then cut during times of prosperity. While this may seem counter intuitive to some, this is precisely what governments can and should do. In fact it should be their mandate."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?
"I would vote to ban or limit assualt weapons."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH restrict further wind power development?
"I need to learn more about the the benefits, i.e. output of the wind projects before taking a position. I also wonder if there are better, more cost efficient alternatives."