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Judith Lindsey

Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support the “Education Freedom Account” program, which gives students access to the per-pupil share of state school funding to spend on private school or home school expenses?

"We should do everything we can to make our public schools 'Palaces of Learning'! Invest in them - and then there would be fewer reasons to leave our public educational system. Quality education does not necessarily cost more. By designing innovative programs that are exciting, engaging and relevant - we can engage students and offer them the opportunities to learn life skills and achieve high academic standards. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the first trimester (e.g. after 6 weeks gestation)?

"These personal decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the second trimester (e.g. after 15 weeks gestation)?

"These personal decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"I would like to thoroughly discuss this issue and hear the reasons pro and con."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"I would like to thoroughly discuss this issue and hear the reasons pro and con."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?

"I would like to thoroughly discuss this issue and hear the reasons pro and con."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?

"I would like to thoroughly discuss this issue and hear the reasons pro and con."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire government do more to address climate change?

"We are seeing and feeling the effects of climate change all around our world. Flooding, erratic weather. Stronger and more violent storms. Wildfires - more frequent and intense. Polar ice caps melting. We must do everything we can to immediately address the issues. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?

"We want to encourage all eligible voters to vote. We need to have easier access to polling stations and have a variety of ways to verify their documentation. There may be circumstances where a person just moved to a new town and is now realizing a deadline for registering to vote there is very close at hand."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state do more to encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development?

"But as we delineate these areas we need to protect the natural resources. Building up as opposed to building out might be one approach. Denser housing in certain areas. Protected areas with no development in others. A balance. Any development must be undertaken wisely - thinking about the destruction of our water resources, animal habitats and biodiversity. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support legislation to expand the net energy metering system capacity cap from 1 MW to 5 MW for all residential and commercial customers in New Hampshire?

"From what I understand this would expand the usage of solar power and make it even more cost effect for homeowners to utilize it. I wonder what the difference is between residential and commercial customers. What ramifications would result and are they, too, beneficial for all?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire guarantee the right to access abortion before 24 weeks?

"These personal decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state increase funding for child care providers?

"Our children are our most precious resource! We must invest in them in the beginning to avoid the high cost later. Quality childcare provides a safe and engaging place for children while parents meet their obligations to work and earn the money to provide a house, food, etc for their families. Child care providers should be thoroughly vetted. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?

"It would be wise to look at spreading out the taxes that fund our public schools. Currently the property tax is so high. Perhaps there is a way to balance this out. Where does the remaining 1/3 come from?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by allowing home-growing and private use without sales?

"Cannabis should be utilized for medicinal purposes and thus regulated through those programs."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by licensing growers and private retail locations?

"Cannabis should be utilized for medicinal purposes and thus regulated through those programs."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by establishing state-run cannabis stores?

"Cannabis should be utilized for medicinal purposes and thus regulated through those programs."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?

"People need to earn a living wage. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add legal protections for residents of other states who travel here for health care related to abortion or gender transition?

"Aren't all people basically protected from assault and violence? Do we really need to add more legal protections?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire repeal the ban on abortion after 24 weeks gestation?

"These personal decisions should be made between a woman and her doctor. "

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement?

"Federal and local law enforcement should work together. A house divided cannot stand. Consensus would build strength and unity. We must work out our differences and present a united front."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"There needs to be sensible guidelines - yes laws - when buying firearms. "

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