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Joyce May Fulweiler

Awaiting response to our 2024 State Candidate Survey

Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support the “Education Freedom Account” program, which gives students access to the per-pupil share of state school funding to spend on private school or home school expenses?
"Undecided. I support charter schools and home school expenses as they are a valued component of our state funded public education system. However, the current state policy leans towards continuing to siphon off what little funding public schools receive instead of improving public education."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the first trimester (e.g. after 6 weeks gestation)?

"For: Guaranteeing the right to access abortion before 24 weeks and also allowing abortions for rape, incest or health of the mother."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire ban abortions during the second trimester (e.g. after 15 weeks gestation)?
"For: Guaranteeing the right to access abortion before 24 weeks and also allowing abortions for rape, incest or health of the mother."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"For - but only if it were passed by a constitutional amendment to (1) fund the improvement of public education, (2) restrict the percentage rate based on Federal Adjusted Gross Income; (3) clearly defines the goals/criteria as to how to measure the improvements being made in education (4) define the criteria as to how the funds would be dispersed to educational facilities, (5) include language to protect the funds from being used for any other purpose and (5) if necessary, include a sunset clause in the event that this provision doesn't adequately the intent of the constitution. We need a solution right now to remove in equitable state and school property tax burden in our state. If you live in a property wealthy town you get a better education than in a property poor town."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"Against. NH is renown for its lack of sales tax. It brings more people and dollars into our state. It is also considered to be a regressive tax."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?

"Undecided. I believe our current business tax rates are fare. Rather than continuing to lower business tax rates, provide more financial incentives for specific state policy goals, such as Affordable Housing for the Workforce and low income housing for individuals that have a legitimate reason they are unable to work."

Voting Record, 2019

Voted in favor of HB 686, a bill that would extend the interest and dividends tax to capital gains and increase the exemptions and filing thresholds for the interest and dividends tax. HB 686 would have used the new capital gains tax revenue to increase per-pupil school funding and lower the state property tax rate.

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire government do more to address climate change?
"For: Encouraging the provision of more charging stations since this will be the future and also be an asset to encourage out of state visitors that have battery powered cars."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support giving voters who register without ID on Election Day a ballot that only counts if they return identifying documents to the state before a deadline?
"For. As far as I know the current state process is the Secretary of State's office has the Attorney General's office follow up on ballot voters that did not return with their ID before the deadline. If there was no enforcement procedure then I would be Against."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the state do more to encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development?
"Undecided: However, I think the state has already been making a considerable effort encouraging municipalities to remove zoning barriers, but they could provide and/or pay for more technical assistance to the regional planning commissions to help communities update their master plan, revise their zoning ordinances and planning board subdivision and site plan review regulations."

Voting Record, 2020

Voted for SB 159 and HB 365, both bills to increase the electric generating capacity of customer generators who may participate in net energy metering, generally from 1 megawatt to 5 megawatts.

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire guarantee the right to access abortion before 24 weeks?

"For: Guaranteeing the right to access abortion before 24 weeks and also allowing abortions for rape, incest or health of the mother."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should the state increase funding for child care providers?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support New Hampshire’s current system of public school funding, with about two-thirds of total funding coming from local property taxes?

"Against. Our current system of public school funding is not providing the adequate education and the results we need because it is not equitable - it places too heavy a burden on property tax."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by allowing home-growing and private use without sales?

"Against. We should continue keeping the medical use of cannabis legal in New Hampshire. We have no control over the surrounding states, but what we can control is not making it easier for our young people in NH to obtain recreationally because of the health affects and development of their cognitive skills. (Refer to: and to learn more about the studies being conducted)."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by licensing growers and private retail locations?

"Against. We should continue keeping the medical use of cannabis legal in New Hampshire. We have no control over the surrounding states, but what we can control is not making it easier for our young people in NH to obtain recreationally because of the health affects and development of their cognitive skills. (Refer to: and to learn more about the studies being conducted)."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire legalize the recreational use of marijuana by establishing state-run cannabis stores?
"Against. We should continue keeping the medical use of cannabis legal in New Hampshire. We have no control over the surrounding states, but what we can control is not making it easier for our young people in NH to obtain recreationally because of the health affects and development of their cognitive skills. (Refer to: and to learn more about the studies being conducted)."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?

"For. Any amount would be better than the current state minimum wage. This is 2022, and even though we are in the midst of inflation, working people need to be able to earn a wage that meets basic living needs at least."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should New Hampshire add legal protections for residents of other states who travel here for health care related to abortion or gender transition?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should New Hampshire repeal the ban on abortion after 24 weeks gestation?

"For: Guaranteeing the right to access abortion before 24 weeks and also allowing abortions for rape, incest or health of the mother."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2024

Should NH require local law enforcement to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"Undecided. However I am for stronger enforcement of our current state laws and keeping all guns out of the hands of minors."
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