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Historical Details

Position on Issues

Candidate's Website, 2014

"The Granite State not only should have casinos, but must have casinos, to compete with other tourist spots, particularly those attracting business conventions."

Candidate's Website, 2014

"My approach would be to decriminalize marijuana and study the effects on New Hampshire."

Candidate's Website, 2014

"I support State Representative Timothy J. Smith's model bill that would call a limited constitutional convention to consider overturning the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United decision that overturned over 100 years of campaign finance reform laws"

Candidate's Website, 2014

"I am strongly pro-union and will oppose ay 'right to work' legislation"

Candidate's Website, 2014

"I will always vote prudently to preserve gun ownership rights and the right to self-defense, but I favor an assault weapons ban and background checks. I also would vote to end 'open carry'."

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