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John Grady


Historical Details

Position on Issues

Patch Profile, 2012

On a constitutional ban on income tax: "In November I will vote in opposition to this proposed amendment to our constitution. 1) Chances of an income tax bill passing either the House or the Senate are slim to none. 2) Tying the hands of the legislature may harm New Hampshire's credit rating, costing us millions in bank bond intererst. 3) We should not write tax policy into the constitution. 4) Each legislature should be free to make its own decisions about taxes and spending. 5) It is unncessary. If the voters don't want an income tax, they will vote accordingly. Remember, New Hampshire governors will always have the veto power over any such tax."

Patch Profile, 2012

On a constitutional ban on income tax: "In November I will vote in opposition to this proposed amendment to our constitution. 1) Chances of an income tax bill passing either the House or the Senate are slim to none. 2) Tying the hands of the legislature may harm New Hampshire's credit rating, costing us millions in bank bond intererst. 3) We should not write tax policy into the constitution. 4) Each legislature should be free to make its own decisions about taxes and spending. 5) It is unncessary. If the voters don't want an income tax, they will vote accordingly. Remember, New Hampshire governors will always have the veto power over any such tax."

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