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Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government ban certain "military-style" firearms, such as the AR-15?

"Absolutely not. These weapons are safer than traditional handguns that result in more accidental deaths of children in family households."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support abolishing any federal agencies or departments?

"Yes, I believe that using technology and other modernization strategies, we can effectively abolish several government agencies."

When asked to specify which agencies or departments, Castro answered, "The agencies would continue to exist, they would just be more efficiently run. For example, much of the work done by IRS can be replaced with a computer. They just refuse to do so to justify their inflated budgets. The federal bureaucracy has become an economy."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a constitutional amendment limiting terms for U.S. representatives and senators?

"Absolutely and unequivocally yes."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by requiring budget cuts to match any new federal spending?

"Anyone who opposes interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve clearly knows nothing by monetary policy. The government decided to give out billions in free money to combat the economic shutdown caused by COVID. As a result, the prices for everything increased. To get it under control, interest rate hikes are a necessary evil. However, ending government interference in the economy is also a necessary evil. We got through COVID, and now we all need to tighten the belt straps to cover the tab. Tariffs are the only way to protect domestic U.S. companies from being bankrupted by Chinese market manipulators. Our enemies are always finding new ways to defeat us. Tariffs are a necessary weapon to counter their strategies. Government has no business capping price increases unless it's for basic necessities like milk. Even then, price caps are not enforced on the business; they're accomplished via government subsidies to the business. We need a balanced budget. Right now, America is spending like a college kid that just got his father's Amex Black Card for the weekend. Our spending is reckless and out of control. I do not want to raise taxes. There are other ways of accomplishing increases in federal revenue. We can support our domestic companies to generate more revenue and increase the government's revenue as well. For national security reasons, American ports should be owned by American companies with American shareholders. Zero foreign involvement. Period."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?

"Anyone who opposes interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve clearly knows nothing by monetary policy. The government decided to give out billions in free money to combat the economic shutdown caused by COVID. As a result, the prices for everything increased. To get it under control, interest rate hikes are a necessary evil. However, ending government interference in the economy is also a necessary evil. We got through COVID, and now we all need to tighten the belt straps to cover the tab. Tariffs are the only way to protect domestic U.S. companies from being bankrupted by Chinese market manipulators. Our enemies are always finding new ways to defeat us. Tariffs are a necessary weapon to counter their strategies. Government has no business capping price increases unless it's for basic necessities like milk. Even then, price caps are not enforced on the business; they're accomplished via government subsidies to the business. We need a balanced budget. Right now, America is spending like a college kid that just got his father's Amex Black Card for the weekend. Our spending is reckless and out of control. I do not want to raise taxes. There are other ways of accomplishing increases in federal revenue. We can support our domestic companies to generate more revenue and increase the government's revenue as well. For national security reasons, American ports should be owned by American companies with American shareholders. Zero foreign involvement. Period."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support mandatory competency tests for federal candidates over age 75?

"This is a matter of national security. Absolutely yes."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

"Anyone who opposes interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve clearly knows nothing by monetary policy. The government decided to give out billions in free money to combat the economic shutdown caused by COVID. As a result, the prices for everything increased. To get it under control, interest rate hikes are a necessary evil. However, ending government interference in the economy is also a necessary evil. We got through COVID, and now we all need to tighten the belt straps to cover the tab. Tariffs are the only way to protect domestic U.S. companies from being bankrupted by Chinese market manipulators. Our enemies are always finding new ways to defeat us. Tariffs are a necessary weapon to counter their strategies. Government has no business capping price increases unless it's for basic necessities like milk. Even then, price caps are not enforced on the business; they're accomplished via government subsidies to the business. We need a balanced budget. Right now, America is spending like a college kid that just got his father's Amex Black Card for the weekend. Our spending is reckless and out of control. I do not want to raise taxes. There are other ways of accomplishing increases in federal revenue. We can support our domestic companies to generate more revenue and increase the government's revenue as well. For national security reasons, American ports should be owned by American companies with American shareholders. Zero foreign involvement. Period."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. send military forces to Taiwan if China attacks the island?

"Absolutely. Taiwan is an independent and sovereign nation, and the United States should recognize it as such instead of acting like a cowardice giant."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support a federal rule that would oblige automakers to make 50% or more of the vehicles they sell electric?

"Only because it's in the interest of national security. We need to move vehicles onto the electric grid to free-up oil use by our military. This is precisely what China is doing, and we cannot allow them to achieve this advantage."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support ending China's Permanent Normal Trade Relations status?

"We can contain China economically. We don't want to lose that leverage."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support revising Title IX to limit participation in female sports based on an individual's reproductive biology and genetics at birth?

"I believe we need to revisit how we segregate sports to begin with. In boxing, men are separated by weight because higher weight carriers a heavier punch. It would be athletically unfair to match-up someone who weighs 140 against someone who weighs 225. Likewise, sports should be segregated based on testosterone levels. It is unfair to match-up someone with 500% more testosterone with someone who has very little. If we implemented testosterone-based classes for sports, this would resolve the issue in a scientific and intelligent manner that no one could reasonably object to."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government ban some abortions?

"This comes down to basic science. Life ends when there is both an end to brain activity and heart beating. Using the same logic, life should be scientifically deemed to commence when there is both brain activity and a heartbeat. When life commences, that person has constitutionally protected rights. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was opposed to late-term abortions."

When asked to aspecify when a ban should begin and any exceptions, Castro answered, "Case-by-case basis when a licensed medical doctor detects both brain activity and a heart beat. There should be exceptions for rape, incest, and when the pregnancy is a threat to the life of the mother and confirmed by a licensed medical physician."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government pass a law guaranteeing the right to choose abortion before fetal viability (generally 24 weeks gestation)?

"Unless scientific evidence can be presented rebutting that life begins when there is both a heartbeat and brain activity, the answer is no."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support increasing oil and natural gas leases on publicly owned land and water?

"In addition to direct involvement is transforming every waterfall into a hydroelectric dam, deserts into solar farms, and unused beach waters into wind farms, we should also increase oil and natural gas leases on public lands under strict and tight environmental regulations to ensure the preservation of public lands."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government limit certain firearm purchases to residents over age twenty-one?

"No, as the wording for the Second Amendment states, we can ensure that firearm owners are 'well regulated.' I support mandatory firearm safety training before a purchaser is allowed to take their gun home with them. I support mental health care clearance. I support limited red flag laws that are not prone to abuse. In other words, if someone reports someone as a threat and the information is false, the one who falsely reported should be criminally prosecuted for infringing on another person's constitutional rights."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the government legalize marijuana at the federal level?

"Absolutely. Tobacco kills more people than marijuana. I tobacco is legal, so should marijuana. They are both natural unadulterated plants that can be burned for recreational use. However, the sale should be limited to age 21 and over. Additionally, it should be a crime to operate machinery under the influence of marijuana just like alcohol. Employers should also be permitted to terminate employment based on marijuana use or influence during working hours."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by requiring means testing?

"Australia's privatized social security system is called Superannuation. It is a perfect model for how social security can be privatized while still protecting it from the greed of Wall Street. It increases returns for retirees, increases their access to their own funds, and still ensure the vision of FDR that this be guaranteed. I would implement a 40-year multi-tiered phase-in program. For anyone under the age of 21, they'll participate solely in the new system. For ages 21-39, they'll have the option to choose which system they want to participate in. For ages 40+, they''ll stay in the current system."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. build a physical wall between Mexico and the U.S.?

"Yes, although other candidates have made this a hyper-political issue by infusing racial animosity into the debate, a physical barrier coupled with the use of state-of-the-art electronic surveillance is key."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support using military force against drug cartels inside Mexico?

"Yes, I have long advocated for utilizing the full weight and power of the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military power to contain the cartels. This also requires the legalization of marijuana use in the U.S. to disrupt their primary revenue-generating market."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the U.S. government continue to provide military aid to Ukraine (without putting U.S. soldiers on the ground)?

"Yes, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to weaken Putin's empirical ambitions and drain Putin's regime economically, militarily, and spiritually."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Would you pardon former president Donald Trump if he is convicted?

"I am the only American who has stood up to run for President with the primary objective being to hold Donald Trump accountable for providing aid and comfort to the insurrectionists that violently attacked our United States Capitol of January 6, 2021. However, I am concerned that imprisoning him would make him into a hero and do more harm than good. Nevertheless, his relentless attacks on our system of justice is also causing great harm. He is a menace to our civilized society and a prime example of why we need to enforce the Estate Tax to prevent privileged brats from inheriting billions and becoming President. For now, I am undecided. I want to give the system time to prove it can contain him."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Do you support allowing the federal government to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs covered under Medicare?

"I support the creation of a government-created council comprised of representatives of all the major insurance companies. This government-empowered council will serve as the single negotiator for all drug prices on behalf of all insurance companies. It's still a single-payer system, but it keeps it private rather than being run by inefficienct government bureaucrats."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government privatize some or all of Social Security?

"Australia's privatized social security system is called Superannuation. It is a perfect model for how social security can be privatized while still protecting it from the greed of Wall Street. It increases returns for retirees, increases their access to their own funds, and still ensure the vision of FDR that this be guaranteed. I would implement a 40-year multi-tiered phase-in program. For anyone under the age of 21, they'll participate solely in the new system. For ages 21-39, they'll have the option to choose which system they want to participate in. For ages 40+, they''ll stay in the current system."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform social security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security tax?

"Australia's privatized social security system is called Superannuation. It is a perfect model for how social security can be privatized while still protecting it from the greed of Wall Street. It increases returns for retirees, increases their access to their own funds, and still ensure the vision of FDR that this be guaranteed. I would implement a 40-year multi-tiered phase-in program. For anyone under the age of 21, they'll participate solely in the new system. For ages 21-39, they'll have the option to choose which system they want to participate in. For ages 40+, they''ll stay in the current system."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government reform Social Security by raising the retirement age from today's age of 67?

"Australia's privatized social security system is called Superannuation. It is a perfect model for how social security can be privatized while still protecting it from the greed of Wall Street. It increases returns for retirees, increases their access to their own funds, and still ensure the vision of FDR that this be guaranteed. I would implement a 40-year multi-tiered phase-in program. For anyone under the age of 21, they'll participate solely in the new system. For ages 21-39, they'll have the option to choose which system they want to participate in. For ages 40+, they''ll stay in the current system."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by raising taxes to reduce the budget deficit?

"Anyone who opposes interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve clearly knows nothing by monetary policy. The government decided to give out billions in free money to combat the economic shutdown caused by COVID. As a result, the prices for everything increased. To get it under control, interest rate hikes are a necessary evil. However, ending government interference in the economy is also a necessary evil. We got through COVID, and now we all need to tighten the belt straps to cover the tab. Tariffs are the only way to protect domestic U.S. companies from being bankrupted by Chinese market manipulators. Our enemies are always finding new ways to defeat us. Tariffs are a necessary weapon to counter their strategies. Government has no business capping price increases unless it's for basic necessities like milk. Even then, price caps are not enforced on the business; they're accomplished via government subsidies to the business. We need a balanced budget. Right now, America is spending like a college kid that just got his father's Amex Black Card for the weekend. Our spending is reckless and out of control. I do not want to raise taxes. There are other ways of accomplishing increases in federal revenue. We can support our domestic companies to generate more revenue and increase the government's revenue as well. For national security reasons, American ports should be owned by American companies with American shareholders. Zero foreign involvement. Period."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

"Anyone who opposes interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve clearly knows nothing by monetary policy. The government decided to give out billions in free money to combat the economic shutdown caused by COVID. As a result, the prices for everything increased. To get it under control, interest rate hikes are a necessary evil. However, ending government interference in the economy is also a necessary evil. We got through COVID, and now we all need to tighten the belt straps to cover the tab. Tariffs are the only way to protect domestic U.S. companies from being bankrupted by Chinese market manipulators. Our enemies are always finding new ways to defeat us. Tariffs are a necessary weapon to counter their strategies. Government has no business capping price increases unless it's for basic necessities like milk. Even then, price caps are not enforced on the business; they're accomplished via government subsidies to the business. We need a balanced budget. Right now, America is spending like a college kid that just got his father's Amex Black Card for the weekend. Our spending is reckless and out of control. I do not want to raise taxes. There are other ways of accomplishing increases in federal revenue. We can support our domestic companies to generate more revenue and increase the government's revenue as well. For national security reasons, American ports should be owned by American companies with American shareholders. Zero foreign involvement. Period."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2023

Should the federal government combat inflation by supporting further Federal Reserve interest rate hikes?

"Anyone who opposes interest rate increases by the Federal Reserve clearly knows nothing by monetary policy. The government decided to give out billions in free money to combat the economic shutdown caused by COVID. As a result, the prices for everything increased. To get it under control, interest rate hikes are a necessary evil. However, ending government interference in the economy is also a necessary evil. We got through COVID, and now we all need to tighten the belt straps to cover the tab. Tariffs are the only way to protect domestic U.S. companies from being bankrupted by Chinese market manipulators. Our enemies are always finding new ways to defeat us. Tariffs are a necessary weapon to counter their strategies. Government has no business capping price increases unless it's for basic necessities like milk. Even then, price caps are not enforced on the business; they're accomplished via government subsidies to the business. We need a balanced budget. Right now, America is spending like a college kid that just got his father's Amex Black Card for the weekend. Our spending is reckless and out of control. I do not want to raise taxes. There are other ways of accomplishing increases in federal revenue. We can support our domestic companies to generate more revenue and increase the government's revenue as well. For national security reasons, American ports should be owned by American companies with American shareholders. Zero foreign involvement. Period."

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