Jeremy Dupuis

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Dear Editor:
My name is Jeremy Dupuis and I am running for State Representative in Bedford. I will support education, support woman's rights, support labor and created jobs. On the campaign trail the most often asked question is how will I support woman and how would I be different from the current legislators. As a shame to our civilization the Republicans in Concord have tried to rollback woman's rights to that of the 19th century. The Republican legislature has tried to rollback birth control as a covered item of health insurance, tried to eliminate funding for woman health clinics and passed laws to control a woman's body. My mother raised me better then to think that it is appropriate to shackle woman with ideals of last century.
We now live in the 21 century and need to think with the ideals of this century. One of the ideals of this century is paid maternity leave. The State of California has a paid maternity leave program that is a model for the rest of the nation. California's maternity program provides 10 weeks of paid leave in addition to 6 weeks of short term disability. After the program was introduced no businesses reported a negative fiscal impact and 9% of businesses reported a cost savings. Paid maternity saved businesses money by increasing working loyalty and increasing the number of people returning to the work force. We can impact peoples lives in a way that cherishes the best in our society while at the same time create a better business environment for NH. I would, as a legislator, work to make paid maternity leave the law in NH.
Over the last two years the legislature has shown us the worse that our society has to offer. The republicans in Concord have tried to return the shackles of the 19th century to our populace. It is time for us to try a different path, a path that promotes the best of our society. I ask for your vote so that I can go to Concord to support our values of supporting education, supporting woman's rights, supporting labor and creating jobs.
Jeremy Dupuis