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Jeanne Shaheen

506 Hart Senate Office Building
      Washington, DC 20510

506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
United States


Serving as: US Senate

Voting Record

S 5 (2025)

Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain anyone unlawfully in the United States who has been arrested for shoplifting or other, more serious crimes. (Deportation would likely follow.) The bill also allows states to sue the federal government over immigration enforcement failures.

Declined to complete our 2020 Federal Candidate Survey

Position on Issues

Other, 2019

Sen. Shaheen cosponsored legislation to ban "assault weapons."

Candidate's Website, 2017

Sen. Shaheen opposed the AHCA plan to repeal and replace the ACA/"Obamacare", in part due to the plan to convert Medicaid into a block grant. According to news coverage on her website, "Shaheen said if the bill passes in its current form, Medicaid would become a block grant given to the states with no requirements to cover children, people in nursing homes and the disabled - 'all of those people right now who are covered for their health care under the Medicaid program.'"

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2018

"Because of President Trump's decision to end the DACA program, as of today, an estimated 14,586 Dreamers across the country have lost their status and have had their lives upended. Dreamers are children, students and workers who were brought to this country through no fault of their own and should be able to continue to live productive lives. I'm urging Congress to come up with a bipartisan plan as soon as possible so that Dreamers stay in this country and live without fear of deportation."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2017

"As we celebrate progress we have made, we must preserve & protect all essential health benefits, including substance misuse treatment #ACA7"

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2018

"Today I spoke on the Senate floor to oppose an anti-choice bill that would restrict women's reproductive health, criminalizing abortion procedures after 20 weeks by imprisoning and/or fining physicians who don't comply with burdensome and unnecessary documentation procedures. Late-term abortions often are done under life-threatening and heartbreaking circumstances, including the diagnosis of severe fatal abnormalities or serious risks to the life of the mother. In these difficult circumstances, a woman consults with her doctor and with other people she trusts. A woman needs the freedom to consider every medical option. Additionally, this legislation contains a dangerous provision that only allows a minor who became pregnant as a result of sexual assault to seek an abortion after twenty weeks if she has reported the crime, ignoring statistics that show only a small percentage of sexual assaults and rapes are reported to police. Congress needs to respect the women of this country and their right to make their own healthcare decisions without the unwelcome involvement of politicians and law enforcement agencies."

Candidate's Website, 2015

"Today U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) offered her support to legislation raising the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $12.00 by the year 2020. The Raise the Wage Act, of which Shaheen is an original cosponsor, would increase wages for nearly thirty eight million Americans. The legislation would be particularly beneficial to New Hampshire, which does not have a state minimum wage law and instead relies on the current federal minimum wage."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Shaheen believes that we need to support the development of alternative energy. She co-sponsored and voted for a Renewable Electricity Standard during the 111th Congress that would require all utilities to obtain 25 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025. She also supported the Recovery Act, which made one of the largest investments in alternative energy in our country's history. In order to support the development of alternative energy, she will fight for strong incentives for alternative energy-such as wind, solar and biomass. She has also pushed for the extension of tax credits for renewable energy, investments in renewable energy technology research and development, and putting a price on greenhouse gases through a national climate program."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Shaheen believes that we need to support the development of alternative energy. She co-sponsored and voted for a Renewable Electricity Standard during the 111th Congress that would require all utilities to obtain 25 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025. She also supported the Recovery Act, which made one of the largest investments in alternative energy in our country's history. In order to support the development of alternative energy, she will fight for strong incentives for alternative energy-such as wind, solar and biomass. She has also pushed for the extension of tax credits for renewable energy, investments in renewable energy technology research and development, and putting a price on greenhouse gases through a national climate program."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2018

"Escalating this trade war will be disastrous for NH. Already the President's tariffs have cost American jobs and hurt NH small business, and China's inevitable retaliation will harm them even more. The President must end this now."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"For too long, Washington has procrastinated while roads, bridges, water and wastewater infrastructure in New Hampshire and across the country have crumbled. Further, there's a severe lack of access to broadband internet, particularly in rural areas of New Hampshire, that is holding back local economies, and I'm glad the issue was included in today's discussion. It's now time to put aside petty politics and invest in projects that are critical to public safety and the future of our economy. I will continue to work across the aisle to deliver bipartisan infrastructure legislation to the President's desk."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2020

Shaheen has voiced opposition to federal efforts that interfere with states' legalization of marijuana.  However, she has not endorsed nationwide legalization.  For example, in 2018 she posted on Facebook, "Attorney General Jeff Sessions just announced that he will rescind policies that prevent interference with legal marijuana production. While the Trump Administration pays lip service to a national opioid crisis that is killing tens of thousands of Americans, instead it has announced its intention to waste taxpayer dollars to pursue legal, non-lethal drug use and legally operating small businesses."

Other, 2019

Sen. Shaheen co-sponsored the 2017 Medicare for All Act introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders. However, Shaheen did not co-sponsor in 2019.

According to the Concord Monitor, "'In the near term, there are faster ways to reach universal coverage by building on the progress we've made through the Affordable Care Act, while addressing the high cost of care and medications,' Shaheen said in a statement. A spokeswoman, Sarah Weinstein, did not clarify whether Shaheen would vote for the bill if it came before the floor."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), joined by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Diane Feinstein (D-CA), introduced the Choose Medicare Act to give every individual who is not already eligible for Medicaid or Medicare the opportunity to enroll in Medicare as an individual. The Choose Medicare Act also gives every employer the ability to purchase Medicare for their employees."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2017

"There are cost-effective ways to improve border security & end trafficking-an expensive wall is not one. Taxpayers will be on the hook"

Other, 2008

Shaheen said the [Social Security] system's 'not in a crisis' but under attack by Republicans pushing a privatization agenda. She said it's irresponsible to talk about raising the retirement age or cutting benefits to Social Security-dependent senior citizens while $12 billion a month is spent on the Iraq war. She said the system's trust fund will be strengthened when Bush administration policies that relied on the fund are reversed."


Other, 2008

Shaheen said the [Social Security] system's 'not in a crisis' but under attack by Republicans pushing a privatization agenda. She said it's irresponsible to talk about raising the retirement age or cutting benefits to Social Security-dependent senior citizens while $12 billion a month is spent on the Iraq war. She said the system's trust fund will be strengthened when Bush administration policies that relied on the fund are reversed."


Candidate's Website, 2019

  • "Pell Grants - Jeanne supported legislation to increase the maximum Pell Grant to $5,500 to help lower- income students afford college.
  • "Student Loans - Jeanne backed 2013 legislation that froze student loan interest rates and supported bipartisan legislation in 2014 to keep those rates low. And Jeanne has introduced legislation to let students refinance their student loan debt at lower interest rates.
  • "Student Debt - Jeanne supported important student loan reforms that help students manage their debt and reward public service with loan forgiveness after 10 years of service. Jeanne has introduced legislation to give students comprehensive tools to manage and repay their student loan debt.
  • "Saving for College - As governor, Shaheen helped New Hampshire families pay for college by launching a tax-free college tuition savings plan."

Other, 2019

"Shaheen said a carbon tax and promoting energy efficiency are the two best ways to help reduce fossil fuel use."
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