Jeanne Shaheen
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Sen. Shaheen cosponsored legislation to ban "assault weapons."
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Candidate's Website, 2017
"This tax bill asks middle-class families to foot the bill for massive tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations-that's just unacceptable. Further adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt to pay for these tax cuts will undermine our ability to address real challenges facing the middle class and small businesses. This could have been a bipartisan tax bill that provides significant relief to those who need it most but that's not what Republican leadership chose to do. Instead this bill doesn't remotely resemble real tax reform and is an enormous missed opportunity. It does virtually nothing to simplify the tax code which is the top concern I hear from New Hampshire small businesses. Going forward Congress must do better and allow the public into the legislative process particularly for legislation that touches the lives of all Americans."
Against| Read My Position
Sen. Shaheen opposed the AHCA plan to repeal and replace the ACA/"Obamacare", in part due to the plan to convert Medicaid into a block grant. According to news coverage on her website, "Shaheen said if the bill passes in its current form, Medicaid would become a block grant given to the states with no requirements to cover children, people in nursing homes and the disabled - 'all of those people right now who are covered for their health care under the Medicaid program.'"
Other| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2014
"Senator Shaheen helped champion legislation that enacted strong pay-as-you-go-rules into law. This law requires Congress to offset any new mandatory federal spending by finding a way to pay for it. A similar rule played a significant role in fighting deficits during the 1990s, but was repealed in 2002."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2018
"Because of President Trump's decision to end the DACA program, as of today, an estimated 14,586 Dreamers across the country have lost their status and have had their lives upended. Dreamers are children, students and workers who were brought to this country through no fault of their own and should be able to continue to live productive lives. I'm urging Congress to come up with a bipartisan plan as soon as possible so that Dreamers stay in this country and live without fear of deportation."
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Candidate's Website, 2018
"Offshore tax abuses cost the U.S. Treasury an estimated $100 billion each year in lost tax revenues. Senator Shaheen cosponsored a bill that would crack down on offshore tax havens and abusive tax shelters that corporations use to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. She also supported a new law that eliminates more than $12 billion in corporate tax loopholes. For example, one of these loopholes allowed multinational corporations to claim certain tax credits without reporting the income that led to those credits in the first place."
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Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2017
"As we celebrate progress we have made, we must preserve & protect all essential health benefits, including substance misuse treatment #ACA7"
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Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2019
"If you can't pass a background check, you shouldn't have access to a gun - that's just common sense. I'm joining @ChrisMurphyCT to introduce legislation to expand background checks because we need to act to make our communities safer."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2018
"Today I spoke on the Senate floor to oppose an anti-choice bill that would restrict women's reproductive health, criminalizing abortion procedures after 20 weeks by imprisoning and/or fining physicians who don't comply with burdensome and unnecessary documentation procedures. Late-term abortions often are done under life-threatening and heartbreaking circumstances, including the diagnosis of severe fatal abnormalities or serious risks to the life of the mother. In these difficult circumstances, a woman consults with her doctor and with other people she trusts. A woman needs the freedom to consider every medical option. Additionally, this legislation contains a dangerous provision that only allows a minor who became pregnant as a result of sexual assault to seek an abortion after twenty weeks if she has reported the crime, ignoring statistics that show only a small percentage of sexual assaults and rapes are reported to police. Congress needs to respect the women of this country and their right to make their own healthcare decisions without the unwelcome involvement of politicians and law enforcement agencies."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2018
"Today I spoke on the Senate floor to oppose an anti-choice bill that would restrict women's reproductive health, criminalizing abortion procedures after 20 weeks by imprisoning and/or fining physicians who don't comply with burdensome and unnecessary documentation procedures. Late-term abortions often are done under life-threatening and heartbreaking circumstances, including the diagnosis of severe fatal abnormalities or serious risks to the life of the mother. In these difficult circumstances, a woman consults with her doctor and with other people she trusts. A woman needs the freedom to consider every medical option. Additionally, this legislation contains a dangerous provision that only allows a minor who became pregnant as a result of sexual assault to seek an abortion after twenty weeks if she has reported the crime, ignoring statistics that show only a small percentage of sexual assaults and rapes are reported to police. Congress needs to respect the women of this country and their right to make their own healthcare decisions without the unwelcome involvement of politicians and law enforcement agencies."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2017
"Senator Shaheen is a dedicated advocate for women's reproductive rights and a fervent defender of Planned Parenthood which provides approximately 12,000 women in New Hampshire with access to necessary care."
"Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2018
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions just announced that he will rescind policies that prevent interference with legal marijuana production. While the Trump Administration pays lip service to a national opioid crisis that is killing tens of thousands of Americans, instead it has announced its intention to waste taxpayer dollars to pursue legal, non-lethal drug use and legally operating small businesses."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2015
"Today U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) offered her support to legislation raising the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $12.00 by the year 2020. The Raise the Wage Act, of which Shaheen is an original cosponsor, would increase wages for nearly thirty eight million Americans. The legislation would be particularly beneficial to New Hampshire, which does not have a state minimum wage law and instead relies on the current federal minimum wage."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Shaheen believes that we need to support the development of alternative energy. She co-sponsored and voted for a Renewable Electricity Standard during the 111th Congress that would require all utilities to obtain 25 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025. She also supported the Recovery Act, which made one of the largest investments in alternative energy in our country's history. In order to support the development of alternative energy, she will fight for strong incentives for alternative energy-such as wind, solar and biomass. She has also pushed for the extension of tax credits for renewable energy, investments in renewable energy technology research and development, and putting a price on greenhouse gases through a national climate program."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Shaheen believes that we need to support the development of alternative energy. She co-sponsored and voted for a Renewable Electricity Standard during the 111th Congress that would require all utilities to obtain 25 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources by 2025. She also supported the Recovery Act, which made one of the largest investments in alternative energy in our country's history. In order to support the development of alternative energy, she will fight for strong incentives for alternative energy-such as wind, solar and biomass. She has also pushed for the extension of tax credits for renewable energy, investments in renewable energy technology research and development, and putting a price on greenhouse gases through a national climate program."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2018
"Escalating this trade war will be disastrous for NH. Already the President's tariffs have cost American jobs and hurt NH small business, and China's inevitable retaliation will harm them even more. The President must end this now."
Against| Read My Position
"Shaheen's spokesperson said Friday the senator supports a continuing investigation by Congress but does not currently believe the House should move forward with an impeachment inquiry."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"For too long, Washington has procrastinated while roads, bridges, water and wastewater infrastructure in New Hampshire and across the country have crumbled. Further, there's a severe lack of access to broadband internet, particularly in rural areas of New Hampshire, that is holding back local economies, and I'm glad the issue was included in today's discussion. It's now time to put aside petty politics and invest in projects that are critical to public safety and the future of our economy. I will continue to work across the aisle to deliver bipartisan infrastructure legislation to the President's desk."
Other| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2020
Shaheen has voiced opposition to federal efforts that interfere with states' legalization of marijuana. However, she has not endorsed nationwide legalization. For example, in 2018 she posted on Facebook, "Attorney General Jeff Sessions just announced that he will rescind policies that prevent interference with legal marijuana production. While the Trump Administration pays lip service to a national opioid crisis that is killing tens of thousands of Americans, instead it has announced its intention to waste taxpayer dollars to pursue legal, non-lethal drug use and legally operating small businesses."
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Sen. Shaheen co-sponsored the 2017 Medicare for All Act introduced by Sen. Bernie Sanders. However, Shaheen did not co-sponsor in 2019.
According to the Concord Monitor, "'In the near term, there are faster ways to reach universal coverage by building on the progress we've made through the Affordable Care Act, while addressing the high cost of care and medications,' Shaheen said in a statement. A spokeswoman, Sarah Weinstein, did not clarify whether Shaheen would vote for the bill if it came before the floor."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), joined by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Diane Feinstein (D-CA), introduced the Choose Medicare Act to give every individual who is not already eligible for Medicaid or Medicare the opportunity to enroll in Medicare as an individual. The Choose Medicare Act also gives every employer the ability to purchase Medicare for their employees."Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2017
"There are cost-effective ways to improve border security & end trafficking-an expensive wall is not one. Taxpayers will be on the hook"
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
" Hundreds of overdose deaths a year in New Hampshire cannot become the norm - we have to continue battling this epidemic and the federal government can be doing much more to help hard-hit states like New Hampshire. The reality is our state still doesn't have the capacity and resources to get treatment to everyone who needs it. That's why I introduced the Turn the Tide Act to provide long-term funding for treatment and other means to address this crisis. President Trump and Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle agree on the need to continue fighting this epidemic. I hope they will join me in making this a priority during the appropriations process."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2017
"U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) released the following statement after the President signed into law Russia sanctions legislation that was approved by the Senate and the House with overwhelming bipartisan support. ... 'This law also takes appropriate steps to further sanction North Korea and Iran for their destabilizing actions. With these new sanctions, we are sending a resounding message that we are willing to exert bipartisan, American leadership, particularly in response to threats against our own country and against democracies worldwide.'"
Against| Read My Position
Shaheen said the [Social Security] system's 'not in a crisis' but under attack by Republicans pushing a privatization agenda. She said it's irresponsible to talk about raising the retirement age or cutting benefits to Social Security-dependent senior citizens while $12 billion a month is spent on the Iraq war. She said the system's trust fund will be strengthened when Bush administration policies that relied on the fund are reversed."
"Against| Read My Position
Shaheen said the [Social Security] system's 'not in a crisis' but under attack by Republicans pushing a privatization agenda. She said it's irresponsible to talk about raising the retirement age or cutting benefits to Social Security-dependent senior citizens while $12 billion a month is spent on the Iraq war. She said the system's trust fund will be strengthened when Bush administration policies that relied on the fund are reversed."
"For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2014
"Jeanne is a co-sponsor of legislation to reverse the Supreme Court's decision in the Hobby Lobby case, legislation that will protect women's rights to birth control and contraception."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2018
"Russia is aiding and abetting a mass murderer, and there should be consequences. There shouldn't be any hesitation to apply new sanctions, which are necessary to send a message to the Kremlin that their reckless support for Assad's brutality will not be tolerated. The United States must consistently demonstrate to Vladimir Putin that violations of international norms will be met with swift and harsh retaliation."
Other| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
- "Pell Grants - Jeanne supported legislation to increase the maximum Pell Grant to $5,500 to help lower- income students afford college.
- "Student Loans - Jeanne backed 2013 legislation that froze student loan interest rates and supported bipartisan legislation in 2014 to keep those rates low. And Jeanne has introduced legislation to let students refinance their student loan debt at lower interest rates.
- "Student Debt - Jeanne supported important student loan reforms that help students manage their debt and reward public service with loan forgiveness after 10 years of service. Jeanne has introduced legislation to give students comprehensive tools to manage and repay their student loan debt.
- "Saving for College - As governor, Shaheen helped New Hampshire families pay for college by launching a tax-free college tuition savings plan."
For| Read My Position
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2017
"Pres Trump's decision to not recertify Iran Deal exacerbates a nuclear crisis & undermines credibility & negotiation leverage of U.S."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2019
"The President's intention to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement is reckless. I introduced legislation to prohibit the Trump administration from pulling out of the accord. It's time for Congress to #ActOnClimate."
Voting Record
S 5 (2025)
Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain anyone unlawfully in the United States who has been arrested for shoplifting or other, more serious crimes. (Deportation would likely follow.) The bill also allows states to sue the federal government over immigration enforcement failures.
H J Res 7 (2023)
Ends the national emergency related to COVID-19, which was declared by President Trump on March 13, 2020.S Amdt 1200 (2023)
Prohibits the use of funds for providing grants, funding, or any financial benefit to Chinese entities. This was an amendment to a larger spending bill, H R 4366.
H R 3746 (2023)
Compromise between House Republicans and Pres. Biden to raise the debt limit. Among other things, this bill resumes student loan debt payments, adds work requirements for SNAP and TANF, and limits future federal spending.
H J Res 30 (2023)
Reverses a rule from the Biden administration that would otherwise make it easier for financial advisers and managers to consider "environmental, social, and governance" (ESG) factors when making investments.H J Res 45 (2023)
Nullifies Biden's executive action to suspend federal student loan payments and discharge debt.S J Res 63 (2022)
Ends the national emergency concerning COVID-19 declared by the President on March 13, 2020.
H R 5376 (2022)
This is a new version of the 2021 "Build Back Better" bill, which failed to pass. Among other things, this bill creates a minimum corporate tax rate of 15%, allows Medicare to negotiate the price of certain prescription drugs, and includes many investments in clean energy and energy efficiency.
S 2938 (2022)
Contains various gun control measures, including extended background checks for gun purchasers under 21, funding for state red flag laws, and partial closure of the boyfriend loophole.H R 4346 (2022)
Supplemental funding for U.S. marshals and other officers to protect the Supreme Court, its justices, and staff.H R 8404 (2022)
Recognizes and protects same-sex marriage at the federal level.
H Res 24 (2021)
House impeachment charging President Trump with a pattern of "efforts to subvert and obstruct" the completion of the 2020 election and "inciting violence," referring to the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
H R 5746 (2021)
Implements certain election procedures across the states, such as automatic and same-day registration, vote-by-mail, and early voting. This bill also increases federal oversight of state voting laws.
H R 3684 (2021)
Bipartisan federal infrastructure investment bill, covering highways, water infrastructure, broadband, passenger rail, electric vehicle charging stations, and more.
H R 1319 (2021)
"American Rescue Plan Act," providing funding related to COVID-19 as well as other priorities. For example, this bill provides for emergency rental assistance, raises the minimum wage to $15 per hour, provides one-time $1,400 payments to individuals, etc. The Senate removed the $15 minimum wage increase, due in part to concerns this would violate budget process laws.
H R 6395 (2020)
A defense spending bill, including various defense contracts, a pay raise for the military, and renaming some military military bases that were named after Confederate military figures.H R 748 (2020)
$2 trillion coronavirus-related stimulus bill. This bill includes $1,200 for every American making under $75,000 a year and adds $600/week in unemployment benefits. The bill creates various other funding programs, including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP offers forgivable loans to businesses who spend most of the loans on payroll.
H R 6074 (2020)
Authorizes emergency spending related to the coronavirus outbreak. Forexample, this bill provides funding for vaccine research and small business disaster loans.
H R 133 (2020)
General government budget bill including various coronavirus-related funding. The coronavirus-related funding includes emergency rental assistance, funding for vaccine distribution, an additional $300 per week for unemployment benefits, and individual payments of $600 per person.
H R 6201 (2020)
Requires free coronavirus testing, regardless of insurance coverage, and requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide two weeks of paid sick leave if an employee is quarantined, experiencing symptoms, or caring for a family member. Employers will get a tax credit to offset costs. This bill also expands unemployment grants to help states cover higher unemployment claims and expands funding and eligibility for various food programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
S J Res 68 (2020)
Directs the U.S. President to stop the use of armed forces in Iran unless authorized by Congress.
S 1 (2019)
Reauthorizes a cooperation agreement with Jordan, authorizes sanctions against Syria, extends a loan gaurantee program with Israel, and increases protections for state and local governments that refuse to invest in or contract with companies which boycott Israel.S Amdt 5 (2019)
Republican bill to end the government shutdown and fund the government through September 2019. The bill includes $5.7 billion for a border wall.
H J Res 31 (2019)
Final 2019 federal budget bill, including $1.4 billion for 55 miles of physical barrier on the border with Mexico, $415 million for humanitarian relief at the border, $12 billion for disaster relief, and $3.3 billion for highway and bridge infrastructure.H J Res 46 (2019)
Ends the national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border declared by President Trump.
S Amdt 6 (2019)
Democratic bill to end the government shutdown and fund the government through September 2019. The bill does not include $5.7 billion for a border wall.S J Res 7 (2019)
Prevents the U.S. from fighting in or assisting in Yemen's civil war.S 756 (2018)
Makes various reforms to the criminal justice system, such as mandating de-escalation training for correctional officers, improving feminine hygiene for prisoners, and adding more leniency to sentences for non-violent offenders.
HR 2 (2018)
"Farm bill" that authorizes a variety of agriculutral programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The final version of this bill did not include stricter work requirements for SNAP, as originally proposed. The bill also legalizes industrial hemp.
HR 195 (2018)
Stopped a federal government shutdown by funding the government through February 8, 2018. This bill also extends the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years. This bill does not include an extension of the immigration program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or any other immigration-related policy.
S 2155 (2018)
Eases some of the financial regulations of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
S 139 (2018)
Extends so-called "section 702" surveillance by the NSA under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
HR 1628 (2017)
"American Health Care Act" that repeals parts of the Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare") and revises many health care laws. For example, this bill would cap Medicaid funding, repeal various insurance coverage requirements, and replace the requirement to buy health insurance with a penalty the next time you get insurance if you allow your coverage to lapse.
HR 1 (2017)
Reduces the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, reduces the individual income tax rate for high earners from 39.6% to 37%, increases the income threshold to qualify for the alternative minimum tax, and repeals the mandate to purchase health insurance.S Con Res 3 (2017)
Sets the federal budget. This bill also establishes rules that pave the way for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare."
HR 1370 (2017)
Stopped a federal government shutdown by funding the government through January 19, 2018.H J Res 43 (2017)
Allows states to withhold federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
H J Res 42 (2017)
Effectively allows states to drug test anybody claiming unemployment benefits or food stamps.
S J Res 34 (2017)
Overtuns a rule from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that requires all internet browsing and app usage data be subject to the same privacy requirements as private personal information. The FCC rule is stricter than previous regulations, which had various privacy requirements depending on the sensitivity of the online information.
S Amdt 4751
Increases the connections between states, the courts, and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, and requires the Attorney General to study the causes of mass shootings
S Amdt 4749
Creates a 72 hour waiting period for anyone on a terrorist watch list who wishes to buy a gun, giving time for federal officials to review the purchase
S Amdt 4787
Allows the FBI to issue "National Security Letters," which compel companies to turn over "electronic communications transactional records" without court approval
S 3100
Withholds federal grants for cities that either do not require or expressly prohibit inquiries about an individual's immigration status ("sanctuary cities")
S 2193
Increases the maximum prison term for an illegal/undocumented immigrant who reenters the U.S. after being deportedS 524
Attempts to combat the opioid addiction crisis on multiple fronts, for example expanding the availiability of naloxone
S 2012 (2016)
Promotes energy efficiency, requires upgrades to the electric grid, loosens regulations for natural gas pipelines on federal lands, subsidizes hydropower and geothermal, and permanently authorizes the Land and Water Conservation Fund
S Amdt 4720
Allows the Attorney General to bar anyone on the terrorist watch list from buying a firearm
S 2328
A bill to restructure Puerto Rico's debt through a bankruptcy-like processS 1
Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline and amends energy efficiency regulationsS 1881
Prohibits any federal funding for Planned Parenthood
S 2146
Blocks federal funding for so-called "sanctuary cities" that do not comply with federal detainer requests for illegal immigrantsHR 4038
Expands background checks on Iraqi and Syrian refugeesS 2232
Requires an audit of the Federal Reserve.
HR 3762
Repeals several key pieces of the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare," including the individual mandate to buy health insuranceS J Res 24
Expresses disapproval of the EPA rules that require states to lower carbon dioxide emissionsHR 1314 (Amended)
2015 budget billHR 22
Federal highway and transportation funding billHR 1295
Eases trade restrictions between U.S. and parts of Africa, funds a worker assistance program in the U.S., and renews Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)HR 1314
Renews Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)HR 2146
Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill, also having to do with federal firefightersS 754
Encourages private companies to share information with the federal government about possible threats to computer networks. Some civil liberty advocates are concerned that the bill threatens consumer privacy.S Amdt 2327
Reauthorizes the Export-Import BankS Amdt 777
Recognizes that climate change is real and caused by human activity and that Congress needs to take action to cut carbon pollutionS 1177
Expands state responsibility over schools and reduces the federal test-based funding system of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)HR 2048
Tightens regulations on electronic surveillanceS Amdt 3584 (2014)
Lowering the federal gas tax and giving states more control over transportation infrastructure funding
S 2280 (2014)
Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline
HR 3547 (2014)
Appropriates funds for fiscal year 2014
S 540 (2014)
Temporary debt limit extension
S 1752 (2014)
Increasing regulation of court martials for rape in the military
S 1845 (2014)
To provide for the extension of certain unemployment benefits
S 2223 (2014)
Minimum Wage Fairness Act, to increase the federal minimum wage
S 2578 (2014)
Prohibits any employer that maintains a group health plan for its employees from denying coverage of any health care item or service required under federal law (e.g. birth control)
S 2685 (2014)
Limits the collection of phone records by the government
S J Res 19 (2014)
Constitutional amendment related to campaign finance, potentially overturning the Citizens United decision
S 2569 (2014)
Prohibiting tax credits for outsourcing expenses and creating a tax credit for insourcing expenses
S 743 (2013)
Requires online retailers to collect sales tax for other states
S 815 (2013)
Prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
S 744 (2013)
“Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” which creates a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants, increase border security, and reforms the visa systemS 47 (2013)
Reauthorizes the “Violence Against Women Act”S Amdt 30 (2013)
Prohibits spending on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare”H J Res 59 (2013)
Continues the 2013 budget and delays the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (known as 'Obamacare')
HR 2775 (2013)
Extends the current budget and raise the debt ceiling until early 2014
S Amdt 711 (2013)
Establishes regulations on assault weapons
S Amdt 714 (2013)
Limits firearm magazine capacity
HR 1911 (2013)
Matches the Stafford Direct Student Loan rates to the 10-year Treasury note rather than using a fixed rate
S Amdt 715 (2013)
Requires background checks for all firearms purchases
S Amdt 2153 (2012)
“Lamar Bill,” which extends current student loan interest rates; also repeals the Prevention and Public Health Fund established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (commonly known as “Obamacare”)
S 2573 (2012)
Extends tax cuts established in 2001 and 2003
S Amdt 2310 (2012)
Requires labeling of genetically modified food (GMOs)
S Amdt 2174 (2012)
Limits eligibility for SNAP (food stamps)
S 3412 (2012)
Extends tax cuts from 2001 and 2003, except for certain high-income individuals
S 3240 (2012)
Continues farm subsidies and reforms SNAP (food stamps)
S 1925 (2012)
Reauthorizes the “Violence Against Women Act”S 2343 (2012)
“Reid Bill,” which extends student loan interest rates
HR 3630 (2012)
Extends unemployment benefits, payroll tax cuts, and more
S Amdt 2172 (2012)
Gets rid of bonuses to states for administering SNAP (food stamps)
HR 5949 (2012)
Reauthorizes electronic surveillance laws passed after 9/11
HR 514 (2011)
Extends certain expiring provisions of the PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005
S 365 (2011)
Raising the debt ceiling and enacting budget cuts