James Valentine
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Valentine supports a new U.S. Constitution that imposes term limits as follows:
"Section. 1. No elected office in our nation shall be held by the same person for more than twelve years, but a two-thirds majority consent of Voters shall allow any elected officer additional terms;
" Section. 2. No portions of any term held by reasonable contingency or succession to a prematurely vacated office or the like shall count as a full term;
" Section. 3. The terms of office to any given body of government shall be staggered to ensure that an equal portion of the body assume office with each election so that no single faction may seize control suddenly; and terms shall end at noon on the fifteenth day of January."
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that includes a ban on texting while driving
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that states, "Every law-abiding Citizen shall have the right to bear arms in the protection of life, liberty and property; and shall pass a background check for mental stability or felony convictions either of which shall preclude firearm ownership"
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that includes a balanced budget amendment
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Supports replacing all taxes and tax credits with a "tax on each party to each and every transaction, transfer, sale, purchase, trade, payment of or for money, credit, property, service, knowledge, good will and the like, both retail and wholesale, business and consumer, religious and secular, profit and non profit, in an amount equal to five percent of the value of the transaction"
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2015
Supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that states, "Consuming alcohol beverages or marijuana outdoors in public shall not be prohibited unless intoxicated; narcotic edibles of any kind shall be prohibited; all mood altering beverages shall be clearly labeled; the smoking of tobacco indoors in any establishment open to the public shall be prohibited; the State Health Departments shall sell and track all marijuana, pharmaceuticals and street or currently illegal drugs; and purchasers of any drugs shall be required to attend AA meetings with a frequency commensurate with their addiction but never less than twice per year."
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Valentine supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that dictates the size and rules for state legislatures.
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Valentine supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that requires the federal government to provide health care
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Candidate's Website, 2015
Supports a rewrite of the U.S. Constitution that says a responsibility of the legislature is "The construction and maintenance of a statewide, locally generated, fully independent, sustainable, coordinated energy production and transmission grid which shall as of the year 2020 and thereafter be at least ninety percent derived exclusively from solar, wind, thermal, wave or similarly healthful and renewable sources of energy produced as closely as possible to the energy need"