James Reilley
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012
"I am open to examination of the pros and cons of proposals to expand gambling in New Hampshire."
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Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012
"I support domestic partnership legislation. However, I have a traditional view of marriage: the view that marriage has been defined throughout history as relationship between one man and one woman."
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Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012
"The history of other states regarding this issue dictates that a right-to-work law is essential if we are to attract jobs to New Hampshire and improve our state revenues. A business-friendly state policy will provide employment for our citizens."
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Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012
"Education is crying for solutions to improve its quality and reduce its cost. Concerning the cost per individual in K-12 education, only Switzerland exceeds our expenditures of about $15,000 per student. Yet we are far behind most modern democracies in quality of our education. For starters we could pay our teachers more if education funds were not diverted to bloated bureaucracies within the system. I support choice in education, which will reduce cost and provide competition to force the public system to reform. Wise, frugal, and common-sense leadership with a tight control of taxation is critical to our achieving being the best state government in the nation."