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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?

"I am undecided on this issue. I think of Europe with its rail travel and would like to see it but don't know what costs would be"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH limit terms for elected officials?

"I oppose term limits for NH elected officials. The people have right to choose their elected officials"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?

"I am undecided on this issue. Certainly need more help in keeping people off heroin to begin with"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Was NH right to ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?

"Only hands free cell phone use should be permitted, as written in the new law."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"I oppose NH adding an income tax on earned income. I'm originally from Vt. It does not reduce property taxes but does increase lrgislative spending"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"I oppose NH adding a broad-based sales tax. NH should stop spending money on non-constitutional programs"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

"I oppose casino gambling in New Hampshire. At this time we would have diminishing returns and take away from our clean tourist image"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?

"I oppose basing statewide assessments on Common Core standards."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?

"We should revise the present law on marijuana possession to make it less punitive. My son is dead because of a man high on marijuana"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?

"I am undecided on this issue. I am concerned that more top candidates are able to buy most advertising"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH provide more funding for charter schools?

"With appropriate qualifying criteria, I would support increasing state funding to charter schools."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses?

"I am for stricter enforcement for suppliers more treatment for the addicted"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?

"I oppose marijuana legalization. My son is dead because of a driver using recreationally marijuana"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?

"I oppose NH's expanded Medicaid program. I am for low cost medical but I am not for how it has increased costs for working poor to get insurance"

Other, 2014

Cady was rated 100% by New Hampshire Right to Life in 2014

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Do employees in NH need more legal protections in the workplace?

"Certain areas of our employment laws need to be changed to protect employees. Elected road agents should be able to collect unemployment."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?

"I support increased state enforcement of federal immigration laws. A law should be enforced otherwise nullified."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH add restrictions on welfare recipients?

Regarding drug tests for welfare recipients: "I support such legislation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?

"I support the Northern Pass as currently proposed. I do not believe Northern Pass should be forced to bury given the extra cost to ratepayers and need for low cost power in NH"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?

"I am opposed to any new or increased taxes-we should just control our spending. Other sources: I am generally in favor of doing some studies on effectiveness of present government in order to find out if agencies are efficient."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?

"Do not know what RGGI has improved but know that sale of some clean businesses to help those producing more unclean air"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?

"This is more complex than requiring insurance because drivers will drive without registering etc."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require labels on some or all genetically modified foods?

"I oppose such legislation. How does making food more expensive with labeling help the poor with limited food dollars?"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH pass right-to-work legislation?

"Right to Work legislation should be considered along with other changes to NH's employment laws."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

What is your opinion on the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood?

"I oppose the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood. Any money provided ends up allowing more abortions which Obamacare already pays for"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

State role in economic growth

"Changes in some zoning laws would help attract businesses as well as perhaps make housing more affordable."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?

"I support NH continuing to administer statewide standards-based student assessments. Students must be educationally prepared to compete in world"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"I oppose stricter gun control laws. Guns don't kill Switzerland has laws everyone will have a gun in home"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry?

"I am undecided on this issue. I think parents should make the decision but also believe a child should be protected from polio, whooping cough, etc"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH restrict further wind power development?

"I am undecided on this issue. I have seen the wind towers and am amazed at how tall and noisy they can be"

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