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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?

"I support expanded commuter rail."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH limit terms for elected officials?

"I support limits for our US Senate and House seats and the Governorship however the local NH House and Senate officials are well regulated by their constituencies and the lack of financial incentive"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?

"I am undecided on this issue."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"It might be more prudent to start with closing loopholes like with unearned income. NH has to find a way of reducing our dependence on property taxes and smoothing our economy over longer time periods so we can attract more business development and a skilled workforce to come to and remain in our state. It is disingenuous to reject out of hand any kind of tax or revenue source if it is part of a long term budgeting process."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"NH has to find a way of reducing our dependence on property taxes and smoothing our economy over longer time periods so we can attract more business development and a skilled workforce to come to and remain in our state. It is disingenuous to reject out of hand any kind of tax or revenue source if it is part of a long term budgeting process."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

"We already have a fair amount of legal gambling in the state. I would not favor a stand alone casino."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?

"Some aspects of the Common Core initiative are admirable but the effects on our teaching professionals have not been well thought out and need more work."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?

"I think the NH State Representative rules and current disclosures are sufficient however, the NH Senate, Governor and US Congressional campaigns need to not only have more disclosure but need to have outside interests and funding excluded. We should start by reexamining and overturning the Supreme Court ruling 'Citizens United' that basically destroyed any semblance of campaign finance limits."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses?

"Increase training and funding for all 1st responders for this mostly medical crisis. The penalties should be reserved for known, and repeat dealers."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?

"Strongly support decriminalization, am favorably inclined towards legalization of small amounts through State Licensed outlets."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?

"I support NH's expanded Medicaid program."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?

"I support a complete reorganization of our immigration laws and once we have done that then we can address the issue of enforcement and how we help the millions of people who have created a home here and would like to become legal citizens."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?

"I oppose the Northern Pass as currently proposed."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

What is your opinion on the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood?

"I support the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?

"While there needs to be some statewide standards for education I am not convinced the current assessment protocol is the best method."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"Gun violence and safety regulations should be improved and implemented, background checks and waiting periods should be stiffened so criminals and people on 'no fly' lists or diagnosed with mental health issues can not easily obtain weapons."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry?

"Parents should not be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH restrict further wind power development?

"Like any technology it needs to be implemented with our environment and natural resources in mind. We do not want a 10 square mile wind farm in the middle of Mt. Washington Valley for instance."

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