Erik Corbett
Historical Details
Position on Issues
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Was NH right to raise the gas tax in 2014?
Possible revenue sources: "Gasoline Tax, Rooms and Meals Tax, Gambling Winnings Tax, Tobacco Tax, Raise a Variety of Fees, Alcoholic Beverage Tax"
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should New Hampshire ban abortion after 20 weeks gestation, with exceptions for cases of rape/incest and health complications?
"I oppose a ban on abortion after 20 weeks gestation, even with exceptions for cases of rape/incest and health complications."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?
"I support expanded commuter rail."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH limit terms for elected officials?
"I support the idea but we have elections every 2 years for most offices and the voters can remove anyone then."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?
"I support increased funding for heroin treatment programs."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Was NH right to ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?
"Only hands free cell phone use should be permitted, as written in the new law."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH add an income tax on earned income?
"I'd rather see that than a sales tax. I do think it is more fair to tax an individual on income they are earning now rather than on a house they bought 40 years ago and whose value has increased to the point where they can't afford the property taxes in retirement."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?
"I am undecided on this issue."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH authorize one or more casinos?
"I support some casino gambling in New Hampshire."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?
"I am undecided on this issue."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?
"The possession of small quantities of marijuana should not be a crime."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?
"I support broader campaign finance disclosure laws."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH provide more funding for charter schools?
"With appropriate qualifying criteria, I would support increasing state funding to charter schools. One criteria I would expect would be that the charter school be secular."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH increase law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses?
"I support increased law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?
"I support marijuana legalization."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Was New Hampshire right to continue expanded Medicaid eligibility, using the traditional Medicaid system of managed care instead of private insurance?
"I support expanded Medicaid eligibility, using the traditional Medicaid system of managed care instead of private insurance."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?
"I am in favor of the Medicaid Expansion but believe universal, single payer healthcare is what we should be working towards"
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Do employees in NH need more legal protections in the workplace?
"Certain areas of our employment laws need to be changed to protect employees. Seasonal employees should be paid overtime at 40 hours, not 56 as I believe the law currently allows"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?
"If local or state police have someone in custody wanted by ICE or Border Patrol then they should hand them over when ICE or Border Patrol comes to get them. NH police should not be participating in raids or check points though."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH add restrictions on welfare recipients?
Regarding drug tests for welfare recipients: "I oppose such legislation. I believe the cost to administer such tests will be more than the savings from denying support to families"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should New Hampshire increase subsidies and tax credits for business investment?
"I do support some tax credits and subsidies, for instance in the renewable energy field or in economically struggling regions of the state."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?
"Continue to push for more burial, but there will be some stretched that cannot be buried and if we want any reduction in electric rates we will have to accept some new overhead transmission lines"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Is police brutality an issue in NH?
"I don't see a lot of police brutality in my area but I do support all officers wearing body cameras and limits on military equipment being used by police departments."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?
Does not support an income and/or sales tax. Possible revenue sources: "Gasoline Tax, Rooms and Meals Tax, Gambling Winnings Tax, Tobacco Tax, Raise a Variety of Fees, Alcoholic Beverage Tax"
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?
"I support New Hampshire's participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should New Hampshire maintain the renewable portfolio standard, which requires public utilities in New Hampshire to obtain a certain percentage of electricity from renewable energy sources (25% by 2025)?
"I support the renewable portfolio standard in New Hampshire."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?
"Some minimal level of coverage should be required. The state should provide coverage, at a cost, on a non-profit basis like it does with unemployment insurance."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH require labels on some or all genetically modified foods?
"I support such legislation."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
Should NH pass right-to-work legislation?
"Right to Work legislation will result in lower income to the working person."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should New Hampshire government do more to increase the supply of affordable housing?
"New Hampshire government should do more to increase the supply of affordable housing."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
What is your opinion on the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood?
"I support the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014
State role in economic growth
"Yes, the state should do more. Continue widening 93, explore rail service to Boston and ensure broadband service statewide"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?
"I support some standard statewide assessment of students. Those students will most likely leave their hometowns after graduation and employers throughout the state should be confident that all NH high school graduates will know certain things and have a base level of skills."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?
"I'd like to see a ban on modifications to rifles to make them automatic and a limit on magazine size to start. Federally we need to close the gun show loophole and ensure all legal purchasers are run through background checks. I also support 'Red Flag' laws"
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should New Hampshire allocate tax revenues for private and home schooling costs?
"I'm opposed to it in most cases but for some small or remote towns it is easier and more cost-effective to use private schools."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry?
"Parents should not be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry."
Other| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2018
Should NH impose strict residency requirements on registering to vote?
"College students should be able to choose to vote in their 'hometown' or their college town. Seasonal workers in the resort industry as well should be able to vote in the town they are currently living in. If we want young people to continue to come to NH and stay we have to welcome them into civic life."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016
Should NH restrict further wind power development?
"I oppose restrictions on further wind power development."