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Eric Rottenecker

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Position on Issues

Other, 2015

"Stand by, here we go again. Maggie, is at it some more. Maggie wants the Executive Council to force the House and Senate into an early session. The reason, because, in addition to the $43 million from the general fund that the Senate Finance Committee so gracefully put into the budget, the $12 million grant she received from the feds she forgot to mention and the $4 million from Medicare, she now wants an additional $11.1 million to come from taxpayers to be spent on the 0.00034 percent of the New Hampshire residents who have chosen to become part of her " epidemic".

"Here is the $ 11.1 million breakdown: $3.1 million for drug courts, $2 million for additional law enforcement, $800,000 for probation and parole officers, $100,000 to up grade the prescription drug monitoring program, $135,000 to add an attorney to focus on opiate related crimes and $5 million to be added to the $6.7 million Governor's Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment and Recovery program. That will end up as a $76.7 million package to fight the war on stupid. How much is enough Maggie?

"Did I forget to mention the $7 million to $ 10 million to fight the war on marijuana the state currently spends. How many more "jobs" added to the state employees retirement system that the lawmakers are scrambling to cover the $10.5 million shortfall that you had forgotten to mention before the budget process began? Governor, before you run for Senate perhaps you should go to UNH and become an economics teacher and mentor students who want to be career politicians on how to create more government jobs that has no end game, at the expense of taxpayers. It should come as second nature to you.

"I wonder how far all of these millions could go to filling up the food pantry's for the holidays so many New Hampshire residents that do not have state jobs, rely on."

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