Elizabeth Warren
Historical Details
Position on Issues
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Candidate's Website, 2019
"We can also do more to keep military-style assault weapons off our streets. We'll do that by:
- "Passing a new federal assault weapons ban. The 1994 federal assault weapons ban successfully reduced gun deaths but was allowed to expire ten years later. Congress should again ban the future production, sale, and importation of military-style assault weapons, and require individuals already in possession of assault weapons to register them under the National Firearms Act. Just as we did successfully with machine guns after the passage of that law, we should establish a buyback program to allow those who wish to do so to return their weapon for safe disposal, and individuals who fail to register or return their assault weapon should face penalties.
- "Banning high-capacity ammunition magazines. High-capacity magazines were used in 57% of mass shootings from 2009 to 2015, allowing the shooters to target large numbers of people without stopping to reload. Congress should enact a federal ban on large-capacity magazines for all firearms, setting reasonable limits on the lethality of these weapons.
- "Prohibiting accessories that make weapons more deadly. Gun manufacturers sell increasingly deadly gun accessories, including silencers, trigger cranks, and other mechanisms that increase the rate of fire or make semi-automatic weapons fully automatic. Congress should ban these dangerous accessories entirely."
Against| Read My Position
"Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has made it clear that she is opposed to use block grants for funding entitlement programs.
"'If people need healthcare, we need to find the most effective and economical ways to do it, but we make sure we're able to deliver healthcare. We don't say you've met some arbitrary cap for the state of Massachusetts and now you're done,' Warren said in March, as Politico reported."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Entering the country without authorization has always been a violation of civil immigration law, but thanks to a former segregationist Senator, it's also a criminal violation. This additional criminal provision is totally unnecessary for border security, and for a century, it was rarely enforced. But since the early 2000s, it has been used to build and sustain a massive immigration detention complex. In 2016, over half of all federal criminal prosecutions were for immigration violations - more than prosecutions for terrorism, organized crime, hate crimes, or financial fraud. This obsessive focus ties up federal prosecutors and overwhelms federal courts. It's costly and unnecessary. And under Trump, it has become increasingly abusive. We should repeal this criminal prohibition to prevent future abuse. As president, I will immediately issue guidance to end criminal prosecutions for simple administrative immigration violations; end Operation Streamline, which subjects migrants to mass prosecutions; and refocus our limited resources on actual criminals and real threats to the United States. I will also issue prosecutorial guidance to prioritize immigration cases with security concerns, and make sure government attorneys are properly exercising their discretion for individuals who pose no public safety risk."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2017
"Dreamers are our family, our friends, and our neighbors. They are part of the diverse and beautiful fabric of our nation. In 2012, because of the persistence of many of those Dreamers, we promised them a chance to live, work, learn, and contribute to this country without being ripped away from the only home most of them have ever known. We promised to protect the 800,000 DACA recipients from deportation.
"President Trump wants to break that promise by ending DACA. President Trump's decision to subject Dreamers to mass deportation is part of the bigoted and anti-immigrant policies that have been a cornerstone of his administration. Turning our backs on Dreamers makes us weaker, makes us less safe, and betrays our values.
"America should keep its promises, and if President Trump doesn't know that, then Congress must pass legislation to make the DACA program permanent. We cannot sit back while our family, friends, and neighbors are driven out of their homes. We must fight to protect Dreamers and protect DACA."
Against| Read My Position
Sen. Warren sponsored the "Consumer Health Insurance Protection Act" in 2019. Among other things, a press release said the Act "Strengthens protections for essential health benefits"
For| Read My Position
"Gun violence has become far too common in America. Thoughts and prayers just aren't enough. Congress has a moral responsibility to take common sense actions to stop this epidemic. These bills are some of those common sense steps. Fully-automatic weapons have been illegal for over thirty years for good reason, and we must close the loophole that allows the modification of semi-automatic rifles into weapons that can harm hundreds in minutes. Large capacity magazines are meant for inflicting enormous damage -- it's time to take these weapons of war off of our streets. And we need to do more to fix our broken background check system, to keep guns away from felons and other dangerous people."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2018
"The bill we are considering today would ban all abortions after 20 weeks, with only limited exceptions. It would force women to carry an unviable fetus to term. It would force women with severe health complications to stay pregnant until their lives were on the line. Whatever you believe about abortion generally, this legislation is dangerous and cruel."
For| Read My Position
In 2015 Warren sponsored three amendments to an energy bill that "support research efforts to protect against higher domestic energy prices, improve energy efficiency, and enhance national security. Specifically, the amendments authorize a study into the state and regional economic impacts of exported liquefied natural gas (LNG); ask the Department of Energy to conduct a study into cost savings associated with the use of energy efficiency technology in order to increase its use; and support research into critical minerals alternatives in order to help reduce U.S. dependence on foreign sources."
For| Read My Position
"Frankly, I am sick of coming down to the Senate floor to explain to Republicans what Planned Parenthood does. I am sick of explaining that it provides millions of women with birth control, cancer screenings, and STI tests every year. I am sick of pointing out, again and again, that federal dollars do not fund abortion services at Planned Parenthood or anywhere else."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour for all workers, including tipped workers and workers with disabilities: I will fight to pass the Raise the Wage Act, which increases the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour for all workers - including tipped workers and workers with disabilities - and indexes the minimum wage to median wage growth. While I push to enact that legislation, I will sign an executive order on the first day of my administration to require all federal contractors to pay a $15-an-hour minimum wage."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Create federal, statutory rights that parallel the constitutional right in Roe v. Wade. The extremists behind proposals like the Alabama law don't reflect public opinion in America. Polling data shows that 71% of Americans oppose overturning Roe - including 52% of Republicans. Congress should do its job and protect their constituents from these efforts by establishing affirmative, statutory rights that parallel Roe vs. Wade. These rights would have at least two key components. First, they must prohibit states from interfering in the ability of a health care provider to provide medical care, including abortion services. Second, they must prohibit states from interfering in the ability of a patient to access medical care, including abortion services, from a provider that offers them."
For| Read My Position
"Warren would try to make buildings more environmentally friendly by eliminating the use of fossil fuels in all new and renovated federal buildings by 2025, and incentivizing energy efficiency in commercial buildings and residential housing through tax credits, among other things."
For| Read My Position
After announcing her presidential exploratory committee, Warren voiced support for the "Green New Deal" proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), which includes a goal of transitioning the U.S. to 100% renewable energy.
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"My plan for universal free college will:
- "Give every American the opportunity to attend a two-year or four-year public college without paying a dime in tuition or fees.
- "Make free college truly universal - not just in theory, but in practice - by making higher education of all kinds more inclusive and available to every single American, especially lower-income, Black, and Latinx students, without the need to take on debt to cover costs."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"While we must make income taxes more progressive, that alone won't straighten out our slanted tax code or our lopsided economy. Consider two people: an heir with $500 million in yachts, jewelry, and fine art, and a teacher with no savings in the bank. If both the heir and the teacher bring home $50,000 in labor income next year, they would pay the same amount in federal taxes, despite their vastly different circumstances. Increasing income taxes won't address this problem.
"That's why we need a tax on wealth. The Ultra-Millionaire Tax taxes the wealth of the richest Americans. It applies only to households with a net worth of $50 million or more-roughly the wealthiest 75,000 households, or the top 0.1%. Households would pay an annual 2% tax on every dollar of net worth above $50 million and a 3% tax on every dollar of net worth above $1 billion. Because wealth is so concentrated, Saez and Zucman project that this small tax on roughly 75,000 households will bring in $2.75 trillion in revenue over a ten-year period."
Other| Read My Position
"'It depends on what the circumstances are a year and a half from now,' Warren told The Post. 'Tariffs are one of the important tools we can use -- but tariffs alone are not a long-term solution to the failed trade agenda of the last 30 years. For the past two years, Donald Trump has established that trade policy by tweet does not work. We need a real, coherent trade strategy that tackles the challenge of China's commercial behavior and protects American workers. Instead of alienating our allies and others who share these concerns, my administration will work with those countries to use America's leverage and all of the tools at our disposal to invest in American workers and raise standards across the globe.'"
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2015
"We need to upgrade our aging roads, bridges, mass transit and rail, water and sewage lines, port infrastructure, broadband internet - the basic pieces it takes to manufacture goods and to get them to market. China spends 9% of its GDP on infrastructure, and Europe spends about 5% of GDP, while the US is spending 2.4% and looking for cuts. This is no way to build a competitive future. We could be making improvements right now - creating good jobs and investing in our future."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"In recent years, attacks on VA have intensified as Republicans have pressed to privatize large chunks of VA service. My Administration will be clear-eyed about leadership challenges at VA. We will hold accountable leaders who fail to put veterans first or misuse resources, and we will empower whistleblowers who report wrongdoing to address their concerns and protect them from retaliation. But the truth is that care provided by VA outperforms care at non-VA hospitals, as multiple studies have shown. And in a recent survey, 91% of veterans who use VA care said they would recommend it to their fellow veterans. VA has pioneered innovations in medical care and service delivery. It provides world-class care for uniquely service-connected injuries, including treatment for polytrauma, amputations, and spinal cord injuries.
While community care is appropriate where specialists are unavailable or geographically inaccessible, let me be clear: a Warren Administration will invest in the VA, not further dismantle it. We will not cut the high-quality, evidence-based, culturally competent programs that our veterans rely on. And under Medicare for All, veterans will all have high-quality health coverage that gives them the option to seek care from non-VA doctors and hospitals for no additional cost. If there isn't a VA close to where they live, Medicare for All will ensure that veterans still get the care they need when they need it."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"My plan will be completed in my first term. It includes dramatic actions to lower drug prices, a Medicare for All option available to everyone that is more generous than any plan proposed by any other presidential candidate, critical health system reforms to save money and save lives, and a full transition to Medicare for All. ... Per the terms of the Medicare for All Act, supplemental private insurance that doesn't duplicate the benefits of Medicare for All would still be available. But by avoiding duplicative insurance and integrating every American into the new program, the American people would save trillions of dollars on health costs."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"Anyone who is uninsured or eligible for free insurance on day one, excluding individuals who are over 50 and eligible for expanded coverage under existing Medicare, will be automatically enrolled in the Medicare for All option. Individuals who prefer other coverage can decline enrollment."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Facebook Page, 2019
"Mexico won't pay for Donald Trump's stupid wall, and neither will Congress. So now, he's considering using dollars that were supposed to go to disaster recovery efforts in Puerto Rico, Texas, California and elsewhere to fund his political stunt. Unacceptable."
For| Read My Position
In 2018 Warren sponsored a bill to increase federal funding related to the opioid addiction crisis. "We can't defeat the opioid crisis with empty words and half measures," said Senator Warren. "Our bill will funnel millions of dollars directly to the hardest-hit communities and give them the tools to fight back. Congress has acted before to root out an epidemic when it finally took action against HIV/AIDS - and Americans across the country are counting on us to do the same today."
Other| Read My Position
"On the Korean Peninsula, a nuclear-armed North Korea threatens the security of the United States, our allies, the region, and the world. I agree with our senior military officials that there is no military-only solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and I was glad to see President Trump embrace diplomacy earlier this month.
"As we go into talks with North Korea, though, it is critical that we are clear-eyed about the challenges. Three generations of North Korean dictators have sought a face-to-face meeting with a sitting U.S. president. For Kim Jong Un, such a meeting is a prize in itself-an attempt to legitimize his brutal regime's status as a nuclear power. I support talking to our adversaries, but we should be skeptical that he is negotiating in good faith and is willing to halt his nuclear expansion even as he snatches the trophy of a picture with an American president.
"Effective, lasting diplomacy requires more than showmanship. Diplomatic breakthroughs don't happen overnight; instead, they are the result of time-consuming, painstaking negotiations conducted by experienced diplomats, in close consultation with our allies. If it occurs, a summit will be only the beginning, not the culmination, of talks to freeze and ultimately denuclearize North Korea."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2015
"Social Security is a promise made to our seniors and it would be a breach of trust - and just plain poor economic policy - to jeopardize this program with unnecessary cuts or risky privatization schemes."
For| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"First, my plan imposes a 14.8% Social Security contribution requirement on individual wages above $250,000 - affecting less than the top 2% of earners - split equally between employees and employers at 7.4% each. While most American workers contribute to Social Security with every dollar they earn, CEOs and other very high earners contribute to Social Security on only a fraction of their pay. My plan changes that and requires very high earners to contribute a fair share of their income. My plan also closes the so-called 'Gingrich-Edwards' loophole to ensure that self-employed workers can't easily reclassify income to avoid making Social Security contributions."
For| Read My Position
"Congress wants to push harder against Russia. Last summer we overwhelmingly passed tougher sanctions on Russia and over a year later the Trump administration has not implemented seven mandatory sections of this Russia sanctions law."
Other| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2019
"My plan for broad student debt cancellation will:
- Cancel debt for more than 95% of the nearly 45 million Americans with student loan debt.
- Wipe out student loan debt entirely for more than 75% of the Americans with that debt.
- Substantially increase wealth for Black and Latinx families and reduce both the Black-White and Latinx-White wealth gaps.
- Provide an enormous middle-class stimulus that will boost economic growth, increase home purchases, and fuel a new wave of small business formation."
Other| Read My Position
When asked about a carbon tax at a debate in 2018, Warren answered, "It's clear to me that we need a way to make polluters pay for the damage they do, and there are a lot of different ways we can do that."
Against| Read My Position
Candidate's Website, 2015
"I support the approach President Obama - joined by a bipartisan consensus in Congress - has taken in working to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. A nuclear Iran would be a threat to the United States, our allies, the region, and the world. I support strong economic sanctions in conjunction with other countries that have placed serious political pressure on Iran, as well as vigorous diplomacy to try to resolve the situation through negotiations. Like the President, I believe that careless talk of rushing to war is unhelpful, and, like the President, I believe the United States must take the necessary steps to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."
Against| Read My Position
"This isn't jobs versus the environment. This is a big gift to Republican donors."
Voting Record
H J Res 31 (2019)
Final 2019 federal budget bill, including $1.4 billion for 55 miles of physical barrier on the border with Mexico, $415 million for humanitarian relief at the border, $12 billion for disaster relief, and $3.3 billion for highway and bridge infrastructure.S 1 (2019)
Reauthorizes a cooperation agreement with Jordan, authorizes sanctions against Syria, extends a loan gaurantee program with Israel, and increases protections for state and local governments that refuse to invest in or contract with companies which boycott Israel.S Amdt 5 (2019)
Republican bill to end the government shutdown and fund the government through September 2019. The bill includes $5.7 billion for a border wall.
H J Res 46 (2019)
Ends the national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border declared by President Trump.
S Amdt 6 (2019)
Democratic bill to end the government shutdown and fund the government through September 2019. The bill does not include $5.7 billion for a border wall.S J Res 7 (2019)
Prevents the U.S. from fighting in or assisting in Yemen's civil war.S 2155 (2018)
Eases some of the financial regulations of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
S 139 (2018)
Extends so-called "section 702" surveillance by the NSA under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
HR 195 (2018)
Stopped a federal government shutdown by funding the government through February 8, 2018. This bill also extends the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years. This bill does not include an extension of the immigration program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or any other immigration-related policy.
S 756 (2018)
Makes various reforms to the criminal justice system, such as mandating de-escalation training for correctional officers, improving feminine hygiene for prisoners, and adding more leniency to sentences for non-violent offenders.
HR 2 (2018)
"Farm bill" that authorizes a variety of agriculutral programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The final version of this bill did not include stricter work requirements for SNAP, as originally proposed. The bill also legalizes industrial hemp.
HR 1628 (2017)
"American Health Care Act" that repeals parts of the Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare") and revises many health care laws. For example, this bill would cap Medicaid funding, repeal various insurance coverage requirements, and replace the requirement to buy health insurance with a penalty the next time you get insurance if you allow your coverage to lapse.
HR 1 (2017)
Reduces the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, reduces the individual income tax rate for high earners from 39.6% to 37%, increases the income threshold to qualify for the alternative minimum tax, and repeals the mandate to purchase health insurance.HR 1370 (2017)
Stopped a federal government shutdown by funding the government through January 19, 2018.S Con Res 3 (2017)
Sets the federal budget. This bill also establishes rules that pave the way for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare."
H J Res 43 (2017)
Allows states to withhold federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
H J Res 42 (2017)
Effectively allows states to drug test anybody claiming unemployment benefits or food stamps.
S J Res 34 (2017)
Overtuns a rule from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that requires all internet browsing and app usage data be subject to the same privacy requirements as private personal information. The FCC rule is stricter than previous regulations, which had various privacy requirements depending on the sensitivity of the online information.
S 1
Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline and amends energy efficiency regulationsS 2223 (2014)
Minimum Wage Fairness Act, to increase the federal minimum wage
S 2578 (2014)
Prohibits any employer that maintains a group health plan for its employees from denying coverage of any health care item or service required under federal law (e.g. birth control)
S 2569 (2014)
Prohibiting tax credits for outsourcing expenses and creating a tax credit for insourcing expenses
S 2280 (2014)
Authorizes the Keystone XL Pipeline
HR 3547 (2014)
Appropriates funds for fiscal year 2014
S 540 (2014)
Temporary debt limit extension
S 1752 (2014)
Increasing regulation of court martials for rape in the military
S 1845 (2014)
To provide for the extension of certain unemployment benefits
S 2685 (2014)
Limits the collection of phone records by the government
S J Res 19 (2014)
Constitutional amendment related to campaign finance, potentially overturning the Citizens United decision
S Amdt 711 (2013)
Establishes regulations on assault weapons
S Amdt 714 (2013)
Limits firearm magazine capacity
HR 1911 (2013)
Matches the Stafford Direct Student Loan rates to the 10-year Treasury note rather than using a fixed rate
H J Res 59 (2013)
Continues the 2013 budget and delays the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (known as 'Obamacare')
S 815 (2013)
Prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity
S 744 (2013)
“Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” which creates a path to citizenship for illegal/undocumented immigrants, increase border security, and reforms the visa systemS 743 (2013)
Requires online retailers to collect sales tax for other states
HR 933 (2013)
A temporary budget to prevent a federal government shutdown
S 47 (2013)
Reauthorizes the “Violence Against Women Act”S Amdt 30 (2013)
Prohibits spending on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare”HR 2775 (2013)
Extends the current budget and raise the debt ceiling until early 2014
HR 325 (2013)
Freezes pay for U.S. Representatives until the budget is passed; also temporarily increases the debt ceiling
S Amdt 715 (2013)
Requires background checks for all firearms purchases