Elizabeth Van Twuyver
Historical Details
Position on Issues
Against| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"
Against| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"
Other| Read My Position
Patch Profile, 2012
"'Education in New Hampshire needs to improve,' said Van Twuyver. 'In Concord I will be sure to work for quality education for all students and reducing the costs of education. Protecting the rights of parents and more local control of schools would be among the first things I would fight to accomplish.'
For| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to: 1. Cut Taxes and Fees and Oppose any Tax Increase"
For| Read My Position
Americans for Prosperity Taxpayer Pledge, 2014
"I pledge to you that, if elected to serve the people, I will work tirelessly to:
...3. Pass a Right to Work Law in New Hampshire"