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Position on Issues

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pursue expanded commuter rail?

"I support expanded commuter rail."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH limit terms for elected officials?

"I support term limits for NH elected officials."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase funding for heroin treatment programs?

"I support increased funding for heroin treatment programs."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH allow binding referendums?

"Yes, New Hampshire should allow a public referendum"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Was NH right to ban hand-held cell phone use while driving?

"New Hampshire should repeal the new law and only ban text messaging."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add an income tax on earned income?

"I oppose NH adding an income tax on earned income."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?

"I oppose NH adding a broad-based sales tax."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH authorize one or more casinos?

"I oppose casino gambling in New Hampshire."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to base statewide assessments on Common Core standards?

"I oppose basing statewide assessments on Common Core standards."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH decriminalize small amounts of marijuana?

"We should revise the present law on marijuana possession to make it less punitive."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH broaden campaign finance disclosure laws?

"I am undecided on this issue."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should LLCs be subject to the interest and dividends tax?

Opposes LLC tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH provide more funding for charter schools?

"With appropriate qualifying criteria, I would support increasing state funding to charter schools."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH increase law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses?

"I support increased law enforcement policies and penalties for heroin-related offenses."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH increase the interest and dividends tax?

Opposes increase in I&D tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH increase tolls and/or add new toll booths?

Opposes adding tolls to I-93 at Mass. border

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH continue to allow medicinal marijuana?

" Yes, legalize medicinal marijuana."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?

"I am undecided on this issue."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Was NH right to expand Medicaid eligibility, using private insurance wherever possible?

"I support NH's expanded Medicaid program."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Do employees in NH need more legal protections in the workplace?

"Certain areas of our employment laws need to be changed to protect employees."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH do more to enforce federal immigration laws?

"I support increased state enforcement of federal immigration laws."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH add restrictions on welfare recipients?

Regarding drug tests for welfare recipients: "I support such legislation."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH allow the Northern Pass to proceed with some (not all) of the lines buried?

"I support the Northern Pass as currently proposed."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH continue to use property taxes instead of a new broad-based tax, such as an income tax?

"I am opposed to any new or increased taxes-we should just control our spending."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?

"not sure"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH repeal same-sex marriage?

"No, do not repeal"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require car insurance for some or all drivers?

"I believe auto insurance should sometimes be required."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should businesses that provide insurance be required to cover contraception?

"'religious organizations' should be able to deny coverage for contraception"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH require labels on some or all genetically modified foods?

"I support appropriate labeling of some GMO foods."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH require motorcycle helmets?

"No, let those who ride decide"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH require seat belts?

"No, adults should be able to choose whether or not to wear a seatbelt"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH revise the meals and rooms tax?

Supports increases to meals and rooms tax

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2014

Should NH pass right-to-work legislation?

"Right to Work legislation should be considered along with other changes to NH's employment laws."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

What is your opinion on the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood?

"I support the state providing some funding for Planned Parenthood."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH use taxpayer money to build a memorial to the Old Man?

"No, do not use public money for a manmade Old Man"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH continue to administer statewide standards-based student assessments?

"I oppose NH continuing to administer statewide standards-based student assessments."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?

"I oppose stricter gun control laws."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2012

Should NH government switch from a pension system to a 401(k)-style retirement plan?

"Yes, reform benefits"

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of the NH immunization/vaccination registry?

"I am undecided on this issue."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2016

Should NH restrict further wind power development?

"I oppose restrictions on further wind power development."

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