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Position on Issues

WMUR, 2020

"I fully support the Second Amendment. I will net not let anybody do anything to the Second Amendment. More importantly, I believe in gun rights. I don't believe in the red flag laws. I don't believe that we need any more regulation on our guns, and I certainly won't support any more regulation on on gun control. This is about people control. This is about accountability of people. People are the ones that do bad things."

Other, 2022

"U.S. Term Limits (USTL), the leader in the non-partisan national movement to limit terms for elected officials, praises retired Brig. Gen. Don Bolduc, 2020 U.S. Senate candidate from New Hampshire, for signing the pledge for an amendment to term limit Congress."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We do not need 'critical race theory' being taught in our classrooms; it mirrors the teachings that continue to plague the places where I spent my life trying to save its inhabitants.

"Gov. Chris Sununu has stated he will veto HB 544, thinking this bill is a violation of First Amendment rights and is government intrusion into our classrooms. I disagree. It is a necessary bill to protect from further government damage to our children’s education. If we are to save our public school system, not one penny of taxpayer money should go to teaching 'Critical Race Theory' or any other 'theory' where the sole purpose is to demean one race, creed, color or religion in order to elevate another."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We must reverse the growth of federal spending to reduce inflation. No more bailouts, no more government handouts, no more spending packages without corresponding cuts."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government combat inflation by capping price increases by large businesses?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government combat inflation by decreasing tariffs on imports from foreign countries?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government eliminate qualified immunity, which generally shields law enforcement officers from lawsuits?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support an expanded child tax credit that sends monthly payments to middle and low income families?

WMUR, 2022

When asked about a federal abortion law a WMUR debate in September, Bolduc answered, "Listen I want to protect life from the beginning to the end. I think that's what our health care system is all about, and what I think we should be all about. But not what we're talking about here. What we're talking about here is the extremism of Maggie Hassan, right? There is a solid New Hampshire law here. There's a solid New Hampshire law that allows a choice up to six months. And then after that, it forbids it, except for the health of the, if anything should emerge. That's what a majority of Granite Staters want. That is what Granite Staters want. And she serves Granite Staters. And you know what? I never hear anybody, anybody ask her what she would do to in any way on this issue. All she does is throw fire or throw fuel on the fire."

When specifically asked, "Let's just say New Hampshire's abortion ban, 24 weeks, comes to the floor of the Senate. Are you voting yes or no?" Bolduc answered, "I don't think that question makes any sense to me. It's already a law here in the state of New Hampshire. It's already been decided upon. The Supreme Court made the right the state made the right choice. ... It's hypothetical. I'm not going to [answer the question]."

When asked about a federal 15-week abortion ban in a later interview on WMUR, Bolduc said, "I would vote no on that because the federal government is way too much in our business. That is a misguided piece of legislation. I would rather have Lindsey Graham put forward legislation so that we can all agree when we get Maggie Hassan out and go vote so we can change our economy, become fiscally responsible and secure this nation. That's what we need. Federal government out, that is where it belongs. Granite Staters will be better served by working through their legislature to address that issue, not the federal government."

Other, 2019

""Well, first of all, I fully support the President in his Planned Parenthood view. I do not support funding Planned Parenthood as it is today because money is going to abortions, 330,000 abortions. Right? And they'll tell you, 'Oh no, we're doing the other prenatal stuff.' They're not. They're only doing it at 3%. Right? 8,000 cases versus 330,000. That's not a majority by any stretch of the imagination."

Candidate's Twitter Feed, 2020

"As your Senator I will never support raising the minimum wage. The free market and job performance automatically accounts for proper wages. Raising the minimum wage will hurt small businesses and pass costs onto the consumer. This is an attempt to control you."

WMUR, 2020

"The federal government does not need to do anything to slow the spread. It must be locally controlled and handled. The bottom up approach, communities, colleges, businesses, hospitals, doing the right thing. ... The federal government is not going to solve your problems. It is only going to get in your way."

Candidate's Website, 2022

After the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, Gen. Bolduc released the following statement:

"It’s disgraceful that a Supreme Court decision of this magnitude was leaked to the media in an attempt to shift the national political conversation and the individuals responsible should be investigated and held to account. I am pro-life, and if the Court rules as indicated, I believe they made the right call. After the death and destruction I’ve seen across war-torn places in Afghanistan and Africa, I believe all life should be protected.

"We must understand that this opinion does not outlaw abortion. It returns the decision to the individual states to make the decision they think is best for their citizens. Here in New Hampshire, our state has already passed our own laws well before this Court decision. That is precisely how the Founding Fathers intended our Constitutional Republic to function."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"When the average student earns a degree in New Hampshire, it comes with a dubious distinction. Debt, a ton of debt. Per capita, New Hampshire has the highest student debt in the nation, and it is setting our children up for failure. Every young person should have the opportunity to earn and receive a quality, affordable education. The current model makes that difficult without significant means. I believe that we can adopt a program that allows young people to earn reduced tuition benefits through the performance of public service, much like I did when I joined the Army and paid for college with the GI Bill. Public service doesn't mean military service. By working with colleges, universities, and trade schools, we can adopt a metric by which a degree can be earned through a combination of public service and enhanced grant programs. This formula will unlock the potential of the next generation and instill a sense of community and values."

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We must regain the energy independence and security the Biden Administration squandered, leasing and exploring federal lands for oil and gas, finishing pipelines, and streamlining the permitting process."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"New Hampshire needs a full-service VA hospital. In a state that is home to more than 100 thousand veterans and active duty members of the armed forces, it is beyond time we got this done. I believe we owe it to New Hampshire's veteran community to receive the care they need without the burden and cost of traveling out of state. From mental health issues, addiction, and/or chronic pain as a result of injuries suffered in the line of duty, access to quality care is non-negotiable."

Candidate's Facebook Page, 2022

"Joe Biden is talking about the cost families are paying for heat and gas, but on day 1 of his presidency, Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline. Now, America imports nearly 600,000 barrels of oil a day from Russia. America must be energy independent!"

Candidate's Website, 2019

"As Americans, we are protected under the constitution to bear arms. I staunchly believe in that right. I have seen firsthand what can happen when people are unable to protect themselves or their families.

"Through the 10th amendment, individual states have the right to adopt regulations that are deemed appropriate by individual legislatures, but I believe that cannot compromise the fundamental right to bear arms in this country. The federal government must defend the constitution, not adjust it to suit political ideology.

"We must clearly separate 2nd amendment rights from protecting our citizens.

"The key to reducing violence lies not in legislation, but in strong communities that strengthen the family values, faith, education, and sports and arts programs to bring people together and not separate them.

"We need to communicate and educate. We must identify and treat mental health issues as they emerge, and above all, we must stop allowing this to be a political talking point. It's not about laws; it's about people."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government lower the corporate tax rate?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?

WMUR, 2020

"My big problem with marijuana is that it could be an entry drug and a gateway for our children. And I don't not want our children to be introduced to drugs. We have a big enough drug problem here, which nobody has really done anything about, right. And we need to get strong on that. So a gateway drug for our kids. I'm very concerned about that. Really, if you're smoking marijuana in your you know, you're an adult. You're smoking marijuana on your back porch in your home. Um, you know, OK, I get that. But when you get in a motor vehicle and you drive, your sobriety is impaired, and that is very, very dangerous. And until we get controls or some sort of system and technology in place for our police to be able to test sobriety of people that that are operating under the influence of marijuana, this is a public safety issue. And this is what I worry about, right? I realized, you know marijuana has gone through an evolution right, and there are people out there that enjoy it. I guess that's what she means by recreational marijuana. Uh, you're you know, you're gonna do this in your home. You're not gonna hurt anybody. You're not gonna go out and drive. You're not going to use machinery. Your you're not going to use firearms. So on so forth. Okay, Um, I'm not gonna bother you, but where I draw the line is when it affects our children, introduces them to other drugs and when it becomes a public safety issue. So we got some work to do before we can outright legalize any of that so. That's my position on that."

Candidate's Website, 2019

"Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, many Republicans have campaigned on the message of 'repeal and replace.' They have gotten it half right. The ACA is a bureaucratic mess that is destined to collapse under its own weight. Hard working citizens continue to shell out far too much money for health care that is difficult to access and lacks in quality. Insurance companies are calling the shots, and that is wrong. Health care decisions lie between you and your doctor. Unfortunately, we have failed to create a common-sense plan to replace the ACA. The model needs to change. People should be able to feel confident in shopping for services based on the quality of care and affordability. Why should the free market principle be absent in health care? It shouldn't. If providers want to attract business, that should be done by offering a better product and an affordable cost structure. This will improve patient outcomes and return a sense of personal responsibility in the most important area of our lives: our health."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government amend the Affordable Care Act/"Obamacare" by allowing citizens to opt into Medicare if they so choose?

Other, 2022

At a New England College debate on September 7, Bolduc said, "You can't even get control of this immigration process until we close this border. Until we put a wall up. Until we secure this nation. Once we do that, then we can move resources to our CBP that are vitally needed. And our ICE. And we can put courts down near the border. So you have a 96-hour process. Apprehension, processing through ICE, and then legal adjudication." 

Other, 2022

Bolduc has voiced various opinions on Ukraine.

In April 2022 Bolduc wrote, "Three Things Must Happen To Ensure Ukraine Wins and Russia Loses ... Secondly, we must ensure that President Zelenskyy gets the intelligence, material support, and military resources required to continue the resistance. There must be no delay in this support. The resistance has always been the key to the failure of Putin‘s unjustified invasion."

In August 2022, at a Good Morning NH debate, Bolduc said, "We do have boots on the ground in Ukraine, and it's called CIA and special operation forces. And that's a fact. And people need to come to grips with that. The only way that we can train, advice, assist, and equip anybody is by having people on the ground able to do that. I did not advocate for that."

When asked about aid to Ukraine at a WMUR debate in September 2022 Bolduc said, "We need a strong America. And the only way we're going to be effective overseas, the only way that we can do anything overseas is by having a strong America. So we need to focus on America first and then we can focus on these other areas. Until then, no policy, no strategy, no support. That's it."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Do you support a new wealth tax that would require households worth over $100 million to pay a 20% tax on their income and unrealized capital gains?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government combat inflation by raising taxes to reduce the budget deficit?

Other, 2022

At a Government Integrity Project debate in August, Bolduc said, "We gotta keep the federal government out of state elections, don't we? Yes. We do. State of New Hampshire has some work to do, so if you're a representative, a representative running for election, a senator, a senator running for election, please do us all a favor. Fix the unconstitutionality of voting machines. Fix IDs. Fix college students who don't live here from voting. Fix balloting. It's out of control, the expansion through COVID is unconstitutional and needs to be rolled back. Help us, please."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government combat inflation by repealing or revising the Jones Act to allow more foreign involvement in shipping between U.S. ports?

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should Congress revise Section 230, a federal law that shields social media companies from lawsuits over content that appears on their platforms?

Other, 2022

"Student loan forgiveness is nothing more than a liberal handout at the expense of the hard-working middle class most. New Hampshire residents don’t have college degrees. They shouldn’t be responsible for bailing out the elites that took on this debt in the first place."

Other, 2022

At a New England College Debate on September 7, Bolduc said, "It's Congress that's caused these problems. It's the Federal Reserve, it's not federal and it's not a reserve, it's run by five private banks and it lives on the fact that we're in debt. And the problem with this resides in Congress. Their irresponsibility with the budget. Their irresponsibility with taxes. That's what the American people understand."

Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2022

Should the federal government tax carbon emissions?

Candidate's Website, 2022

"We must secure America’s borders and reduce crime. No excuses. No compromises. Build the wall, turn away illegal migrants, implement E-Verify, and keep Title 42 in place."

Other, 2019

Gen. Bolduc signed a letter urging the United States to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal.