Diane E. Kolifrath
Historical Details
Position on Issues
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire ban abortion after 24 weeks gestation, with exceptions for cases of rape/incest and health complications?
"Keep goverment out of a women's healthcare decisions!"
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH add an income tax on earned income?
"I would like to see studies reporting on the millions of dollars NH residents pay to Massachusetts in non-resident income taxes. A modest 3% NH income tax that exempted any family making less than $50K/year, would mean that NH residents working in MA would then pay a small tax to their home state instead of funding another state. The generous exemption of $50K would mean that families with less income would not be impacted at all."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH add a broad-based sales tax?
"No an sales tax is too complicated to apply and puts unnecessary burden on businesses."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire lower business taxes?
"I would need to see specifics on this and learn more about the potential impact."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire add a tax on capital gains?
"I believe capital gains should be taxed before taxing earned income. Workers over investors."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase the tax on cigarettes?
"People come from far and wide to buy cheap cigarettes in NH. I believe a "sin tax" on cigarettes is also a great deterrent to keep teenagers from smoking."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire add restrictions to the governor's powers during a state of emergency?
"yes, I feel that government at every level has collected and consolidated power in an effort to circumvent the will of the constituency."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire extend the renewable portfolio standard past 2025, requiring public utilities to obtain more than 25% of electricity from renewable energy sources?
"I believe that this would be easy enough to do. The will of the people is clear that we WILL move towards cleaner, renewable energy sources."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase public access to reports of police misconduct?
"Absolutely. Our polices officers are public servants and their conduct records should be available to the public."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Do you support the option of mail-in ballots for all voters, not just absentees?
"Fully support mail in voting as well as early voting, drop off voting and RANKED CHOICE voting."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH legalize the recreational use of marijuana?
"I mean, after all our state motto is 'Live Free or Die'! How hypocritical of us to keep marijuana use illegal."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire raise the minimum wage?
"NH absolutely needs a $15 minimum wage."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase the size of solar panel installations that may participate in net energy metering?
"I would need to learn more about this."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase subsidies and tax credits for business investment?
"I think goverment at every level has given enough GIFTS to businesses. It is time to focus on workers and families!"
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire increase the base amount of per-pupil funding it provides to local school districts?
"I do not support an 'across the boards' increase. I think the increase needs to be in the GAP SPENDING per student so that students in schools in struggling areas see an increase, while students in already well funded schools remain the same."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Do you support Gov. Sununu's proposal to allow employers and employees to opt-in to a private, paid family and medical leave insurance plan, based on a pool of state employees, excluding coverage for personal illness?
"I do not support 'opt-in'. That would leave out the poorest, most vulnerable citizens. Paid family leave for all workers is a must."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire continue to participate in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which requires utilities to purchase allowances for every ton of carbon they emit?
"Absolutely, we must push for zero carbon, utilities will not move in this direction without motivation from the constituents."
Undecided| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire create a road usage fee?
"I do support increased toll prices to capitalize on non-residents entering our state, but with a significant discount to NH residents through the ez-pass program."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire create a statewide family and medical leave program, paid for with a percentage of employee wages, with no opt-out?
"I believe that a program designed in the same framework as unemployment insurance should be established, but that the employer should also share in supporting the cost."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should NH pass stricter gun control laws?
"it is far past time for reasonable gun laws, including requiring a license and gun registration."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire provide student loan debt repayment programs for workers in industries with labor shortages?
"Absolutely! There are significant shortages for mental health workers, teachers, parks & rec. Student loan forgiveness in exchange for service is an ideal solution."
For| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire add tax incentives for affordable housing development?
"I believe that incentives for affordable house would seriously help those NH families struggling to make ends meet, as well as those transitioning from poverty, homelessness, substance addiction and more."
Against| Read My Position
Citizens Count Issue Survey, 2020
Should New Hampshire allocate tax revenues for private and home schooling costs?
"I am absolutely against funding for anything other than NH public schools. It is not on the taxpayer to fund private, religious or home schooling."