Derek Jacob Webb
Historical Details
Position on Issues
Against| Read My Position
Seacoast Online Voter Guide, 2012
"My opinion is i personaly believe theres really no need to expand legal gambling or even consider thought of putting in a hand full or a few casinos in the grainte state i believe if we make that crucial decision to involve legal gambleing casinos or gambling arenas to be driven or brought in paid or not paid by tax payer dollar it could and would lead to many consquence potitaly for the nh residents such as destroying the beautiful nature the scenery of the granite state along with bring up high potintal crime rates and high cost in tax and crime such as far as not eve just normal civilian crime but maybe even as far as local drug gang vilance crime, mob crime, and much moree.!!! Then along with such a project me as a repesantive for the nh stae people and its residents in order to protect the people and deffend there right and voice i would stand up and qustion whos in charge an dhead of this project under rsa 93 a the nh right to know law request we and the nh state people be well of where up front who would lead and head this whos sponsoring or supporting a project or law of this magnatuide and whos paying and whats the cost and where the moneys comeing from we dont need to see another desaster such as some projects ive seen not just in my local hometown but also in nh its self and esoicaly where one in the end the people wont know where how why the money was used for it thats not aaceptable goverment to me the people have the right to know and thats why they elect us to these postions to provide for them not our selfs or local big business or back wallets so over all i wouldnt support this and would if it where passed some way some how to be done would have a immediate audit and invetgatte into such projects before there hitting the nh ppl or there taxes.!!"